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USANews版 - 给示威群众的宝贵建议:polo and khakis (ZZ)
从反Trump到支持 (转载)NAACP Tells Voter ID Protesters They Must Have ID to Join Protest
more billionaires than ever before老头拼了,也宁到底,在NC又搞swear
Local Residents, Workers Express Frustration, Anger With OWS Protesters新的攻击者被曝了,职业抗议者
Florida Dems Can’t Find Voters to Protest Allen West, so向大家汇报一下昨天参加SANJOSE TRUMP RALLY 的情况
No Protestant on GOP Ticket for First Time EverLynch to Dallas protesters: ‘Do not be discouraged’
These lunatics are still outside LAPD headquarters大家到twitter上替闯王出头吧
话题: khakis话题: do话题: polo话题: polos话题: here
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1094
To all Occupy Wall Street participants, here is the key to your victory... (
for serious) (self.politics)
submitted 3 days ago by HotKarlMarx
Guys, listen. Here's the deal.
I love you guys with every shred of my hard-left leaning heart. But I think
you might be doing something wrong. Here is one thing that can help you.
Tomorrow, wear a polo and khakis
Seriously. polos and khakis. Every time you guys DO finally get some fucking
press, it's a scrawny dude with dreads in a ratty t-shirt. You're going big
here, dress it. Tomorrow, Polo shirt and Khakis.
Why? Because you need to get the right-leaning equivalent of me on your side
. I'm 35 right now. I understand where the hippy thing comes from. I get it
as well as a guy who's 35 can. My Counterparts do not. They think you are
scummy druggies on welfare and when they see on tv a bunch of people who
they think are S.D's on W, they root for the cops to hit you again.
Speaking of the cops, Who do you think they'll mace first? SD's on W, or a
guy in khakis and a polo? Seriously, it's fucking cop camouflage. And if
they DO come for you. When people at home see PEOPLE THAT LOOK LIKE THEM
getting abused by police... That's when shit changes.
Seeing protesters get beat up means nothing because protesters get beat up
all the time. Therefore, don't look like a protester! This connects you to
the person watching and opens them to your side!
So for serious. Do it. You're almost about to tip this thing over. Polos and
khakis. Cop Camo + target audience = Shave, shower and polos and khakis.
TL;DR: Polo shirt and Khakis = dress code for nyc protests tomorrow.
Do it.
Edit: Going to bed soon, one more thing before I turn it over to all of you.
Please spread this as much as you can. Professionalism will help push this
thing over the edge. You have labor pushing you. National Media is starting
to wake up to you. You're almost there. Keep pushing.
Think: Business Casual Friday. Don't play it up like the Billionaires for
healthcare. You're just a guy, going to work in this big office building
Even if you don't think that you SHOULD be judged on appearances (which I do
agree), You have to realize that you ARE. Fight the appearance fight
another day. Polos and khakis.
Do it.
1 (共1页)
选完了,老床twitter的喷人模式又继续了Florida Dems Can’t Find Voters to Protest Allen West, so
Obama to anti-Trump protesters: March onNo Protestant on GOP Ticket for First Time Ever
靠,这个索男出名了 (转载)These lunatics are still outside LAPD headquarters
从反Trump到支持 (转载)NAACP Tells Voter ID Protesters They Must Have ID to Join Protest
more billionaires than ever before老头拼了,也宁到底,在NC又搞swear
Local Residents, Workers Express Frustration, Anger With OWS Protesters新的攻击者被曝了,职业抗议者
话题: khakis话题: do话题: polo话题: polos话题: here