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USANews版 - The Warmist's Dilemma
Another Assumption underpinning AGW falls谁能从game theory的角度来分析一下亚裔细分?
AGW变成了compaign issue人造全球暖化歇斯底里有共识吗?31,000科学家签名否认人类行为导致重大气候变化
Inhofe to climate conference: Nobody’s listening any more满嘴放炮!奥巴马说“全球气温升高速度甚至超过10年前的预测”,尽管过去十多年来全球气温没有升高
Fake! Fake! Fake! Fake! By S. Fred Singer联合国变暖教徒默默自打耳光
RE: Global Warming – Who is in denial?Trump expected to pull out of Paris Climate Agreement
Climate Battle: Round 2澳大利亚不给气候变暖捐钱了
话题: emissions话题: dilemma话题: carbon话题: our话题: over
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
By Adam Yoshida
I have longed argued that one of the primary problems with the thinking of
our well-meaning liberal friends is that they tend to live in the world of "
wouldn't it be nice" and then attempt to argue that people who dissent from
this view are just plain bad. Nowhere is that tendency better exemplified
than in the battle over Climate Change.
Most of us are familiar with the concept of the "prisoner's dilemma." It's
an exercise in game theory where two men are arrested for a crime and
interrogated separately by the police. If one man informs on the other and
the other does not, the informer will walk and the other will get ten years.
If neither cracks than both will go free. If each betrays the other then
each will get two years. It increasingly occurs to me that this the best
paradigm through which to view the struggle over Anthropomorphic Global
Warming and what to do about it.
Too often conservatives and libertarians have allowed themselves to get
bogged down in the debate over whether global warming is occurring and,
further, if it is whether humans are responsible for it. The problem, as I
see it, is that this takes us into a charged debate over science that has us
fighting an inconclusive battle of attrition over technical questions that
are barely understood by the overwhelming majority of debaters. I think
that we would be much better off if we used the example of the prisoner's
dilemma to explain why the "solutions" to global warming proposed by the
statist element -- assuming for the moment that they are 100% correct on the
scientific aspects of the question -- are not only unworkable but
What do I mean? Well, ladies and gentlemen, let us consider the facts as
they are presented to us. The advocates of a wide-ranging governmental
response to AGW state that carbon emissions into the atmosphere are causing
a change in the global climate and that the only way to arrest this is
through enacting a program of state controls that will radically reduce the
carbon produced by our businesses and homes. Let us parse that for the
moment. We are speaking in global terms here. It means that emissions must
be reduced to such a degree as is significant on global scale. That means
one of two things.
Either everyone must reduce their emissions collectively or it means that we
in the West must reduce our emissions so much as to compensate for non-
reductions in the Third World.
While some may argue that these may take place in economically non-
destructive ways, I would argue that that is simply impossible under the
sort of timescale proposed (a few decades as opposed to the rest of the
century, say). In the short-term, you can only reduce carbon emissions
through heavy taxation and regulation of private enterprise and homes or
through the mandating of the use of expensive and inefficient "green"
technology. It may well be that the future will bring workable low or zero-
carbon technologies but it doesn't seem likely to me that these will come
about via state-funded projects. If these technologies were viable in the
real-world than there would already be investors for them lined up around
the block. To have GM produce $50,000 electric cars and then sell them to
the public for $40,000 at a loss while being subsidized by the government
isn't a winning strategy.
Remember: China's emissions are already more than those of the United States
. They are on the way to being more than those of the United States and
Europe combined (certainly, they will be a few decades hence at the current
pace). India's are also rapidly increasing. China and India -- among many
others -- have populations just grabbing onto the edges of wealth and
comfort. How likely is it that they will be willing to take the sort of
economically-restrictive measures necessary to bring about a meaningful
reduction in carbon emissions?
China's emissions have been increasing more than 10% a year. India's are
set to increase three-fold over the next twenty years. The United States
and Europe could engage in some sort of environmentally-friendly mass
suicide and it we would still not have a net decrease over the medium term
without the cooperation of China and India.
We must return to the concept of the prisoner's dilemma. Once again, if we
assume for the sake of argument that the advocates of AGW are 100% right on
the science, we must also conclude that they are 100% wrong on the policy.
Using the terms of the game, the Chinese and others have an overwhelming
incentive to betray -- that is, not to cooperate in any sort of
international effort to reduce carbon. Choosing in such a situation to
attempt to cooperate with someone with zero intention to cooperate and
strong incentives against doing so crosses the line into active insanity.
It may reward its self-righteous proponents with a little moral frisson, but
it would be incredibly destructive for the rest of us.
We would do well to remember that, for all of the apocalyptic rhetoric, the
consequences of even the most extreme forms of Climate Change would be
manageable in the West. The world isn't going to catch on fire and we're
not going to grow gills and spend our lives fighting pirates. In the worst
case scenario in North America we may find that growing patterns shift (not
always, I will add, to our detriment), that we have to deal with some new
diseases and pests that were not present before, and that some already-
vulnerable coastal areas become less-viable. Even in the darkest scenario
none of these things will happen overnight -- they'll occur gradually over a
span of decades.
If we, in view of the likely decisions of others, elect to "betray" -- that
is to not attempt any sort of generalized strategy for the reduction of
carbon, then we will be making the best decision that we can make with the
information available to us at the present time. Instead of throwing
trillions of dollars down green sinkholes, we can use the time and money we
have to improve our economy and our technology in an organic fashion --
creating the breathing room and the sort of open and flexible society that
can respond to the challenge that Climate Change might represent. The
alternative is a world where our measures will have doubtlessly proven
insufficient to arrest any human-triggered change in the climate but where
we will lack the wealth and resources to respond effectively to such changes
as may occur.
1 (共1页)
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Another Assumption underpinning AGW falls谁能从game theory的角度来分析一下亚裔细分?
AGW变成了compaign issue人造全球暖化歇斯底里有共识吗?31,000科学家签名否认人类行为导致重大气候变化
Inhofe to climate conference: Nobody’s listening any more满嘴放炮!奥巴马说“全球气温升高速度甚至超过10年前的预测”,尽管过去十多年来全球气温没有升高
话题: emissions话题: dilemma话题: carbon话题: our话题: over