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Travel版 - 爸妈从美国经过台北转机到巴厘岛玩, 然后回中国, 需要什么证(转载)
请求确认 - 韩国旅行印加古国浮光掠影 之二 整装待发
父母B 签证,去Cancun,墨西哥旅游,要墨西哥签证吗?加州海岸线之17 mile drive
请教: 黄石公园的租车问题今年二十,明年十八
[合集] 世界一生必去50地方,你去过几个这里有八部亚新季内亚 的机经-精华区没
疟疾到底有多可怕?去东非需要吃Malaria prevention的药吗?
有没有人总结过去非洲要打什么针啊去欧洲旅行 求推荐debit card (转载)
话题: visa话题: type话题: passengers话题: travel话题: indonesia
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2829
【 以下文字转载自 Visa 讨论区 】
发信人: billk (章芽吴爪), 信区: Visa
标 题: 爸妈从美国经过台北转机到巴厘岛玩, 然后回中国, 需要什么证件?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Sep 24 17:31:38 2013, 美东)
爸妈从美国经过台北转机到巴厘岛玩, 然后回中国, 需要什么证件?
我试了IATA的搜索, 似乎从美国走进过台湾转机的话, 不需要入台证之类的, 是吗
? 好像去印尼可以落地签, 这样只要持有有效护照, 直接就可以经过台湾去印尼,
Type: Notice
Conditional, You will need to hold travel documents as detailed below.

Type: Ok
Passport Indonesia
Admission and transit restrictions may apply depending on travel documents
carried as follows:
Nationals of China (People’s Rep.) must hold return/onward tickets.
The following warning(s) apply to passports and other travel documents:
Passport number and nationality must match those stated on the APEC Business
Travel Card (ABTC).
Type: Notice
Visa Indonesia
Visa required.
Visa Exemptions
Holders of an APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) provided endorsed "Valid for
travel to IDN" :
Visa Issuance
Nationals of China (People's Rep.) can obtain a visa on arrival for a max.
stay of 30 days, provided:
- passport contains at least one unused visa page; and
- holding tickets and other documents for the return/onward journey; and
- holding at least USD 1,000.-, or a valid credit card.
Fee: USD 25.-. Extension possible (for max. 30 days).
The following should be taken into account even if holding a Visa:
Passengers exceeding their permitted stay will be fined (Note: The day of
arrival in Indonesia is counted as the first day of stay).
Visitors intending to travel to the Indonesian province of Irian Jaya must
obtain a permit ("Surat Jalan") from the "Dinas Intel Pam Pol MABAK" in
Jakarta or other regional police headquarters.
Certain Visa regulations apply as follows:
Passport must contain at least one unused visa page in order to obtain a
visa on arrival.
Type: Ok
Health Indonesia
This information is for guide purposes only. Other health organisations may
recommend alternative precautions.
The following Health and Vaccinations precautions are recommended:
Malaria prophylaxis. Malaria risk exists throughout the year in most areas
of the five eastern provinces of East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, North Maluku,
Papua and West Papua. In other parts of the country, there is malaria risk
in some districts, except in Jakarta Municipality, in cities and urban areas
as well as within the areas of the main tourist resorts. P. falciparum
resistant to chloroquine and resistant to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine reported
. P. vivax resistant to chloroquine reported. Human P. knowlesi infection
reported in the province of Kalimantan.
Recommended prevention in risk areas: IV.
Type: Notice
Visa Chinese Taipei
Visa required.
Passengers transiting only are exempt from holding a visa when:
Holders of onward tickets transiting on the same calendar day.
Passengers arriving after midnight must be escorted by the carrier to the
transit hotel. If passengers wish to stay in the transit lounge, permission
from the police bureau must be obtained.
The receiving carrier must be advised of passengers' names, connecting
flight number and destination, prior to passengers' arrival.
Transit hotel is only available for Eva Airways (BR) and China Airlines (CI)
Type: Ok
Health Chinese Taipei
This information is for guide purposes only. Other health organisations may
recommend alternative precautions.
Vaccinations not required.
1 (共1页)
去欧洲旅行 求推荐debit card (转载)[合集] 世界一生必去50地方,你去过几个
改变生活方式 (转载)疟疾到底有多可怕?
Glacier park, Yellow stone, Great Teton有 ticks吗? (转载)有没有人总结过去非洲要打什么针啊
请求确认 - 韩国旅行印加古国浮光掠影 之二 整装待发
父母B 签证,去Cancun,墨西哥旅游,要墨西哥签证吗?加州海岸线之17 mile drive
请教: 黄石公园的租车问题今年二十,明年十八
话题: visa话题: type话题: passengers话题: travel话题: indonesia