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TrustInJesus版 - 这个牧师性侵犯了许多未成年少女,终于被捕 (转载)
牧师性侵犯小孩被捕,可能面临十年刑期 (转载)11/11:58岁牧师被控性侵犯少男少女 (转载)
人生的问题和科学根本上没有关系-Ludwig Wittgenstein11/15/2011:牧师性侵犯五个女童终于被捕 (转载)
与God的对话牧师性侵犯13岁女童,陪审团裁定:罪名成立 (转载)
教会虐童案的报道系列(欢迎即时更新)牧师性侵犯8岁女童!牧师的电脑里有上千张儿童色情照! (转载)
略谈盲目相信基督教以及基督教干政 (正在写,还没写完) (转载)爱荷华州 67岁牧师性侵犯9岁儿童被捕!67岁牧师!9岁儿童! (转载)
切勿盲信基督教 (转载)牧师性侵犯女信徒被判刑十年
60岁牧师性侵犯三名女童被判20年监禁 (转载)佛罗里达州一个县,一个星期内四个牧师因性侵犯孩子被捕! (转载)
牧师们性侵犯少年儿童,但是牧师们是受害者!!!!!! (转载)Aug. 16, 2012:加州牧师性侵犯未成年少女被捕
话题: holland话题: he话题: family话题: arrested话题: victim
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 831
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: liuyezhidi (嘁哩喀喳), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 这个牧师性侵犯了许多未成年少女,终于被捕
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 27 13:39:10 2012, 美东)
Henderson, NV (KTNV) -- An international manhunt ends with a Las Vegas
pastor arrested in Mexico and families of his alleged victims even more
angry than before.
Investigators say Otis Holland used religion to sexually abuse teenage girls.
Holland is now in federal custody, awaiting extradition in San Diego. The 55
-year-old was arrested after a tip that he had been living in a church in
downtown Tijuana.
Holland had previously been arrested in Southern Nevada in December of 2010
and had appeared in court.
More girls came forward with accusations the following spring. Henderson
Police issued an arrest warrant for 11 counts of sexual assault of a victim
under 16, one count child abuse and one count of conspiracy to commit a
Holland vanished in June after that warrant was filed.
A male and female family of member of an alleged victim are still furious
that he was able to escape.
"He slipped through the cracks, and he was allowed to flee. I lost a lot of
faith in the system," said the male family member. "To prey on a child and
then use religion as a backing for that is pretty disgusting in my book."
Action News is concealing the identity of these two family members for their
protection and the protection of the victim.
"I think he's the scum of the earth. It doesn't get any lower," said the
male family member.
1 (共1页)
Aug. 16, 2012:加州牧师性侵犯未成年少女被捕略谈盲目相信基督教以及基督教干政 (正在写,还没写完) (转载)
圣灵的果子:牧师性侵犯未成年少女 (8/22/2012)切勿盲信基督教 (转载)
圣灵的果子:牧师性侵犯未成年人再次被捕(8/25/2012)60岁牧师性侵犯三名女童被判20年监禁 (转载)
有基督徒指控我是“下流坯子”牧师们性侵犯少年儿童,但是牧师们是受害者!!!!!! (转载)
牧师性侵犯小孩被捕,可能面临十年刑期 (转载)11/11:58岁牧师被控性侵犯少男少女 (转载)
人生的问题和科学根本上没有关系-Ludwig Wittgenstein11/15/2011:牧师性侵犯五个女童终于被捕 (转载)
与God的对话牧师性侵犯13岁女童,陪审团裁定:罪名成立 (转载)
教会虐童案的报道系列(欢迎即时更新)牧师性侵犯8岁女童!牧师的电脑里有上千张儿童色情照! (转载)
话题: holland话题: he话题: family话题: arrested话题: victim