

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
TrustInJesus版 - What Love Is This?(3)Calvinism's role
What Love Is This? (6) call upon evangelicalsWhat Love is This?(35)审判人的多特和威斯敏斯信条
What Love is This?(1) A new Calvinistic PastorCalvinism is a cult zz
What Love is This?(11) 5 points vs 4 points【置顶]】改革宗/归正宗是邪教 名至实归
What Love is This?(94)全能的神不需要先做预定What Love is This?(33) 阿民念改革加尔文主义
What Love is This?(40)多特会议后对阿民念主义者的迫害What Love is This? (34) 加尔文的国家机器
What Love is This?(58)生不如死的“福音”What Love is This?(84)死人能做好事吗?能做坏事吗?
Question: "Calvinism vs. Arminianism - which view is correct?"Heresies of Calvinism!
What Love is This?(18) Geneva Bible空中主日學~舊約精讀~ 創世記 (19, 20) - 康來昌
话题: calvinism话题: love话题: what话题: sproul
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3781
Calvinism has never seemed biblical to me for a number of reasons which we w
ill come to in due order. Over the years, my considerable objections have be
en discussed privately and in detail with several staunchly Calvinist friend
s. Thankfully, in spite of our serious differences and the fact that we were
unable to resolve them, there was never any loss of good will. We remain in
close friendship to this day and have simply avoided this subject in our co
ntacts and fellowship with one another.
It is true that "throughout history many of the great evangelists, missionar
ies, and stalwart theologians held to the . . . doctrines of grace known as
Calvinism." R.C. Sproul declares that "the titans of classical Christian sc
holarship" are Calvinists. The additional claim is often made that, although
many have not made it known publicly, most of today's leading evangelicals
in America hold to some form of this doctrine. Whether or not that is the ca
se, I soon discovered that there were far more books in print promoting Calv
inism than I had ever imagined. Generally they are produced by major Christi
an publishers, and their number and influence are growing rapidly.
The New Geneva Study Bible, with an introduction by R.C. Sproul and publishe
d by Thomas Nelson Publishers in 1995, aggressively promotes Calvinism in it
s marginal explanations of key passages and calls it "Reformation truth." Th
at bold phrase equates the Reformation with Calvinism - a proposition which
is almost universally accepted among evangelicals today. The question of whe
ther this is true, which we will deal with in the following pages, is surely
one of great importance.
发帖数: 3781
A christian said here to me that having Calvinism is better than no
theology. The only right theology is the Bible itself, which is our daily
1 (共1页)
空中主日學~舊約精讀~ 創世記 (19, 20) - 康來昌What Love is This?(40)多特会议后对阿民念主义者的迫害
What Love is This?(48)一些加尔文派相信人能够接受福音What Love is This?(58)生不如死的“福音”
Calling All Calvinists: A Call To RepentanceQuestion: "Calvinism vs. Arminianism - which view is correct?"
What Love is This?(2) Husband became a CalvinistWhat Love is This?(18) Geneva Bible
What Love Is This? (6) call upon evangelicalsWhat Love is This?(35)审判人的多特和威斯敏斯信条
What Love is This?(1) A new Calvinistic PastorCalvinism is a cult zz
What Love is This?(11) 5 points vs 4 points【置顶]】改革宗/归正宗是邪教 名至实归
What Love is This?(94)全能的神不需要先做预定What Love is This?(33) 阿民念改革加尔文主义
话题: calvinism话题: love话题: what话题: sproul