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Tri版 - Nice movie: A Race for the Soul (转载)
BSO和Ultra大佬Scott Jurek,Dean Karzanes的合照 (转载)Some thoughts during my 6 mile tempo run this morning (转载)
回来了,先上几张比赛的片片 (转载)【入tri bike前必读】 Proper Bike Fit for Triathletes
体重,BMI , endurance performanceThe bikes of the top 15 men / women in Kona 2010
企鹅核桃什么的毒性最大了Retül Bike Fit
炖一锅猪蹄Preview: a weekend as a volunteer for Ironman Wales
非kona鸡血 - Ironman Coer d' Alene 2012 - Full CircleScott Jurek will give a talk in Toronto tonight
报告 (简)飞鹅MM还没回来?
和这个版挺有缘的who is best runner in Tri?
话题: dean话题: soul话题: race话题: nice话题: blende
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 41236
【 以下文字转载自 Running 讨论区 】
发信人: Rodimus (变叔), 信区: Running
标 题: Nice movie: A Race for the Soul
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 14 20:32:50 2011, 美东)
找WS100的资料,找到这个电影,讲2001年的WS100, 里面很多传奇人物:
Scott Jurek的连续第三次冠军。Ann Trason连续第12次冠军。
还有Gordy Ainsleigh,Dean Karnazes..
发帖数: 19210
Crazy stuff! Is there a mountain bike version of it? I might be able to do
that one. :-)
发帖数: 5141
This one is also amazing.
BTW, Bianshu,it might make sense to practise refueling while training for
ultra. I don't think gel and sport drinks will do the trick. You need to eat
some real food. I think some of the runners eat things like soup, pitta
bread, potato dipped with salt, pretzel etc.

【在 R*****s 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Running 讨论区 】
: 发信人: Rodimus (变叔), 信区: Running
: 标 题: Nice movie: A Race for the Soul
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 14 20:32:50 2011, 美东)
: 找WS100的资料,找到这个电影,讲2001年的WS100, 里面很多传奇人物:
: Scott Jurek的连续第三次冠军。Ann Trason连续第12次冠军。
: 还有Gordy Ainsleigh,Dean Karnazes..

发帖数: 41236
嗯,我看过这个,bad water对我来说有点too much了,我耐寒不耐热,
跑步的时候real food很难消化,我连方便面都消化不了,尽量还是用液体


【在 p********y 的大作中提到】
: This one is also amazing.
: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFAnSCyN6cc
: BTW, Bianshu,it might make sense to practise refueling while training for
: ultra. I don't think gel and sport drinks will do the trick. You need to eat
: some real food. I think some of the runners eat things like soup, pitta
: bread, potato dipped with salt, pretzel etc.

发帖数: 5141
Dean Karnazes said he ordered pizza when he went out running[1]. Macca said
he found coke works perfectly for him while competing Ironman[2]. Of course
we need to keep in mind that Macca can finish Ironman under 8 hours.I think
you need to practise to get used to eating while running ultra.
[1] Dean Karnazes
"Ultramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner"
[2] Chris Mccormack
"I'm Here To Win: A World Champion's Advice for Peak Performance"
Here are some further information:
How To Fuel Up During An Ultra
Four tips every runner should know before tackling an ultra.
By Christie Aschwanden Published 03/10/2008
1. You'll burn roughly 400 to 600 calories per hour during your run, but
your body can absorb only 240 to 280 calories per hour. You'll never dig out
of this deficit, but eating early and often will keep you from bonking.
Early on, you can survive on gels and other carbs, but after four hours, add
one part protein to four parts carbs (a mix found in most sports bars),
says Sunny Blende, M.S., a sports nutritionist and ultrarunner from
Sausalito, California.
2. Few of us can stomach 10 gels or energy bars, so finding agreeable real
food is critical. Blende recommends turkey or PB&J sandwiches, chicken-
noodle soup, potatoes, pretzels, and bananas.
3. Long before race day, play around with different water bottles, packs,
and drinks in training so you've figured out how to stay hydrated. Many
ultras require weigh-ins at aid stations to check hydration status. Your
performance suffers if you lose three percent of your body weight in water.
Your fluid needs will depend on the weather, your pace, and your sweat rate,
but figure a liter per hour, on average, says Blende.
4. Don't forget: Too much water can cause potentially fatal hyponatremia. A
watchband that becomes tight is often a sign. To respond to the condition,
stop and drink 1/4 cup of water with four bouillon cubes before proceeding,
says Blende. Better still, avoid overdrinking and consume salty foods or
drinks--about 200 to 300 milligrams per hour, says Blende. If it's hot,
consider taking sodium tablets, such as Succeed S!Caps.
Here is another link.

【在 R*****s 的大作中提到】
: 嗯,我看过这个,bad water对我来说有点too much了,我耐寒不耐热,
: UTMB就是我ultra的终点。
: 跑步的时候real food很难消化,我连方便面都消化不了,尽量还是用液体
: 能量。
: eat

发帖数: 41236
wow, that's some good info. thanks!
body can absorb only 240 to 280 calories per hour?
I might eat too much last time. No wonder I can not
digest them...


【在 p********y 的大作中提到】
: Dean Karnazes said he ordered pizza when he went out running[1]. Macca said
: he found coke works perfectly for him while competing Ironman[2]. Of course
: we need to keep in mind that Macca can finish Ironman under 8 hours.I think
: you need to practise to get used to eating while running ultra.
: [1] Dean Karnazes
: "Ultramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner"
: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ultramarathon-Man-Confessions-All-Night-Runner/dp/1585424803/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1323971987&sr=8-1
: [2] Chris Mccormack
: "I'm Here To Win: A World Champion's Advice for Peak Performance"
: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_1?_encoding=UTF8&search-alias=books-uk&field-author=Chris%20Mccormack

发帖数: 41236
But last time I failed not because no energy left,
but because my leg muscles are totally wasted,
and my feet feel like broken...

【在 R*****s 的大作中提到】
: wow, that's some good info. thanks!
: body can absorb only 240 to 280 calories per hour?
: I might eat too much last time. No wonder I can not
: digest them...
: said
: course
: think

发帖数: 5141
Is this so called 撞墙?Or is it only from repeat using the same sets of
muscle over 100 miles? Dean lost his sight briefly while he ran the WS100
for the 1st time, and he also crawled part of the route (after 87 miles?).
Be prepared. And if you haven't read Dean's book, give it a try. I really
enjoyed it (listened it during my runs). =)
FYI, here is another link about refueling on the run from Scott Jurek.

【在 R*****s 的大作中提到】
: But last time I failed not because no energy left,
: but because my leg muscles are totally wasted,
: and my feet feel like broken...

发帖数: 41236
OMG, 不是撞墙,就是肌肉瘫痪了,嗯,我有空去读读Dean的书,
我就不想继续冒险了。 其实我现在左脚背还有点隐隐作疼..

【在 p********y 的大作中提到】
: Is this so called 撞墙?Or is it only from repeat using the same sets of
: muscle over 100 miles? Dean lost his sight briefly while he ran the WS100
: for the 1st time, and he also crawled part of the route (after 87 miles?).
: Be prepared. And if you haven't read Dean's book, give it a try. I really
: enjoyed it (listened it during my runs). =)
: FYI, here is another link about refueling on the run from Scott Jurek.
: http://running.competitor.com/2011/06/inside-the-magazine/the-l

发帖数: 19210


【在 p********y 的大作中提到】
: Is this so called 撞墙?Or is it only from repeat using the same sets of
: muscle over 100 miles? Dean lost his sight briefly while he ran the WS100
: for the 1st time, and he also crawled part of the route (after 87 miles?).
: Be prepared. And if you haven't read Dean's book, give it a try. I really
: enjoyed it (listened it during my runs). =)
: FYI, here is another link about refueling on the run from Scott Jurek.
: http://running.competitor.com/2011/06/inside-the-magazine/the-l

1 (共1页)
who is best runner in Tri?炖一锅猪蹄
Video: Chris McCormack On The Toughness Of ITU Racing非kona鸡血 - Ironman Coer d' Alene 2012 - Full Circle
On Kona报告 (简)
BSO和Ultra大佬Scott Jurek,Dean Karzanes的合照 (转载)Some thoughts during my 6 mile tempo run this morning (转载)
回来了,先上几张比赛的片片 (转载)【入tri bike前必读】 Proper Bike Fit for Triathletes
体重,BMI , endurance performanceThe bikes of the top 15 men / women in Kona 2010
企鹅核桃什么的毒性最大了Retül Bike Fit
话题: dean话题: soul话题: race话题: nice话题: blende