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USANews版 - States suffer mass revenue shortages
Drug shortages hit an all-time highOnce a Life Time Experience: "Super Storm" Hurricane Sandy Aftermath Gas Shortage New Jersey
Romney has $178M, Obama has $111M ($11M borrowed)世界文明是白人创造的, 别的种族都是破坏者和负担
Facebook just donated $20 million to Hillary.The world cools on global warming hoax
trump要给非法移民,非绿卡停发福利查韦斯的政绩(世界银行数据) (转载)
太阳能公司Solar Trust of America破产,之前获得美国能源部21亿美元有条件贷款想替查韦斯洗地的进来解释一下吧
Predictable. Pelosi委内瑞拉政府打算进口5千万卷toilet paper
When You Disagree With Leftists, They Simply Dehumanize You破萝西现在说了: 我从来没说医保费会降低阿
Healthcare Death Panels Are InevitableObamaCare 2016: Happy Yet?
话题: states话题: shortages话题: revenues话题: tax话题: suffer
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8363
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. economy may be creeping toward recovery
after the worst slowdown since the Great Depression, but many states see no
end in sight to their diving tax revenues.
Tax revenues used to pay teachers and fuel police cars continue to trail
even the most pessimistic expectations, despite the cash from the economic
stimulus plan pouring into state coffers.
"It's crazy. It's really just unbelievable," said Scott Pattison, executive
director of the National Association of Sta
发帖数: 8363
Obama collects Nobile peace award while there's no peace of mind across
the states.
1 (共1页)
ObamaCare 2016: Happy Yet?太阳能公司Solar Trust of America破产,之前获得美国能源部21亿美元有条件贷款
唉,Jobless Claim14年Low了Predictable. Pelosi
民主党:巴黎恐怖袭击是因为气候变化When You Disagree With Leftists, They Simply Dehumanize You
甘肃平凉穆斯林围攻超市 要求超市停售猪肉 (转载)Healthcare Death Panels Are Inevitable
Drug shortages hit an all-time highOnce a Life Time Experience: "Super Storm" Hurricane Sandy Aftermath Gas Shortage New Jersey
Romney has $178M, Obama has $111M ($11M borrowed)世界文明是白人创造的, 别的种族都是破坏者和负担
Facebook just donated $20 million to Hillary.The world cools on global warming hoax
trump要给非法移民,非绿卡停发福利查韦斯的政绩(世界银行数据) (转载)
话题: states话题: shortages话题: revenues话题: tax话题: suffer