

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
USANews版 - a joke
The American Experience: Atlanta StyleDan Snyder to Obama: We're keeping the Redskins name!
"Obama found time for 33 fundraisers in June"Live Stream:TRUMP周六不休息。VA拉力
Confused Biden Campaigns in Ohio, Thinks He’s in Iowa看看你所在的城市会有多少难民?
现在巴马的名字和过街老鼠一样:人人喊打来,分中东白牛了! (转载)
人心散了:帮jeb竞选的人开始找别的工作了"You lie ..."
澄清一个误解反枪分子拍下支持拥枪群众照片,然后威胁刺杀 (转载)
请愿:奥巴马为希拉里竞选期间停发其工资和其他费用obama 学生时代发表的诗歌
Ohio Shooting of Girl in Amish Buggy a HomicideCat and Dog Series: At the Zoo
话题: farmer话题: shouted话题: road话题: man话题: down
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 445
Near Fredericksburg, Texas (up the road 22 miles from Kerrville) where there
is a large German-speaking population.
A farmer walking down a country road notices a man drinking from his pond
with his hand.
The farmer shouted: 'Trink das wasser nicht. Die kuhen haben dahin
gesheissen.' (Which means: 'Don't drink the water, the cows have sh** in it.
' )
The man shouted back: 'I'm from New York and just down here campaigning for
Obama, I can't understand you. Please speak in English.'
The farmer rep
1 (共1页)
Cat and Dog Series: At the Zoo人心散了:帮jeb竞选的人开始找别的工作了
这个有意思, Chicago老黑痛扁蕾丝边澄清一个误解
看这张图, 那个Weiner都什么眼神阿请愿:奥巴马为希拉里竞选期间停发其工资和其他费用
Saw this on yahooOhio Shooting of Girl in Amish Buggy a Homicide
The American Experience: Atlanta StyleDan Snyder to Obama: We're keeping the Redskins name!
"Obama found time for 33 fundraisers in June"Live Stream:TRUMP周六不休息。VA拉力
Confused Biden Campaigns in Ohio, Thinks He’s in Iowa看看你所在的城市会有多少难民?
现在巴马的名字和过街老鼠一样:人人喊打来,分中东白牛了! (转载)
话题: farmer话题: shouted话题: road话题: man话题: down