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USANews版 - President Quixote's Legacy: Confused, Ill-Educated and Not Too Bright
The Obama Problem
Government Gone Wild
Trump website error message bashes Obama’s golfing
Obama has the great intellect.
The intellect of your typical union member
Clint Eastwood 真神了
话题: obama话题: world话题: his话题: he话题: president
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
By Monty Pelerin
The number of Obama supporters seems inversely related to his time in office
. Many wonder what happened to "The One We Are Waiting For."
Obama assumed office in difficult economic times. After a couple of years
of excuses -- which included "the problems were worse than we knew" and the
generic, all-purpose "it's Bush's fault" -- Obama now owns the original
problems and new ones of his own doing. An incomplete report card on his "
accomplishments" would include the following:
the economy worsened
discretionary military efforts ("kinetic" if you prefer) increased
an unpopular, flawed health care plan was forced on the public
inflation increased, especially in critical goods like food and gasoline
job prospects decreased
the stimulus failed miserably
"transparency in government" became a laugh-line for late night TV
corruption in government accelerated to Chicago-style warp speed
Housing worsened and shows no sign of bottoming soon
Government debt and spending spun out of control
Wall Street was bailed out and continues to enrich themselves
Main Street was ignored and becomes poorer as bankruptcies and
foreclosures mount
race relations appear to have worsened
There are a plethora of other problems that could be attributed to Obama.
In short, it is difficult to ascertain what, if anything, has improved other
than the demise of Osama bin Laden.
Two hypotheses are often cited to explain why things have gotten so much
Obama is incompetent.
Obama knows what he is doing and is deliberately destroying the country.
These hypotheses are not mutually exclusive. Evidence is consistent with
either or a combination of both. The remainder of this article deals only
with the first. Readers should not assume that the second is unimportant,
inoperable, or impossible.
Dr. Thomas Sowell wrote about "seductive beliefs" in a two-part article (
second part here). He touched on some of the incorrect beliefs guiding
President Obama. In short, Obama is an ideologue, narrowly (and poorly)
educated. As a result, he is ignorant in the ways of the world.
Economics versus Morality
Sowell's analysis provides perspective on Obama's behavior. Obama has
virtually no understanding of basic economics. Exploitation ideology is the
basis for his world- and economic view. This ideology sees the world as a
zero-sum game. In essence a fixed pie is divided. If one person gets more,
others necessarily get less.
A country becomes successful by taking advantage of other countries. This
naive view, based on the long-discredited concept of mercantilism, sees
success as exploitation. Freedom, markets, institutions, incentives, and
voluntary trade have no place in Obama's world. Success or failure is
determined by one variable -- whether you are the exploiter or the exploited.
Exploitation theory does not comport with economic theory, history, or
reality. As Sowell points out:
It is hard to reconcile "exploitation" theories with the facts. While
there have been conquered peoples made poorer by their conquerors,
especially by Spanish conquerors in the Western Hemisphere, in general most
poor countries were poor for reasons that existed before the conquerors
arrived. Some Third World countries are poorer today than they were when
they were ruled by Western countries, generations ago.
Obama's ideology blinds him to relevant variables. Incentives,
institutional frameworks, profit and loss, individual initiative, saving and
investment, hard work, etc. have no role in his simplistic world. He is a
political creation with no experience in relevant matters. He does not
understand markets, business, meeting a payroll, or managing an organization
. This vacuum in knowledge produces failed economic results because
policies do not consider the relevant variables for economic success.
In Obama's world, success and failure are moral rather than economic
outcomes. Success is a marker for evil. Failure is due to someone else's
success rather than personal shortcomings. Failure represents passivity,
the choice to not exploit others. Proper moral behavior produces failure.
For Obama, economics itself is inconsistent with morality. Hence economics
itself must be evil. This view of the world is both simple and ignorant.
No, it is beyond that. It is a sign of stupidity! Recognition of this
stupidity is the key to understanding Obama's behavior and policies.
An Interpretation of Some Obama Policies
The key to understanding much of Obama's behavior is the notion that
economics itself is necessarily evil and must be constrained or even
Successful allies (think Israel and Great Britain among others) are morally
inferior to unsuccessful, backward nations who only are so as a result of
exploitation. Third-world nations require restitution for the evils imposed
by successful nations. That some of these are enemies of the US makes them
even more deserving. The US, heretofore the greatest success, therefore
represents the greatest evil. Obama's world-apology tours and treatment of
allies can be understood in light of such convoluted beliefs.
Moral judgments also drive domestic policy. Individual success is simply a
microcosm of national success. It too is achieved by exploiting others.
That explains Obama's "Joe the Plumber" moment. If the pie is fixed in size
, the rich make others poor. That is the fallacy underlying Obama's belief
that people are entitled to only so much income or wealth.
In his mind, he has a right, probably a moral obligation, to confiscate and
redistribute wealth. The rich and successful must be punished at some level
of success. Their success causes the poor their pain.
Talent, hard work, ingenuity, risk-taking, etc. are not relevant in Obama's
third-grade level of economic understanding. As expressed by Tom Sowell, "[
w]hether at home or abroad, Obama's ideology is an ideology of envy,
resentment and payback."
The Bigger Problem
Obama is doing what he believes right and just. Sophomoric understanding,
however, does not explain why the inequities of the world are assumed to be
Obama's responsibility. How does one go from President of the US to a
modern-day Don Quixote for the entire world?
Some psychologists and psychiatrists have answered this question in terms of
Obama's ego and pathological narcissism. The psychological conditions that
motivate a person are less clear than the ensuing actions. They also can
be much more frightening. To understand a person, it is sometimes necessary
to speculate on such motivations.
Obama's narcissistic disorder apparently enables him to see himself as the
President of The World, the Great Rectifier and the One We Have Been Waiting
For. Some supporters speak of Obama in messianic terms, as he himself has
arrogantly done. This behavior pattern could be indicative of severe
delusion, even megalomania.
The original Don Quixote's tilting at windmills was charming and harmless.
This knight of old was noble and honorable. He possessed character and
integrity. While a bit crazed, his motives were pure. It was difficult not
to admire him.
None of that holds true for President Quixote. The only thing these two
delusional people have in common is a fascination with windmills. The old
knight imagined them as dragons to be slain, the modern one as solutions to
the world's problems. Which belief is more rational is left to the reader
to decide.
Obama's faults are neither charming nor harmless. He is in a position of
extreme power, capable of doing massive damage. His quixotic behavior
squanders this nation's resources and destroys its economy. Obama, like his
predecessor of old, intends to solve all the injustices of the world. His
Quest is to compensate for the sins of the successful.
The downtrodden are his protectorate, just as they were the delusional
knight of old. The modern Quixote, however, exploits them for political
gain rather than true concern. The successful, fewer in number, are targets
unless they can assist him in his goals.
Obama's Superior Intellect
How dangerous this delusional man might be is moot. What seems no longer at
issue is Obama's "superior intelligence." Obama's belief system is
dominated by the dismissed exploitation theories of Karl Marx and the 60's-
style radicals he grew up around. The Reverend Wright preached to him for
twenty years about exploitation in terms of Black Liberation Theology. An
unrepentant terrorist, Bill Ayers, was a close friend and arguably author of
one of Obama's autobiographies. His personally selected "Czars" are the
sorriest collection of Presidential advisors ever, at least in terms of
reflecting American values and beliefs.
Many went on the same intellectual voyage that Obama did. Most of us
outgrew this nonsense, usually by our mid-twenties. Obama never did. He is
still a child, intellectually undeveloped and locked into the ideas from
the 60's -- both the 1960s and the Marxist 1860s. In that sense he is an
intellectual dwarf, frozen in the equivalent of a state of intellectual
puberty. His "knowledge" is based on nothing but the discredited ideologies
of Socialism.
The claim that Obama is the smartest man to ever hold presidential office is
absurd and a reflection on the state of our media who insist on propping up
this man-child. Obama's obsession with keeping his college records and
personal past secret is prima facie evidence that the claim is untrue. His
knowledge base and dismal performance on the world stage is even more
Instead of having a superior intellect, we likely have the most ignorant,
ideological, brainwashed dupe this country has ever elected to high office.
The man's intellectual development never progressed beyond the stage of all
-night freshman bull sessions where all the world's problems were solved (
with help from adequate amounts of beer of course).
This intellectual pygmy must be removed from office by whatever possible
peaceful means. Impeachment is in order, but will not happen. Thus the
2012 election is critical.
The Democratic Party knows what happened in 2010. They also know that they
have an albatross at the top of their ticket. It is likely they will turn
on this poseur before the election. If so, this act will be their most
significant public service in years.
Obama will not be reelected, but that may not be enough. A country filled
with enough fools to elect this modern-day version of a snake oil salesman,
this American Idol wannabe, this empty suit, is clearly dumb enough to
replace him in kind. H. L. Mencken had it correct: "Democracy is a form of
worship. It is the worship of jackals by jackasses."
The Democratic Party is and should be worried about 2012. No Democrat, save
the hapless Jimmy Carter, can be happy about their current situation.
Carter is the exception because his lock on "worst President ever" is about
to be broken by the current occupant.
Monty Pelerin blogs at Monty Pelerin's World.
1 (共1页)
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话题: obama话题: world话题: his话题: he话题: president