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TrustInJesus版 - Re: 伪
Yesterday [灵命日粮]周六联谊活动报名表格
<一年读完little bessie> chapter 5不能用人的善恶标准来约束神。
interesting news法的价值—自由涉及的三大原则
人的记忆和意识是在灵里还是在魂里What to Expect at LDS Church Services?
<一年反基> Ingersoll on "The Creed of Science"snoppyfirst:生物版给你的回复
[song] selling advertising有没有哪位反基朋友愿意去监督基们做冰水试验?
'Mother,' 'Father' Changing to 'Parent One,' 'Parent Two' on Passport ApplicationsWhat to Expect at LDS Church Services
话题: baby话题: her话题: what话题: parent话题: like
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3781
【 以下文字转载自 Wisdom 讨论区 】
发信人: TrueStory (不是幸福的坑不挖), 信区: Wisdom
标 题: Re: 伪
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 25 09:19:59 2011, 美东)
Let me add my two cents.
人性善恶 also depends on what one expects.
Take baby education for example, when the teacher or parent thinks that a
baby should behave like an adult, to be quiet, submissive, altruistic, etc,
that that baby looks horrible.
However, what should a baby look like? or what does a baby look like in
reality? A baby, especially the youngest one, can only uses her crying to
request immediate attention or to express her needs, and that's her way of
communicating. In a loving parent's eyes, the baby is exactly what she
should be, to let her parent know what she wants, and her parent is eager to
satisfy her. Then the baby looks like an angle.
Is 人性 really be either 善 or 恶? Every condition is neutral, and the
definition of 善 or 恶 depends on what role one is in. A thief's action is
恶 for the one who was stolen things, but it is 善 for the thief's family,
if that's the reason he steals.
发帖数: 3781
Christians need to think more about the definition of goodness/evilness.


【在 R*o 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Wisdom 讨论区 】
: 发信人: TrueStory (不是幸福的坑不挖), 信区: Wisdom
: 标 题: Re: 伪
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 25 09:19:59 2011, 美东)
: Let me add my two cents.
: 人性善恶 also depends on what one expects.
: Take baby education for example, when the teacher or parent thinks that a
: baby should behave like an adult, to be quiet, submissive, altruistic, etc,
: that that baby looks horrible.
: However, what should a baby look like? or what does a baby look like in

发帖数: 3225
1 (共1页)
What to Expect at LDS Church Services人的记忆和意识是在灵里还是在魂里
Unrealistic Expectations and Evidential Modesty (about the New Testament)<一年反基> Ingersoll on "The Creed of Science"
What Cause Mythologies to Resemble Jesus[song] selling advertising
法律vs神律'Mother,' 'Father' Changing to 'Parent One,' 'Parent Two' on Passport Applications
Yesterday [灵命日粮]周六联谊活动报名表格
<一年读完little bessie> chapter 5不能用人的善恶标准来约束神。
interesting news法的价值—自由涉及的三大原则
话题: baby话题: her话题: what话题: parent话题: like