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USANews版 - Adam Carolla on the Politics of Envy
Adam Carolla评论好莱坞左婢Capitalism in Crisis? Surely You Jest!
Will 9-9-9 Hurt the Middle Class?Time to Give Thanks for the Police Who Must Deal With Occupiers
What Obama Accomplished in Libyaoccupiers now sueing each other
Deconstructing Islam's Template of PerfectionOccupiers要自己开银行了.
Assessing the Racial Hatred at KC's East HighFormer Proud Occupier Admits That Occupy Is A “Crime-Ridden Shanty-Town”
Obamacare Skewered in SongOccupy Wall Street Had A Murderer In Their Midst
Mark Steyn: ‘Occupy’ is anarchists for Big GovernmentWar on Women: Mostly Peaceful OWS Thug Rapes Fellow Occupier
话题: carolla话题: adam话题: politics话题: envy话题: occupiers
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Adam Carolla on the Politics of Envy and the Shame-Driven Angst of the
by The Political Palaver
The problem reasonable Americans have had in addressing the Occupy Wall
Street crowd has stemmed from our propensity to be just that: reasonable.
How do you have a rational conversation with someone who is decrying the
evils of capitalism while copiously taking in its fruits in the form of
iPhones and double-tall Starbucks lattes? What do you say to a a girl that
wonders why her $96K degree in Hispanic transgender gay and lesbian studies
didn't land her a meaningful job?
Would it be possible to explain how a free market works when a person
understands so little about money that he feels entitled to as much as he
demands for having done nothing? And is there any possible hope of reasoning
with a person whose idea of meaningful expression is publically defecating
on a police car or a flag?
You can't reason with them. You just sit back and thank God that only a
small demographic shares their disease. And you hope they go away. And when
they don't, you're left to scratch your head at why the media chooses to put
100 agitators claiming "99%" status in the spotlight. You sit in awe as
certain politicians lend such a farcical movement support.
But now it's clear that we can't reason with them, and we can't just ignore
them. Civility goes nowhere when you're dealing with the uncivil. These
Occupiers have the worldly understanding of children, and their methods are
often sub-human. And they should be spoken to as such.
Adam Carolla does just that in the clip below. Be forewarned- it is chock-
full of foul language, politically incorrect assessments, and all the other
things you've been thinking for years about our coddling, "everyone gets a
trophy for trying" society that has placed a premium on mediocrity- while
discouraging and demonizing exceptionalism.
1 (共1页)
War on Women: Mostly Peaceful OWS Thug Rapes Fellow OccupierDeconstructing Islam's Template of Perfection
国会的通过刺激经济方案里544b就用在政府开支? (转载)Assessing the Racial Hatred at KC's East High
美国右派连喜欢足球也要批判?Obamacare Skewered in Song
新当选的共和党黑人众议员Allen West和Tim ScottMark Steyn: ‘Occupy’ is anarchists for Big Government
Adam Carolla评论好莱坞左婢Capitalism in Crisis? Surely You Jest!
Will 9-9-9 Hurt the Middle Class?Time to Give Thanks for the Police Who Must Deal With Occupiers
What Obama Accomplished in Libyaoccupiers now sueing each other
话题: carolla话题: adam话题: politics话题: envy话题: occupiers