

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
TrustInJesus版 - What Love is This?(38)加尔文派把罪归因于上帝的预定
只有被拣选的人才能明白神的旨意What Love is This?(58)生不如死的“福音”
What Love is This?(41)多特会议的白色恐怖What Love is This? (34) 加尔文的国家机器
What Love is This?(16)Calvin and CalvinismHeresies of Calvinism!
What Love is This?(31) 阿民念What Love is This?(36) 阿民念五要点形成和加尔文派的抗辩
What Love is This?(33) 阿民念改革加尔文主义Oneness in Christ -- Calvinism or Ariminanism
What Love is This?(39)加尔文国家机器制造的多特信经Question: "Calvinism vs. Arminianism - which view is correct?"
What Love is This?(40)多特会议后对阿民念主义者的迫害简述阿民念主义 ZT
What Love is This?(35)审判人的多特和威斯敏斯信条What Love is This?(46)严格定义加尔文主义(TULIP)
话题: god话题: calvinists话题: man话题: arminians话题: upon
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3781
These four headings were understood to contain five points, which the Calvin
ists at the Synod of Dort answered with what has become known as the Five Po
ints of Calvinism. The major difference is obvious: the Arminians put the bl
ame for man's eternal punishment upon man himself for rejecting, by his own
free will, the gospel, which he could have accepted through God's gracious e
nabling; whereas the Calvinists laid sin itself and the damnation of man tot
ally upon God who simply predestined everything to turn out that way. A. W.
Tozer, respected by many Calvinists, declared, "So when man exercises his fr
eedom[of choice], he is fulfilling the sovereignty of God, not canceling it
out." 40
The State of the Netherlands, in its concern for unity among its citizens, o
rdered both parties to meet to iron out their differences. Six leaders from
each side met in the Hague on March 31, 1611, but failed to reach an agreeme
nt. While the Arminians pleaded for tolerance, the Calvinists were determine
d to convene a national conference to have their opponents declared heretics
. Of course, the view at that time was that the state would exact the prescr
ibed penalties upon heretics, up to and including death.
发帖数: 3781


【在 R*o 的大作中提到】
: These four headings were understood to contain five points, which the Calvin
: ists at the Synod of Dort answered with what has become known as the Five Po
: ints of Calvinism. The major difference is obvious: the Arminians put the bl
: ame for man's eternal punishment upon man himself for rejecting, by his own
: free will, the gospel, which he could have accepted through God's gracious e
: nabling; whereas the Calvinists laid sin itself and the damnation of man tot
: ally upon God who simply predestined everything to turn out that way. A. W.
: Tozer, respected by many Calvinists, declared, "So when man exercises his fr
: eedom[of choice], he is fulfilling the sovereignty of God, not canceling it
: out." 40

1 (共1页)
What Love is This?(46)严格定义加尔文主义(TULIP)What Love is This?(33) 阿民念改革加尔文主义
What Love is This?(87) 愿上帝拣选更多!What Love is This?(39)加尔文国家机器制造的多特信经
What Love Is This? Calvinism's Misrepresentation of GodWhat Love is This?(40)多特会议后对阿民念主义者的迫害
What Love is This?(2) Husband became a CalvinistWhat Love is This?(35)审判人的多特和威斯敏斯信条
只有被拣选的人才能明白神的旨意What Love is This?(58)生不如死的“福音”
What Love is This?(41)多特会议的白色恐怖What Love is This? (34) 加尔文的国家机器
What Love is This?(16)Calvin and CalvinismHeresies of Calvinism!
What Love is This?(31) 阿民念What Love is This?(36) 阿民念五要点形成和加尔文派的抗辩
话题: god话题: calvinists话题: man话题: arminians话题: upon