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TrustInJesus版 - 末日快來了 不需要上學了
质疑祷告的功用Scientist alleges religious discrimination in Ky. (ZT) (转载)
宗教与婚姻 (转载)a poem [诗朗诵]
摩门教相信宗教信仰自由(zz) (转载)宗教將在九個國家絕跡 加爾文老巢在內(BBC)
ZZ-A slow but certain demise------by Terry SandersonReligious fanaticism
ZZ - The War---The Christian Privilegesevolution and Anthropic principle
话题: religious话题: school话题: home话题: right话题: mcintyre
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 25615
Home School Upheaval: Texas Court Rules Against Religious Freedom Right To
Unregulated Home Education
By Sarah Jones
Texas families do not have a religious freedom right to home-school
absolutely free of any regulation, a state court of appeals ruled last week.
The decision is a setback for Michael and Laura McIntyre, who removed their
nine children from a private school in order to educate them at home.
Relatives quickly discovered that very little education ever took place. The
family ostensibly set aside space in a motorcycle dealership it co-owned
with Michael McIntyre’s twin brother, Tracy, as a “classroom.” Tracy soon
noticed that the classroom didn’t actually get used for its stated purpose.
From the ruling: “While the children would sing or play instruments, he
never saw them reading books or doing arithmetic, nor did he observe any
computers or other school equipment.”
Tracy McIntyre later overheard one of the McIntyre children say that “they
did not need to do schoolwork because they were going to be raptured.”
The family’s oldest child was so desperate for a real education that she
ran away from home in an attempt to enroll herself in high school. Without
any academic records, the school didn’t know which grade to place her in;
after testing, the 17-year-old was placed in the freshman class, far behind
the rest of her age group.
Naturally, the school district intervened – and that’s when the McIntyres
called upon the resources of the Religious Right. When confronted with a
request for details about their curriculum, the family decided it was being
unfairly harassed and requested help from the Homeschool Legal Defense
Association (HSLDA), a Christian legal advocacy organization founded and run
by Religious Right figurehead Michael Farris. (Farris is also the founder
and chancellor of Patrick Henry College, an unaccredited Evangelical college
in Purcellville, Va.).
1 (共1页)
最新研究:宗教体验会导致部分大脑萎缩摩门教相信宗教信仰自由(zz) (转载)
耶稣基督后期圣徒相信宗教信仰自由ZZ-A slow but certain demise------by Terry Sanderson
Gay rights vs. Religious Liberties (gay marriage in the church?)ZZ - The War---The Christian Privileges
Religious Authority and Online Extremism[转载]基督徒比非基怕死
质疑祷告的功用Scientist alleges religious discrimination in Ky. (ZT) (转载)
宗教与婚姻 (转载)a poem [诗朗诵]
话题: religious话题: school话题: home话题: right话题: mcintyre