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TrustInJesus版 - The Universe Came In To Existence From Nothing
About “God Created Everything From Nothing”智能设计论vs.弱人择原理
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回应罗素的《我为什么不是基督徒》(小灶)How clear do we need the evidence?
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一些感悟God Exists: An Engineer Explains Why zt
话题: universe话题: nothing话题: existence话题: came
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6300
The Universe Came In To Existence From Nothing
The evidence for the beginning of our universe is cumulative, diverse and
substantial. The “stuff” of the universe (all space, time, and matter)
came into existence from nothing, and all the evidence scientists have
examined so far points to this reasonable conclusion. “Big Bang” cosmology
is described as the “Standard Cosmological Model” for a reason: the vast
majority of physicists and scientist accept this model as an accurate
description of the beginning of the universe:
“Almost everyone now believes that the universe, and time itself, had a
beginning at the Big Bang.” – Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose
“With the proof now in place, cosmologists can no longer hide behind the
possibility of a past-eternal universe. There is now no escape, they have to
face the problem of a cosmic beginning.” – Alexander Vilenkin
“The standard cosmological model is a striking success, as a
phenomenological description of the cosmological data . . . The model’s
success in explaining high precision observations has led a clear majority
of the cosmological community to accept it as a good account of how the
universe works.” – Andrew Liddle and Jon Loveday
While physicists may argue about the definition of “nothing” (like Arizona
State University professor Lawrence Krauss), all agree our universe (all
space, time and matter) emerged from something other than space, time and
matter (at least in the way we typically think of such things).
发帖数: 8775


【在 j*******7 的大作中提到】
: The Universe Came In To Existence From Nothing
: The evidence for the beginning of our universe is cumulative, diverse and
: substantial. The “stuff” of the universe (all space, time, and matter)
: came into existence from nothing, and all the evidence scientists have
: examined so far points to this reasonable conclusion. “Big Bang” cosmology
: is described as the “Standard Cosmological Model” for a reason: the vast
: majority of physicists and scientist accept this model as an accurate
: description of the beginning of the universe:
: “Almost everyone now believes that the universe, and time itself, had a
: beginning at the Big Bang.” – Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose

1 (共1页)
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基督徒信心大Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss: Something from Nothing, at ANU
Hawking: 'There is no heaven; it's a fairy story'一些感悟
About “God Created Everything From Nothing”智能设计论vs.弱人择原理
Did God use the "Big Bang" to create?Sir Roger Penrose: quantum nature of consciousness
回应罗素的《我为什么不是基督徒》(小灶)How clear do we need the evidence?
主的信徒们Why does life exist?
话题: universe话题: nothing话题: existence话题: came