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USANews版 - 奥巴马第一把火似乎烧过头了
George Will’s Poor War Analogy by Thomas JoscelynReuters Busted on Rubio Hit Piece
slamic Terrorists Should Be Called What They Are – Islamic TerroristsViolence in Syria spills over into Lebanon
10 dead after U.S. Embassy in Yemen hit by car bombRomney's Rushed and Dangerous Bluster
Revealed: inside story of US envoy's assassinationLatest Example of Insidious Anti-Muslim Racism: Star Wars Legos
Biometric Scanners to be Used in Yemeni Presidential Election选美国总统最重要的原则
如果美国人民掀起反犹浪潮,现今世界上恐怕只有中国会成为他们 (转载)Paris, Paris... 怎么这次左棍没有跳出来?
在犹太人的问题上我比较同意老王。我保留自己的意见《13 小时》这片子的票房为什么上不去呢?
话题: qaeda话题: al话题: ali话题: lebanon话题: states
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 110
Freed by U.S., Saudi Becomes a Qaeda Chief
BEIRUT, Lebanon — The emergence of a former Guantánamo Bay detainee as the
deputy leader of Al Qaeda’s Yemeni branch has underscored the potential
complications in carrying out the executive order President Obama signed
Thursday that the detention center be shut down within a year.
The militant, Said Ali al-Shihri, is suspected of involvement in a deadly
bombing of the United States
1 (共1页)
《13 小时》这片子的票房为什么上不去呢?截获的伊朗军火船上发现中共国造先进导弹
国务院上百个官员要通电造床铺的反了Biometric Scanners to be Used in Yemeni Presidential Election
这篇文章太狠了--“八马,一个变节的穆斯林“如果美国人民掀起反犹浪潮,现今世界上恐怕只有中国会成为他们 (转载)
Afirca, Oil & US Military在犹太人的问题上我比较同意老王。我保留自己的意见
George Will’s Poor War Analogy by Thomas JoscelynReuters Busted on Rubio Hit Piece
slamic Terrorists Should Be Called What They Are – Islamic TerroristsViolence in Syria spills over into Lebanon
10 dead after U.S. Embassy in Yemen hit by car bombRomney's Rushed and Dangerous Bluster
Revealed: inside story of US envoy's assassinationLatest Example of Insidious Anti-Muslim Racism: Star Wars Legos
话题: qaeda话题: al话题: ali话题: lebanon话题: states