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USANews版 - Don't overestimate obama
Bill Clinton: ‘Mistake to Underestimate’ PalinThis just in... global warming science overestimates the threat
Bill Clinton: Obama Got Lots of Help on Economic Crisis Restrump: I have nothing against China
BBC:Austria far-right candidate Norbert Hofer defeated in presidential poll可撸之性丑闻极有可能是共和党大佬们的诱饵
奥巴马当政1年,做了158次采访,411次演讲Losers 联手的确是 desperation
左派=专制:加州的左派们创造了数百个独立委员会Bernie overestimates his supporter's loyalty
CNN评论员因发表歧视同志言论被“下课” (转载)川粉没有资格说MAGA
“Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad [with pride]“还记得密苏里大学的SB事吗?报应来了
GOP Supporter Here was cheated by Rasmussen!palin in corn
话题: obama话题: don话题: great话题: scientist
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6
Just like many people here underestimate obama, many people overestimate him.
Obama surly has great talent in politics. That's why the clintons want to
cultivate him several years ago. To be a qualified leader, you not only
need potential to be a great leader but also enough experience and knowledge
to do things well. let me give you a simple example. Norbert wiener, a
great scientist, was a well-nown genius since he was a child. and he finally
turned out to be a great scientist. But pay attent
1 (共1页)
palin in corn左派=专制:加州的左派们创造了数百个独立委员会
没钱 美国学校一周上课四天 (转载)CNN评论员因发表歧视同志言论被“下课” (转载)
科学家最新的global warming科研成果:成吉思汗,古今环保第一人.“Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad [with pride]“
Clinton Unzipped: One of the Worst Presidents EverGOP Supporter Here was cheated by Rasmussen!
Bill Clinton: ‘Mistake to Underestimate’ PalinThis just in... global warming science overestimates the threat
Bill Clinton: Obama Got Lots of Help on Economic Crisis Restrump: I have nothing against China
BBC:Austria far-right candidate Norbert Hofer defeated in presidential poll可撸之性丑闻极有可能是共和党大佬们的诱饵
奥巴马当政1年,做了158次采访,411次演讲Losers 联手的确是 desperation
话题: obama话题: don话题: great话题: scientist