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USANews版 - (CSEA) Liars Prove "It's NOT About the Kids"
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话题: csea话题: kids话题: petaluma话题: liars话题: public
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 617
California School Employees’ Association (CSEA) Liars Prove "It's NOT About
the Kids"
Anyone thinking clearly knows full well public unions are blatant liars when
they request more money for schools under the pretense "It's for the kids".
Well it's NOT for the kids and CSEA moves to the top of the list in proving
it. If it was "all about the kids" we would not see articles like this one
by Pete Peterson in The City Journal: No Volunteers, Please, We’re
Petaluma is one of those idyllic small cities (population 58,000) that
dot Route 101 on the way north from the Golden Gate Bridge through the wine
country. But Petaluma, struggling like most municipalities in California
under the current fiscal crisis, has found delivering public services—from
education to public safety—anything but pleasant.
The Petaluma City Schools district has trimmed millions from its budget
over the last two years, as the deficit-ridden California state government
has decreased its local support by 25 percent. The cuts have meant layoffs
for district employees at all levels, from teachers to playground
supervisors. In response, parents and concerned Petalumans have stepped
forward to try to fill the non-teaching gaps, volunteering their time to
maintain school services. The volunteers have worked in new roles identified
by the school administration, but they’ve also stepped in to perform jobs
eliminated by budget cuts. But those positions are unionized by the
California School Employees’ Association (CSEA)—and that’s where the
problems started.
When volunteers began to help answer phones in the office and support
the school librarian at Petaluma Junior High School, CSEA Local 212
president Loretta Kruusmagi immediately objected.
Representing 350 clerical and janitorial staff in the Petaluma school
district, Kruusmagi betrays not the least concern for the kids her union
supposedly serves when she glowers: “As far as I’m concerned, they never
should have started this thing. Noon-duty people [lunchtime and playground
assistants]—those are instructional assistants. We had all those positions.
We don’t have them anymore, but those are our positions. Our stand is you
can’t have volunteers, they can’t do our work.”
Public Servants or Public Liars?
Peterson precisely sums up the situation with a couple of short, to the
point, and appropriately sarcastic comments about the liars at SCEA.
Notice the possessiveness with which Kruusmagi regards these “public
servants.” Nice to see that it’s “all about the kids” at the CSEA.
If you live in Petaluma, or any other city being raped by CSEA (or any other
public union on "behalf of the kids"), it is your duty to stand up to the
unions and tell the unions where to go.
After all, it's you (via taxes) and your kids (via arrogant attitudes of
unions acting on their behalf) who are suffering so public unions can pad
their pockets with wages and benefits those in the private sector will never
see, all while chanting "it's for the kids".
No matter where you live, please write your city representatives today and
demand that at the next contract renewal, the city immediately outsource any
and every position possible with a message that volunteers are welcome "for
the sake of the kids".
Unlike CSEA, Loretta Kruusmagi, and her ilk, you will be on solid ground. Do
it now. Demand change. Nothing will happen until you do, and until you do
your kids will suffer.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock
1 (共1页)
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话题: csea话题: kids话题: petaluma话题: liars话题: public