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TrustInJesus版 - What Love is This?(52)违背圣经的加尔文主义
Sticks And Stones[每日灵粮分享]灵命日粮 2011-09-23 责任重大
Why calvinism's "Totoal Depravity" is wrong ZTWhat Love is This?(65)上帝的话是真诚的吗?
What Love is This?(51)荒谬的"重生先于信心"sishu/reo,如果你一意孤行下去,就是对“预定灭亡”最好的注脚
What Love is This?(68)上帝邀请你去火星凡是基督徒, 没有不赞成加尔文主义的
韦斯敏斯德信条 第十五章 论悔改得生What Love is This?(82)圣经说了人是全然败坏的吗?
【异端探讨】加尔文的归正神学是异端God is LOVE
也说全然败坏(网上搜到的)What Love is This?(77)上帝放弃了世人吗?
加尔文教信条What Love is This?(25) sin city
话题: god话题: his话题: depravity话题: augustine话题: inability
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3781
In fact, all are commanded to repent and turn to Christ. As Paul declared on
Mars' Hill in Athens, God "commandeth all men everywhere to repent" (Acts 1
7:30). To say that God commands men to do what they cannot do without His gr
ace, then withholds the grace they need and punishes them eternally for fail
ing to obey, is to make a mockery of God's Word, of His mercy and love, and
is to libel His character. Rather than affirming any inability, the psalmist
declares, "The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek
after God" (Psalms 10:4).
It is neither stated in Scripture nor does it follow logically that anyone,
as a result of his depravity, even if his every thought is evil, is thereby
unable to believe the glad tidings of the gospel and receive Christ as his S
avior. Here once again we find ourselves under the long shadow of Augustine'
s influence. As noted earlier, it is claimed that Augustine was "perhaps the
first after Paul to realize the Total Depravity of man"; 15 indeed, that Au
gustine invented "the exaggerated doctrine of total human depravity. . . ."1
6 In reading the Institutes, one feels compelled to ask whether Calvin relie
d more upon Augustine than upon the Bible.
This turning of depravity into a special kind of inability is never stated i
n the Bible but comes from human reasoning. Once arrived at, however, it lea
ds inevitably to points 2 and 4: that God must unconditionally elect those w
ho will be saved; and that He must effect that work through irresistible gra
ce. Yet even the claim of inability turns out to be misleading.
发帖数: 637
使徒行傳 Acts 17:30
世人蒙昧無知的時候, 神並不監察, 如今卻吩咐各處的人都要悔改.
And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men
every where to repent:


【在 R*o 的大作中提到】
: In fact, all are commanded to repent and turn to Christ. As Paul declared on
: Mars' Hill in Athens, God "commandeth all men everywhere to repent" (Acts 1
: 7:30). To say that God commands men to do what they cannot do without His gr
: ace, then withholds the grace they need and punishes them eternally for fail
: ing to obey, is to make a mockery of God's Word, of His mercy and love, and
: is to libel His character. Rather than affirming any inability, the psalmist
: declares, "The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek
: after God" (Psalms 10:4).
: It is neither stated in Scripture nor does it follow logically that anyone,
: as a result of his depravity, even if his every thought is evil, is thereby

1 (共1页)
What Love is This?(25) sin city韦斯敏斯德信条 第十五章 论悔改得生
What Love is This?(45)宗教恐怖背后的错误信条【异端探讨】加尔文的归正神学是异端
What Love is This?(55)是谁不懂福音?也说全然败坏(网上搜到的)
What Love is This?(66)加尔文也说不清的“全然败坏”加尔文教信条
Sticks And Stones[每日灵粮分享]灵命日粮 2011-09-23 责任重大
Why calvinism's "Totoal Depravity" is wrong ZTWhat Love is This?(65)上帝的话是真诚的吗?
What Love is This?(51)荒谬的"重生先于信心"sishu/reo,如果你一意孤行下去,就是对“预定灭亡”最好的注脚
What Love is This?(68)上帝邀请你去火星凡是基督徒, 没有不赞成加尔文主义的
话题: god话题: his话题: depravity话题: augustine话题: inability