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USANews版 - Ron Paul: Chinese were thugs
DNC比RNC盛大和热烈了10万8千里下届总统选举:Clinton vs Bush 你选谁?
川普競選團隊傳收受阿聯250萬美元獻金我又不理解ron paul为什么不支持trump了
Ron Paul 2012Libertarian在移民问题上难道不是支持open border?
Ron Paul's Restore America plan推特搞言论白色恐怖了,把荣跑研究所长给封了 (转载)
Ron Paul退休...永别了!美利坚libertarian与liberal的区别
今天中午Ron Paul在NBC接受采访太威武了,真是美国的孔和尚!为什么是古典自由主义? 作者:陈青蓝
看了美新几个帖子后的个人观点For Paul Family, Libertarian Ethos Began at Home
话题: chinese话题: ron话题: paul话题: thugs话题: people
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1504
“They’re probably not the best people the world,” he said of Hamas, which
the U.S. considers a terrorist organization. “But didn’t we talk to the
Soviets? We’ve talked to the Chinese over the years, and they were thugs.
And yet, in talking to and dealing with countries like China, actually, our
relationships have improved.”
发帖数: 52743
呵呵, hurt his chinese supporters


【在 t*s 的大作中提到】
: http://www.imus.com/guestbook/2010/6/3/rep-ron-paul-does-not-condone-violence-not-even-against-chri.html
: “They’re probably not the best people the world,” he said of Hamas, which
: the U.S. considers a terrorist organization. “But didn’t we talk to the
: Soviets? We’ve talked to the Chinese over the years, and they were thugs.
: And yet, in talking to and dealing with countries like China, actually, our
: relationships have improved.”

发帖数: 7918

which are fewer than the number of right-wing IDs on this board.
說到底喜歡Ron Paul的就跟喜歡Nader的人一樣,葉公好龍而已。

【在 A*****a 的大作中提到】
: 呵呵, hurt his chinese supporters
: which
: our

发帖数: 10233

【在 p**********d 的大作中提到】
: which are fewer than the number of right-wing IDs on this board.
: 說到底喜歡Ron Paul的就跟喜歡Nader的人一樣,葉公好龍而已。

发帖数: 52743
Nader可是会讲中文的, Ron Paul肯定不会

【在 p**********d 的大作中提到】
: which are fewer than the number of right-wing IDs on this board.
: 說到底喜歡Ron Paul的就跟喜歡Nader的人一樣,葉公好龍而已。

发帖数: 10233
反obama就成right wing了,我们还反bush呢,他怎么说?
他的思维还停留在fan politician的初级阶段。

【在 A*****a 的大作中提到】
: Nader可是会讲中文的, Ron Paul肯定不会
发帖数: 4451
Here, i think he meant more for Commies were thugs (including the Soviets,
not just Chinese)
and it was used in a historical context, in order to support, presumably,
his idea of communicating with factions of the middle east.
thug, unfortunately has been the word of choice since that CNN douche bag
used it last year. fucking douche bag.
发帖数: 854
ron paul 很亲中国的, 关于支持台湾西藏的法案他一律投反对票


【在 t*s 的大作中提到】
: http://www.imus.com/guestbook/2010/6/3/rep-ron-paul-does-not-condone-violence-not-even-against-chri.html
: “They’re probably not the best people the world,” he said of Hamas, which
: the U.S. considers a terrorist organization. “But didn’t we talk to the
: Soviets? We’ve talked to the Chinese over the years, and they were thugs.
: And yet, in talking to and dealing with countries like China, actually, our
: relationships have improved.”

发帖数: 1504
投反对票是因为他是 non interventionist,并不表明亲中国


【在 d*******1 的大作中提到】
: ron paul 很亲中国的, 关于支持台湾西藏的法案他一律投反对票
: which
: our

发帖数: 7918
Right-wing is not a bad word, if you embrace the right-wing ideology. Ron
Paul clearly embraces the right-wing ideology.
My support is determined by issues. I support universal health care, not
just because it is fair, but also because it makes economic sense. I support
abortion rights. I support the rights of gays and lesbians to marry and
live equally as the rest of us. I support government measures that protect
the environment. If that makes me left-wing, then so be it. But I think the
most i

【在 y****t 的大作中提到】
: 他懂什么。
: 反obama就成right wing了,我们还反bush呢,他怎么说?
: 他的思维还停留在fan politician的初级阶段。

Ron Paul退休...永别了!美利坚下届总统选举:Clinton vs Bush 你选谁?
今天中午Ron Paul在NBC接受采访太威武了,真是美国的孔和尚!连左媒中都有人开始支持Trump了
看了美新几个帖子后的个人观点我又不理解ron paul为什么不支持trump了
发帖数: 8363

Yeah. Such kinda welfare binge makes so much economic sense it bankrupts
the entire Europe continent. You don't know jack about economy.

【在 p**********d 的大作中提到】
: Right-wing is not a bad word, if you embrace the right-wing ideology. Ron
: Paul clearly embraces the right-wing ideology.
: My support is determined by issues. I support universal health care, not
: just because it is fair, but also because it makes economic sense. I support
: abortion rights. I support the rights of gays and lesbians to marry and
: live equally as the rest of us. I support government measures that protect
: the environment. If that makes me left-wing, then so be it. But I think the
: most i

发帖数: 14763
still thinking Chinese ARE still thugs.
发帖数: 10233
his economic sense means,
he, one of the parasites, does not have to pay for it now.
because we the tax payers will have to pay it for him.

【在 N********n 的大作中提到】
: Yeah. Such kinda welfare binge makes so much economic sense it bankrupts
: the entire Europe continent. You don't know jack about economy.

发帖数: 3299
It is not a surprise that he and his son are racists. Both support
discrimination against the minority. Support that private companies have
right not to serve Chinese, Black and Mexicans. Hello, "our white owned
grocery store does not do business with Chinese, get out".


【在 t*s 的大作中提到】
: http://www.imus.com/guestbook/2010/6/3/rep-ron-paul-does-not-condone-violence-not-even-against-chri.html
: “They’re probably not the best people the world,” he said of Hamas, which
: the U.S. considers a terrorist organization. “But didn’t we talk to the
: Soviets? We’ve talked to the Chinese over the years, and they were thugs.
: And yet, in talking to and dealing with countries like China, actually, our
: relationships have improved.”

发帖数: 1504
you watched too much msnbc


【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: It is not a surprise that he and his son are racists. Both support
: discrimination against the minority. Support that private companies have
: right not to serve Chinese, Black and Mexicans. Hello, "our white owned
: grocery store does not do business with Chinese, get out".
: which
: our

发帖数: 14069
?? 在这里就是很强很难缠的对手的意思。


【在 t*s 的大作中提到】
: http://www.imus.com/guestbook/2010/6/3/rep-ron-paul-does-not-condone-violence-not-even-against-chri.html
: “They’re probably not the best people the world,” he said of Hamas, which
: the U.S. considers a terrorist organization. “But didn’t we talk to the
: Soviets? We’ve talked to the Chinese over the years, and they were thugs.
: And yet, in talking to and dealing with countries like China, actually, our
: relationships have improved.”

发帖数: 2406
there will be no Universal Healthcare in the US. mark my words. it will be
repealed before it takes effect. Your dream will not be realized. Very
soon, you will have a find an actual job so you can feed yourself.


【在 p**********d 的大作中提到】
: Right-wing is not a bad word, if you embrace the right-wing ideology. Ron
: Paul clearly embraces the right-wing ideology.
: My support is determined by issues. I support universal health care, not
: just because it is fair, but also because it makes economic sense. I support
: abortion rights. I support the rights of gays and lesbians to marry and
: live equally as the rest of us. I support government measures that protect
: the environment. If that makes me left-wing, then so be it. But I think the
: most i

发帖数: 2406
I voted for Ron Paul once. And will do it again. He will very likely win
the next primary and therefore 2012, wether the lefties like it or not.
As for private business' rights to reject certain people, it is his
libertarian view, which I share. Go back to the Constition, you have the
right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. you have no right to
anything else. In a free market, the shops that reject minorities will have
a hard time survive. so it is not an issue to worry about. As

【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: It is not a surprise that he and his son are racists. Both support
: discrimination against the minority. Support that private companies have
: right not to serve Chinese, Black and Mexicans. Hello, "our white owned
: grocery store does not do business with Chinese, get out".
: which
: our

发帖数: 7918
In the 1950s, I am sure you would have said there would not be civil rights.
I've marked your words. Don't beg for mercy from ridicule when the time
If Ron Paul does not become the next Republican candidate, will you come to
this board and apologize to everyone for your ill-informed forecast?


【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: there will be no Universal Healthcare in the US. mark my words. it will be
: repealed before it takes effect. Your dream will not be realized. Very
: soon, you will have a find an actual job so you can feed yourself.
: support
: the
: ,

发帖数: 10233
we said there will be no social security left for us.
civil right act has nothing to do with socialism which is obamacare all


【在 p**********d 的大作中提到】
: In the 1950s, I am sure you would have said there would not be civil rights.
: I've marked your words. Don't beg for mercy from ridicule when the time
: comes.
: If Ron Paul does not become the next Republican candidate, will you come to
: this board and apologize to everyone for your ill-informed forecast?
: be

Libertarian在移民问题上难道不是支持open border?为什么是古典自由主义? 作者:陈青蓝
推特搞言论白色恐怖了,把荣跑研究所长给封了 (转载)For Paul Family, Libertarian Ethos Began at Home
libertarian与liberal的区别UW 系统在考虑 STRIKE 拉
发帖数: 2406
appolagize for paying tax to feed parasites like you?
Civil rights was about constitutional rights to life, liberty, pursuit of
Universal Healthcare is about we the productive people paying for parastes'
underserving waste. you will not get it.
Ron Paul's chance has nothing to do with you. It will be the decision of
the productive people in America.


【在 p**********d 的大作中提到】
: In the 1950s, I am sure you would have said there would not be civil rights.
: I've marked your words. Don't beg for mercy from ridicule when the time
: comes.
: If Ron Paul does not become the next Republican candidate, will you come to
: this board and apologize to everyone for your ill-informed forecast?
: be

发帖数: 7918
If you were not so zealous, I would think your attitude is cute. Well, how
do you reconcile evidence with your belief? What if what you hope for does
not happen? Do you call for a revolution?
Let's face it. Libertarianism is not mainstream, and it never will.


【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: appolagize for paying tax to feed parasites like you?
: Civil rights was about constitutional rights to life, liberty, pursuit of
: happyness.
: Universal Healthcare is about we the productive people paying for parastes'
: underserving waste. you will not get it.
: Ron Paul's chance has nothing to do with you. It will be the decision of
: the productive people in America.
: rights.
: to

发帖数: 854
Ron Paul also said russians were thugs too in his origina remarkds. How can
you say he discriminate against Chinese since Russians are white?

【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: It is not a surprise that he and his son are racists. Both support
: discrimination against the minority. Support that private companies have
: right not to serve Chinese, Black and Mexicans. Hello, "our white owned
: grocery store does not do business with Chinese, get out".
: which
: our

发帖数: 854
呵呵,Ron Paul在这里更多的指的是soviet chinese goverment. 我毫不怀疑他也会第
一个指出美国政府在很多方面也是 thug。 从这个角度来言,他的这番话并不能说明他

【在 t*s 的大作中提到】
: 投反对票是因为他是 non interventionist,并不表明亲中国
: the
: thugs.

发帖数: 668
你那头像最好撤下去, 这个网站不是色情网站,
有那种头像的,这个网站最好先写上 18 岁以上才能进入, 不要到处都贴色情图片,


【在 P*********t 的大作中提到】
: Here, i think he meant more for Commies were thugs (including the Soviets,
: not just Chinese)
: and it was used in a historical context, in order to support, presumably,
: his idea of communicating with factions of the middle east.
: 你们有点断章取义了。。
: thug, unfortunately has been the word of choice since that CNN douche bag
: used it last year. fucking douche bag.

发帖数: 3299
You are too naive to believe that money can solve social status bias.
Generation ago, Realtor won't sell a house to Chinese. They built their own
house in 1940s. You may never travel in a US small town. I had trouble to
book a room in a local owned hotel. Those hotels won't do bossiness with you
even with civil rights law. They just said their hotels were full.


【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: I voted for Ron Paul once. And will do it again. He will very likely win
: the next primary and therefore 2012, wether the lefties like it or not.
: As for private business' rights to reject certain people, it is his
: libertarian view, which I share. Go back to the Constition, you have the
: right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. you have no right to
: anything else. In a free market, the shops that reject minorities will have
: a hard time survive. so it is not an issue to worry about. As

发帖数: 2406
I will not go give money and business to people who don't want to deal with
me. Because I dont have to. there are plenty of people who are happy that
I do business with them. As I said, I pursuit my happiness.
I happen to be the kind of people that dont give a xxxx about fake "social
status/main stream", I am my status, I am my main stream.
That is what being a Libertarian is about. That also happens to be the core
value of Chinese Taorism.
lefties have no bain cells to understand that.


【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】
: You are too naive to believe that money can solve social status bias.
: Generation ago, Realtor won't sell a house to Chinese. They built their own
: house in 1940s. You may never travel in a US small town. I had trouble to
: book a room in a local owned hotel. Those hotels won't do bossiness with you
: even with civil rights law. They just said their hotels were full.
: have
: you
: .
: no

发帖数: 7918
A more precise statement would be that you have no brain cells to understand
how the human society works.


【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: I will not go give money and business to people who don't want to deal with
: me. Because I dont have to. there are plenty of people who are happy that
: I do business with them. As I said, I pursuit my happiness.
: I happen to be the kind of people that dont give a xxxx about fake "social
: status/main stream", I am my status, I am my main stream.
: That is what being a Libertarian is about. That also happens to be the core
: value of Chinese Taorism.
: lefties have no bain cells to understand that.
: ow

发帖数: 2406
The Truth is, a human sociaty with loads of lefties can not function.
look at PIIGS.
The only way for human sociaty to sustain itself is to stop the welfare
Unfortunate for you, this is the COLD hard truth:
Each and every lefties will have to get a real job, which will pay far less
than what you are getting today, to sustain your life at a much reduced
level than you are getting today.
this is the only way human sociaty can function.


【在 p**********d 的大作中提到】
: A more precise statement would be that you have no brain cells to understand
: how the human society works.
: with
: that
: core

发帖数: 7918
You have no clue about how people think. Your claim that you don't care
about status, which I highly doubt, does not imply that other people don't
care about it. You have a belief system and try to shape everything into
your belief system. Of course you are entitled to your belief system, but it
doesn't mean other people will follow it.
Contrary to what you think, many "lefties" have high-paying jobs. They are
just more far-sighted than you are.


【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: The Truth is, a human sociaty with loads of lefties can not function.
: look at PIIGS.
: The only way for human sociaty to sustain itself is to stop the welfare
: systems.
: Unfortunate for you, this is the COLD hard truth:
: Each and every lefties will have to get a real job, which will pay far less
: than what you are getting today, to sustain your life at a much reduced
: level than you are getting today.
: this is the only way human sociaty can function.

Ann Coulter捅马蜂窝:大多数libertarians都是胆小的假货老中该支持的其实是Libertarian
DNC比RNC盛大和热烈了10万8千里Ron Paul 2012
发帖数: 2406
I dont try to shape anything, I only want to keep my right to my life,
liberty and pursuit of happiness. You lefties are the ones trying to shape
what other people want. You will fail, like what has failed in Europe.
My status is not anyone's concern. I certainly dont need the lefties to
give me any AA. I earn my status, I dont beg for it or force for it.
you are the one who try to impose your will on others.
Leftgies are far-sighted? you dont get it. we want our freedom, we dont
want lefti

【在 p**********d 的大作中提到】
: You have no clue about how people think. Your claim that you don't care
: about status, which I highly doubt, does not imply that other people don't
: care about it. You have a belief system and try to shape everything into
: your belief system. Of course you are entitled to your belief system, but it
: doesn't mean other people will follow it.
: Contrary to what you think, many "lefties" have high-paying jobs. They are
: just more far-sighted than you are.
: less

发帖数: 51
你这个头像 好 强大。

【在 P*********t 的大作中提到】
: Here, i think he meant more for Commies were thugs (including the Soviets,
: not just Chinese)
: and it was used in a historical context, in order to support, presumably,
: his idea of communicating with factions of the middle east.
: 你们有点断章取义了。。
: thug, unfortunately has been the word of choice since that CNN douche bag
: used it last year. fucking douche bag.

发帖数: 8363
Chairman Mao was a thug, no doubt about it.
1 (共1页)
For Paul Family, Libertarian Ethos Began at HomeRon Paul's Restore America plan
UW 系统在考虑 STRIKE 拉Ron Paul退休...永别了!美利坚
Ann Coulter捅马蜂窝:大多数libertarians都是胆小的假货今天中午Ron Paul在NBC接受采访太威武了,真是美国的孔和尚!
DNC比RNC盛大和热烈了10万8千里下届总统选举:Clinton vs Bush 你选谁?
川普競選團隊傳收受阿聯250萬美元獻金我又不理解ron paul为什么不支持trump了
Ron Paul 2012Libertarian在移民问题上难道不是支持open border?
话题: chinese话题: ron话题: paul话题: thugs话题: people