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USANews版 - Cobbling together a dream ticket-The economist
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话题: cobbling话题: economist话题: dream话题: together话题: ticket
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 161
Cobbling together a dream ticket
Jul 17th 2008
From The Economist print edition
John McCain and Barack Obama need to err on the side of caution in choosing
their running-mates
Illustration by Phil Disley
THE foundations of American capitalism may be going up in flames. But no
amount of dismal economic news can dull the appetite of Washingtonians for
playing one of the oldest games in town—picking the candidates’ running-
mates. Every other day seems to bring news of one potential candidate risin
1 (共1页)
看Betsy Mccaughey 把种族aa, "holistic" evaluation看得多透彻Scanning The Political Scene As We Approach Elections
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床铺这次欧洲行,给俄罗斯送了个大礼MILLER: D.C.’s crime solution: Be a victim
McCain is pro-No Child Left Behind.Obama To Shift Focus From Dismal Jobs Outlook To Raising Taxes
纽约时报报道奥巴马要求Paterson退出州长竞选“The performance now of Barack Obama... is dismal”
话题: cobbling话题: economist话题: dream话题: together话题: ticket