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Travel版 - Wave死了一对夫妻
每个人心中都有一座落基山----湖湖总动员 (转载)锡安国家公园(Zion National Park)—— 红土地上的一抹绿
The shock "Wave" 波涛谷震撼记问一下有没有人订到7月初黄石公园外的旅馆的?都是那里?多少钱?
加拿大洛基山九日流水帐 Day 3找旅友同游Coyote Buttes (north and south)
[合集] 请教圣诞LV计划(7天NPs)[合集] Grand Canyon circle行程安排,求助!
2006年圣诞节之行:Zion National Park (转载)八月两周游黄石+大峡谷
Jelimy 2007 Grand Circle 流水账(2)--Zion NP熊来啦
[合集] 再贴LV+Grand Canyon旅游的计划,希望大家指教帮我看看我这个行程怎么样? (转载)
三访美西南 (2) Zion National ParkUtah 秋行记 (1) - 序
话题: said话题: wave话题: wahli话题: lottery话题: ulrich
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3972
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A lottery system for hikers makes it difficult for
many to win a permit to visit a rock formation called The Wave — and that
may have colored the judgment of a couple who set out in brutal heat and
were found dead along the trail.
Ulrich and Patricia Wahli, of Campbell, Calif., had permits to hike the 3
miles across open country in blazing heat and in energy-sapping deep sand.
Authorities said they apparently succumbed to temperatures that reached 106
degrees on Wednesday.
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management allows only 20 hikers a day to visit The
Wave's dramatically flowing sandstone contours at Vermilion Cliffs National
Monument in Arizona, near the Utah border.
Many hikers enter an online lottery months in advance to their
disappointment. The U.S. Bureau of Land Management says the odds of winning
a permit to The Wave are as low as 10 percent. Half of the 20 daily permits
are doled out on a walk-in basis at a visitor's center in Kanab, Utah, with
up to 100 people showing up for one.
More than 48,000 people applied last year for 7,300 available hiking permits
, officials said. The Wave is a richly colored geological upheaval, its
fiery swirls emblazoned on countless postcards, posters, maps and computer
The couple's bodies were found Thursday morning by other hikers. Ulrich
Wahli was 70; his wife, 69. They won their permits by showing up for a walk-
in lottery, said Rachel Tueller, spokeswoman for the BLM's Arizona Strip.
The lottery system may be the only way to go for a wildly popular
backcountry spot, wilderness guides say. But a winning ticket encourages
many to grab a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity regardless of the dangers.
Guides say they can't help because they are prohibited from running trips
inside national parks or monuments.
"The law of averages takes it from there," said Mike Banach of Zion Mountain
School in Springdale, Utah. "People go out who aren't suited to the heat,
and they don't bring enough water or equipment."
Kane County sheriff's Sgt. Alan Alldredge said The Wave isn't an easy place
to reach; no marked trail leads the way. Monument officials say only a few
juniper trees provide shade along the open route.
"Add that to the high heat we are experiencing right now, and it makes for a
lethal combination," Alldredge said Thursday in a statement. "If you must
hike, it is best to do it early in the morning, and make sure you have
enough water and supplies."
The BLM does its best to educate visitors on safety, said Kevin Wright,
manager of Vermilion Cliffs National Monument. He said the hiker limit is
necessary to protect the rock formations and preserve a sense of wilderness
at The Wave.
A lottery system is the only way to govern crowds, he said.
"We don't even know what caused these fatalities, which are obviously a
tragedy," Wright said Friday. "We are going to see what the cause was, then
review our policies and procedures."
Ulrich and Patricia Wahli were "avid travelers and fairly capable folks,"
said Tracy Glover, chief deputy of the Kane County Sheriff's Office. The AP
was unable to locate any family members or friends of the couple who might
have known their intentions.
"I don't know that the lottery is a problem," Glover said Friday. "I'm not
going to throw the BLM under a bus."
Patricia Wahli was found under a tree "as though she was trying to find some
relief from the heat," Alldredge said.
Ulrich Wahli was found 250 yards away, apparently in the open. The bodies
were sent to the Utah State Medical Examiner's Office for an autopsy.
Temperatures reached 106 Wednesday afternoon at nearby Page, Ariz., dipping
to an overnight low of 80 degrees, the National Weather Service said.
1 (共1页)
Utah 秋行记 (1) - 序2006年圣诞节之行:Zion National Park (转载)
Utah 秋行记 (2) - ZionJelimy 2007 Grand Circle 流水账(2)--Zion NP
寒假lv,grand canyon,san diego之行 征驴友[合集] 再贴LV+Grand Canyon旅游的计划,希望大家指教
有人冬天去过zion national park和arches吗?冬天开车安全吗?三访美西南 (2) Zion National Park
每个人心中都有一座落基山----湖湖总动员 (转载)锡安国家公园(Zion National Park)—— 红土地上的一抹绿
The shock "Wave" 波涛谷震撼记问一下有没有人订到7月初黄石公园外的旅馆的?都是那里?多少钱?
加拿大洛基山九日流水帐 Day 3找旅友同游Coyote Buttes (north and south)
[合集] 请教圣诞LV计划(7天NPs)[合集] Grand Canyon circle行程安排,求助!
话题: said话题: wave话题: wahli话题: lottery话题: ulrich