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USANews版 - 民主党的好主意其实挺多的...
和党议员已经展望中期选后换总统了Wawagate: MSNBC/Andrea Mitchell Smear Romney With Edited Video
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Trump 在移民问题上绝不可能妥协Florida Obamacare Navigator Says Rollout is “Dead as a Doornail. It’s a Mess”
CNN: 民主党得不到多数Pelosi也能当议长哪些工作会被机器代替?
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No 2013 Federal GS Pay RaisesClintons Confidant in a big trouble zz
The Coming Muslim Century麻省小学图书馆拒绝Melania trump捐书
话题: house话题: jobs话题: ellison话题: job话题: lee
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1094
Barbara Lee, a House member from California, is upset about computerized
checkout lines at grocery stores. She avoids lines with no flesh-and-blood
checker. “I refuse to do that,” Lee said at a House Appropriations
Committee hearing, “I know that’s a job or two or three that’s gone.”
Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. of Illinois is up in arms about the iPad,
which he declared on the House floor recently is “now probably responsible
for eliminating thousands of jobs.” Alas, “what becomes of bookstores and
librarians and all the jobs associated with paper?” Quite soon, he said, “
such jobs will simply not exist.”
House minority leader Nancy Pelosi has her own remedy for the jobs dearth:
Extend unemployment benefits. “It injects demand into the economy,” she
insists. “It creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can
name.” It has the “double benefit” of putting money in the pockets of the
jobless and acting as a “job creator.”
Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota is the champion of job creation by
adding to the regulatory burden of businesses. Sounds counter-productive,
right? Not so, Ellison told MSNBC. Companies will have to hire more people
to comply with new regs. “If the government says, look, we have got to
reduce our carbon footprint, you will kick into gear a whole number of
people that know how to do that or have ideas about that, and that will be a
job engine,” Ellison said.
发帖数: 2069

House minority leader Nancy Pelosi has her own remedy for the jobs dearth:
Extend unemployment benefits. “It injects demand into the economy,” she
insists. “It creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can
name.” It has the “double benefit” of putting money in the pockets of the
jobless and acting as a “job creator.”

【在 m***s 的大作中提到】
: http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/boneheaded-economics_595
: Barbara Lee, a House member from California, is upset about computerized
: checkout lines at grocery stores. She avoids lines with no flesh-and-blood
: checker. “I refuse to do that,” Lee said at a House Appropriations
: Committee hearing, “I know that’s a job or two or three that’s gone.”
: Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. of Illinois is up in arms about the iPad,
: which he declared on the House floor recently is “now probably responsible
: for eliminating thousands of jobs.” Alas, “what becomes of bookstores and
: librarians and all the jobs associated with paper?” Quite soon, he said, “
: such jobs will simply not exist.”

发帖数: 363

tyipcal liberal bull

【在 m***s 的大作中提到】
: http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/boneheaded-economics_595
: Barbara Lee, a House member from California, is upset about computerized
: checkout lines at grocery stores. She avoids lines with no flesh-and-blood
: checker. “I refuse to do that,” Lee said at a House Appropriations
: Committee hearing, “I know that’s a job or two or three that’s gone.”
: Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. of Illinois is up in arms about the iPad,
: which he declared on the House floor recently is “now probably responsible
: for eliminating thousands of jobs.” Alas, “what becomes of bookstores and
: librarians and all the jobs associated with paper?” Quite soon, he said, “
: such jobs will simply not exist.”

发帖数: 3803

Liberal's stalwarts have little experience in running a business.
They are purely born for politics nothing else ever needed.

【在 m***s 的大作中提到】
: http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/boneheaded-economics_595
: Barbara Lee, a House member from California, is upset about computerized
: checkout lines at grocery stores. She avoids lines with no flesh-and-blood
: checker. “I refuse to do that,” Lee said at a House Appropriations
: Committee hearing, “I know that’s a job or two or three that’s gone.”
: Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. of Illinois is up in arms about the iPad,
: which he declared on the House floor recently is “now probably responsible
: for eliminating thousands of jobs.” Alas, “what becomes of bookstores and
: librarians and all the jobs associated with paper?” Quite soon, he said, “
: such jobs will simply not exist.”

1 (共1页)
麻省小学图书馆拒绝Melania trump捐书CNN: 民主党得不到多数Pelosi也能当议长
伊斯兰主义2.0版本Explosive: Congressperson in massive insider trading
看来,丰田这事可能水真不浅No 2013 Federal GS Pay Raises
现在美国民间仇恨移民的倾向很强啊,大家要注意了The Coming Muslim Century
和党议员已经展望中期选后换总统了Wawagate: MSNBC/Andrea Mitchell Smear Romney With Edited Video
左派的谎言和辉煌政绩Rahm's Chicago: 2,409 City Employees Make Over $100k per Year
Trump 在移民问题上绝不可能妥协Florida Obamacare Navigator Says Rollout is “Dead as a Doornail. It’s a Mess”
话题: house话题: jobs话题: ellison话题: job话题: lee