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话题: bangladesh话题: islamist话题: islamists话题: strike话题: police
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Police, Islamists clash in Bangladesh, dozens hurt
DHAKA | Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:15am EDT
(Reuters) - Police in Bangladesh Sunday fired tear gas and rubber bullets to
disperse Islamist activists trying to enforce a nationwide strike over the
removal of a Muslim phrase in the constitution, and witnesses said around 50
people were injured.
The clashes erupted when thousands of bludgeon-carrying Islamists cut off a
stretch of highway leading to the capital's eastern suburbs with barricades.
The protesters also damaged several cargo trucks before the police crackdown
, and some 100 people were detained.
The strike, which began two days after the country emerged from a 48-hour
stoppage enforced by the opposition, was called to protest a recent
amendment to the constitution which dropped the words "absolute faith and
trust in Allah."
The Islamists also want to scrap "secularism" as a state principle in the
Muslim-majority country.
The strike, which was called for by 12 Islamist parties, was however,
largely ignored by most people in Bangladesh, where businesses and
transportation was operating as normal.
The strike was spearheaded by the Bangladesh Islami Andolon, one of a
handful of small Islamist parties that have no representation in parliament
but who back the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) of former
prime minister Begum Khaleda Zia, who is trying to force early elections.
The BNP lost to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's Awami League in the 2008
parliament polls and has since been trying to rally support of the Islamist
and other groups.
The two women have dominated the south Asian country's often volatile
politics for two decades and are likely to face off again in the next
election due by end of 2013.
1 (共1页)
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话题: bangladesh话题: islamist话题: islamists话题: strike话题: police