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UMD版 - $440 Room available @ Lakeside North from Dec. 20th, 2011
请推荐lakeside north greenbelt附近的daycareA small room in a 2-bed room apartment for rent (Lakeside North)
Lakeside North附近独立屋内有房间1月1日起出租马大附近Lakeside North公寓招租,18年2月中旬起直接拎包入住
租房请帮忙Room for rent near UMD
马大附近 适合不开车的人 住的区域looking for roommates (female)
A master room is up for rent in Greenbelt, 20770A master room in a two-bed apartment for rent
[转租]Lakeside North公寓两室一厅整体转租烦请帮忙推荐马大周围1B1B公寓
Moving sale - Greenbelt, MD马大的男生到哪里去理发?
话题: lakeside话题: room话题: north话题: dec话题: min
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 534
Hi All,
A middle-size room is avaiable from Dec. 20th at lakeside north. The rent is
440 per month plus the utility shared by other two roommates (usually $20-
30 per month for electricty and internet only). The room has a good view. It
is clean and comfortable.
The living cost for the rest 10 days of December is free.
Lakeside North is 3-min walking to UM shuttle stop, and is close to food
shopping center, 2-min driving away. Metro station and high-way 495 is in 2-
min driving distance too. A near-by police station cannot keep this area
safe more. Many people living here walk to the greenbelt lake in 10-min for
exercise and beautiful views.
I am relocating to the west coast. If you like, I can give you for free all
the furniture I have, including a nice bed, a study desk, a table, several
chairs and bookshelfs.
If interested, please call 240-599-6774.
1 (共1页)
[合集] 马大的筒子们,现在在Greenbelt有大巴去纽约了,超级方便啊A master room is up for rent in Greenbelt, 20770
请推荐OB Doctor[转租]Lakeside North公寓两室一厅整体转租
【出租】马大college park校区自带卫生间半地下室单间出租Moving sale - Greenbelt, MD
请推荐lakeside north greenbelt附近的daycareA small room in a 2-bed room apartment for rent (Lakeside North)
Lakeside North附近独立屋内有房间1月1日起出租马大附近Lakeside North公寓招租,18年2月中旬起直接拎包入住
租房请帮忙Room for rent near UMD
马大附近 适合不开车的人 住的区域looking for roommates (female)
话题: lakeside话题: room话题: north话题: dec话题: min