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USANews版 - Panama Canal changes spur U.S. race
美国对委内瑞拉粮食禁运了 (转载)The Worst of Both: The Rise of High-Cost, Low-Capacity Rail Transit
作者: 旁观者昏 "和冯。卡门有关的几个中国人。"富人才是真正的龙虾党。
一个变成无神论的主教进化生物学家On Panama Papers
为什么NJ会有这种民猪党的sb还能做legislator的?lock her up! lock him up!...
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枪杀婴儿的凶手的老妈和aunt被抓起来了LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Rally in Panama City, FL 10/11/16
还让人活吗?佐治亚州一家8口被打LGBT for TRUMP in Savannah GA
话题: ports话题: port话题: new话题: canal话题: panama
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2273
Ports along the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts are racing to expand so that they
can take on an anticipated growth in shipping once an expanded Panama Canal
New locks are expected to be completed at the Panama Canal in 2014. They’ll
enable much larger ships to pass through the canal, providing these ships
to take direct routes between Asia and the U.S. East Coast.
“It will dramatically change the dynamics of shipping to the East Coast, or
at least that’s the expectation of some in the industry,” said Manju
Chandrasekhar, a vice president with the engineering firm Halcrow. He’s
been working on port expansions and other infrastructure projects for the
past 16 years.
“These ships are bigger. It also means that they sit deeper in the water.
The industry term is the draft,” Chandrasekhar said. “They draw a deeper
draft, which means that the navigation channels, or the access waterways, to
these ports will need to be deepened in certain ports.”
Billions of dollars worth of expansion projects are taking place at U.S.
ports from New York to Miami. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
is raising the roadbed of the Bayonne Bridge, which links Staten Island, New
York, and Bayonne, New Jersey, by 64 feet so the larger ships can fit
beneath the span.
The Port of Savannah, Georgia, also is undergoing improvements, with
officials there expecting a big increase in business when the Panama Canal
expansion is finished.
“We are the fourth-busiest container port in the United States,” said
Curtis Foltz, executive director of the Georgia Ports Authority. “We’ve
spent about $1.1 billion modernizing our facilities - that’s the inside of
our terminals - and the state is going to spend close to another $200
million in near-port road and rail access.”
Like other facilities along the East Coast, the Savannah port also is asking
the Army Corps of Engineers to deepen and widen the navigational channel
leading to the port. At Savannah, this is at a projected cost of $600
million. But the port is more than 35 miles upstream, and environmental
groups have voiced concerns about the impact on the Savannah River.
“It’s a huge investment for commerce,” Foltz said. “If it were just for
the state of Georgia, one might question the investment. But in that it’s
about serving commerce more efficiently for the entire Southeast, it’s
something that our nation needs and consumers and producers of goods deserve
Meanwhile, 130 miles south of Savannah, the Port of Jacksonville, Florida is
gearing up in the same way.
“We’re preparing for the future,” said Paul Anderson, CEO of the
Jacksonville Port Authority. “We’ve built a new terminal in a public-
private partnership that will double our capacity to almost 2 million
containers of capability here at JaxPort.
"We’ve just received new cranes. And we’re also looking, as are many ports
along the East Coast, to continually deepen our channel to accommodate
larger ships.”
All of those ports are asking for tax dollars for some aspects of their
expansion projects. But the federal government looks at the requests on an
individual basis. No agency is tasked with looking at cargo facilities in
the United States as a whole. No government entity is looking at the big
picture and determining where it makes the most sense to spend the limited
tax dollars that are available.
“Clearly, there should be ... a national strategy,” Anderson said.
He would like to see a national freight policy that sets forth an intermodal
plan for moving cargo efficiently in and out of the United States well into
the future.
“All ports will gain from it, and I don’t think there will be any winners
and losers,” he said.
Cargo shipments in the United States are expected to double over the next
few decades because of the increase in global population.
“Yes, we are competing for the same business, but if you double that
business in 20 years, there is plenty of cargo prospectively that will allow
all ports to capture enough cargo to be winners,” Anderson said.
While Anderson says there needs to be some guidance from the federal
government, Kurt Nagel, president of the American Association of Port
Authorities, doesn't want government getting too involved.
“I think there is a benefit in having that decision making at the local
level where they recognize their market, they know what cargo is flowing
through their ports and has the potential to flow through the ports,” Nagel
said. “They know what their strengths are, what their weaknesses are, and
then they can make that determination at the local level with their local
resources whether that investment makes sense or not.”
Despite predictions of the expanded Panama Canal dramatically changing
worldwide shipping, no one can say how it’s going to change and which ports
will benefit. The only thing certain is the number of options available to
shipping companies will increase. Economists say more options mean more
competition, and that keeps prices for goods from rising too much.
发帖数: 10233


【在 B**W 的大作中提到】
: Ports along the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts are racing to expand so that they
: can take on an anticipated growth in shipping once an expanded Panama Canal
: opens.
: New locks are expected to be completed at the Panama Canal in 2014. They’ll
: enable much larger ships to pass through the canal, providing these ships
: to take direct routes between Asia and the U.S. East Coast.
: “It will dramatically change the dynamics of shipping to the East Coast, or
: at least that’s the expectation of some in the industry,” said Manju
: Chandrasekhar, a vice president with the engineering firm Halcrow. He’s
: been working on port expansions and other infrastructure projects for the

1 (共1页)
LGBT for TRUMP in Savannah GA为什么NJ会有这种民猪党的sb还能做legislator的?
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NBC的Matt Lauer抓猫被开了,Savannah直播都快哭了枪杀婴儿的凶手的老妈和aunt被抓起来了
"Get out and vote for Roy Moore"还让人活吗?佐治亚州一家8口被打
美国对委内瑞拉粮食禁运了 (转载)The Worst of Both: The Rise of High-Cost, Low-Capacity Rail Transit
作者: 旁观者昏 "和冯。卡门有关的几个中国人。"富人才是真正的龙虾党。
一个变成无神论的主教进化生物学家On Panama Papers
话题: ports话题: port话题: new话题: canal话题: panama