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TrustInJesus版 - 牧师贪污教会的钱被判刑九年 (转载)
圣灵的果子:牧师贪污十万美元被捕(8/23/2012)how much is the dedication money if you become a believer? (转载)
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话题: tarver话题: terrell话题: church话题: pastor话题: prison
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 831
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: liuyezhidi (嘁哩喀喳), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 牧师贪污教会的钱被判刑九年
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 26 00:31:04 2012, 美东)
SAVANNAH, Ga. -- The former pastor convicted of stealing money from his
church will spend more than nine years in prison.
United States Attorney Edward J. Tarver today announced the sentencing of 47
-year-old Kenneth Terrell, former pastor of New Harvest International
In a six-hour sentencing hearing, Tarver indicated, attorneys presented
evidence showing that Terrell had embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars
from the church over a span of at least four years while he was pastor.
Tarver also said Terrell had agreed to take on the additional responsibility
while at the church of handling the finances of a construction project on
the church property.
Tarver said that instead of spending the money for the project, he often
spent them for his personal expenses and benefit. The building was never
built and the land remains uncleared, Tarver added.
Terrell was charged with embezzlement in January 2011, and was sentenced
In addition to 115 months in prison, he must pay $381,449.55 in restitution
and serve three years of supervised release once he gets out of prison.
1 (共1页)
A pastor told me sth. that drove me crazy70%的牧师患忧郁症,50%的牧师想换工作
谢谢ychem提供的链接,水流职事站Jack Schaap, Indiana Pastor, Claimed Jesus Wanted Him To H
要受洗了,paster要我准备一篇 faith in GodJack Schaap, Indiana Pastor, Claimed Jesus Wanted Him To Have Sex With Teenage Girl
圣灵的果子:牧师贪污十万美元被捕(8/23/2012)how much is the dedication money if you become a believer? (转载)
赚钱谋生: 圣经里怎么看呼吁基督徒们捐款
事发了!两个牧师和同一个女中学生乱搞 (转载)关于神学院的一些问题想请教
2/5 Nevada pastor faces child sex abuse charges耶稣,保罗要是还活着,非得被当今的牧师给气死 (转载)
话题: tarver话题: terrell话题: church话题: pastor话题: prison