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USANews版 - 从男变性到女又变性到男,英国全民医疗系统已经付了12.5万英镑了
民主党控制的底特律的今天,或许是美国的明天又一轮变性大战开始了 (转载)
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Ex-Friends of Barack from Wall Street Iournal美国二十大亲共和党新闻网站,按流量排名。
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话题: he话题: sex话题: change话题: kane话题: institute
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发帖数: 29846
Whoops! Bizarre story of a double-sex-change patient
Man-to-woman who changed back: 'All I needed was counseling'
Posted: November 10, 2010
9:23 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
While appointees of President Obama have urged those who believe they are "
transgendered" to lobby for sex-change surgery costs to be covered by
Obamacare, a patient in the United Kingdom says all he should have been
given under his country's nationalized health care was counseling.
"Based on my own experiences, I believe sex-change operations should not be
allowed, and certainly not on the [National Health Service,]" said the
patient, Charles Kane, whose story appears in a report on the Christian
Institute website.
Kane continued, "People who think they are a woman trapped in a male body
are, in my opinion, completely deluded. I certainly was. ... I needed
counseling, not a sex-change operation."
Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth, told WND that he's
monitored statements by Obama officials encouraging those who believe they
are "transgendered" to lobby for the inclusion of sex-change procedures
under Obamacare.
Read the behind-the-scenes story of the destruction from America's sexual
revolution in "Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of
Corruption and Contagion on America"
He said that in the U.S. "counseling" might be of little assistance to a
person such as Kane, because the "professionals" probably generally would
argue for a sex-change treatment for someone with such a disorder.
(Story continues below)

LaBarbera told WND he believes parallel organizations are needed to the
various psychiatric and medical associations "who say there is an
alternative to this lunacy" of sex-change surgeries.
He said in the U.S., the "inmates are running the asylum."
According to the Christian Institute, there are a multitude of cases
developing in the U.K. in which children as young as 16 have been given sex-
change treatments. Parents have lobbied the National Health Service for
drugs for their children for such treatment.
In the U.S., there are programs in which doctors encourage parents to treat
their children with drugs that delay puberty to make sex-change treatments
more "successful."
The institute reported Kane, born Sam Hashimi, had an operation in 1997 to
make him look like a woman. Taxpayers there paid an estimated 100,000
British pounds.
He said he then lived as Samantha Kane, engaging in a jet-set lifestyle.
Then in 2004 he decided living as a woman was a mistake and proceeded to
spend another 25,000 British pounds on three more operations.
He now is seeking funding for a documentary he wants to call "The Sex Change
The institute noted that critics of such operations have called gender
dysphoria a psychiatric issue. A British government report in 2000 said, "
Many people revert to their biological sex after living for some time in the
opposite sex."
Regina Griggs, a spokeswoman for Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays,
argued taking hormones or changing body parts by surgery does not change a
"These people need help. I wholeheartedly agree with that," she said.
1 (共1页)
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民主党控制的底特律的今天,或许是美国的明天又一轮变性大战开始了 (转载)
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Ex-Friends of Barack from Wall Street Iournal美国二十大亲共和党新闻网站,按流量排名。
Biblical Message Now Criminalized媒体左右的秘密,远离洗脑zz
话题: he话题: sex话题: change话题: kane话题: institute