
本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
TrustInJesus版 - What Love is This?(57)见死不救的“福音”
What Love is This?(70)人的自由决定了人的责任
What Love is This?(72)神的公义需要预定大多数人下地狱?
John 10 'I said, you are gods'
What Love is This?(73)什么是上帝的慈爱?
What Love is This?(25) sin city
What Love is This?(82)圣经说了人是全然败坏的吗?
Calvinism is a cult zz
What Love is This?(75)难以自圆其说的拣选
Why is Calvinism a Cult?
话题: god话题: he话题: elect话题: love话题: saved
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3781
by Dave Hunt
The Appalling Consequences
Acceptance of this theory, however, leads to a corollary which is even more
unbiblical as well as appalling to the innate sense of compassion which God
has placed within even unregenerate man: that God could save all mankind but
deliberately withholds from multitudes the salvation He gives to the elect.
Obviously, what God does for the elect He could do for all if He so desired
. That He doesn't would prove that the One who is love lacks love for all ma
nkind - which is contrary to all Scripture: "But the wisdom that is from abo
ve is ... easy to be entreated, full of mercy ... without partiality . . . "
(James 3:17).
If lost sinners suffer from such an inability that they can be saved only by
God's sovereign act of regeneration (and all men are not saved), it follows
that God limits His mercy and grace to a select few. As one of the most fer
vent Calvinists, Arthur W. Pink, writes to the elect, "Then do you not see t
hat it is due to no lack of power in God ... that other rebels are not saved
too? If God was able to subdue your will and win your heart, and that witho
ut interfering with your moral responsibility, then is He not able to do the
same for others [i.e., the non-elect]? Assuredly He is." 24 But He doesn't.
发帖数: 3781


【在 R*o 的大作中提到】
: by Dave Hunt
: The Appalling Consequences
: Acceptance of this theory, however, leads to a corollary which is even more
: unbiblical as well as appalling to the innate sense of compassion which God
: has placed within even unregenerate man: that God could save all mankind but
: deliberately withholds from multitudes the salvation He gives to the elect.
: Obviously, what God does for the elect He could do for all if He so desired
: . That He doesn't would prove that the One who is love lacks love for all ma
: nkind - which is contrary to all Scripture: "But the wisdom that is from abo
: ve is ... easy to be entreated, full of mercy ... without partiality . . . "

1 (共1页)
Why is Calvinism a Cult?
What Love is This?(90)神有大能控制万物,即使祂不预定一切
What Love is This?(92)全能的上帝不需要预定罪恶
What Love Is This? Calvinism's Misrepresentation of God
What Love is This?(81)你会孝敬父母,爱护小孩吗?
What Love is This?(9) Bible is final authority
What Love is This?(49)重生先于信心?
What Love is this?(71)非加尔文主义的真理的声音
What Love is This?(85)罪就像黑人的皮肤吗?
Oct 7 信心的支票簿 Faith's check book
话题: god话题: he话题: elect话题: love话题: saved