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USANews版 - Unhappy New Year
Why More Than 8% Unemployment Could Lie Ahead加州准备立法让非法移民买obamacare (转载)
Argument from Disparity By Thomas Sowell从竞选口号看智商,品格,与成败
Ann Coulter:祝贺英国!你把公民训成了野人,不分种族,不分性别,甚至不管身体残疾加州ok:要给非法移民obamacare
Kill Switch – A Threat to Democracy?Clinton leads Trump by 6 points(Reuters/Ipsos)
46 Million on Food Stamps for 36 Months in a RowVery dangerous!
免费大学,问题多多[合集] 经济刺激机会给穷人的福利倒是蛮多的。。。。
是啊,美国的大城市正在向南非的方向大步前进反击人造全球暖化歇斯底里,Heartland Institute第四届气候变化国际大会
话题: growth话题: economic话题: benefits话题: economy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
December 30, 2011
By Jeffrey Folks
Most economists predict that, under current policies, the nation's
unemployment rate will be close to 9% through the end of 2012, with the
broader measure of unemployment (U-6) running above 16%. GDP growth is
predicted to be sluggish, in the range of 2%. Government will continue to
lay off workers as growth stagnates and tax receipts remain flat. In short,
the economy will remain lousy.
It doesn't have to be this way.
The President, whose fiscal restraint was on display this week during his $4
million taxpayer-funded Hawaiian vacation, has no idea about how to manage
the nation's finances and promote economic growth. Faced with the longest
slump since the Great Depression, his solution is to raise taxes and
increase spending. The only thing he's managed to get done lately is
extending the payroll tax cut for two months and continuing to fund 99-week
unemployment benefits.
Tax cuts are always a good idea, but not if they are funded by a $37 billion
stealth tax on mortgages. A permanent cut in tax rates funded by real
spending cuts is the best prescription for growth. As Stanford economist
John B. Taylor put it, it is adherence to "the principles of economic
freedom" that spurs growth, not short-term intervention by the Federal
Reserve or other parties. What Taylor means by "economic freedom" is simply
freedom from excessive taxation and regulation, and strict adherence to the
rule of law.
Unfortunately, Taylor finds a lack of "economic leadership" in Washington
today. Everything that Obama has done, from passing costly healthcare reform
to threatening new taxes on the rich, reflects an absence of leadership.
Instead of focusing "like a laser" on job creation, as he has repeatedly
promised to do, the President is focused solely on his reelection chances.
The economy seems to be the least of his concerns.
A 2% cut in withholding is not going to reignite economic growth in 2012. It
has not done so in 2011, during which GDP growth has averaged 1.17% when it
should be running five times that number. Over the past 64 years, real GDP
growth has averaged 3.28%, with numbers running above 5% in post-recession
periods. There's something seriously amiss when the economy fails to recover
following a severe recession. The problem is Washington, and more
specifically, liberal Democrats in Washington.
Liberals like Nancy Pelosi think that the way to increase employment is an
indefinite extension of unemployment benefits. That's like addressing a
lifeboat shortage on the Titanic by handing out free drinks. An unemployed
worker who has failed to obtain employment over the course of 99 weeks is
unlikely to find a job of any kind in the 100th week. In fact, a study
released Dec. 15 showed that workers who collect unemployment benefits for
over a year are likely to file for permanent disability benefits and never
return to the work force. The 99-week extension of unemployment benefits is
not the path to prosperity -- it is the entry way to a lifetime of poverty
and total dependence on government.
Unfortunately, that seems to be just what liberals want. By means of a broad
array of welfare and entitlement programs, liberals are transforming what
was once a free and independent citizenry into a wretched mass of government
beneficiaries. Large numbers of these will be voting for President Obama in
November because he promises to defend their perceived right to government
It's no accident that welfare benefits have been increasing just as economic
growth has stalled. As capital is shifted, either through higher taxes or
increased borrowing, out of the private sector to pay for benefits, business
investment slows and the economy grinds to a halt. During a normal recovery
following a recession, economic growth accelerates to over 5% and remains
high for many quarters. That was the case following the recessions ending in
1975, 1982, 1992, and 2001. But this time it's different.
The President says it's because his predecessor, George W. Bush, ran the
economy into a "ditch." He has been repeating that line for more than 1,000
days, and will undoubtedly employ it right up to the November election. But
the economy was in the same ditch back in 1975, 1982, 1992, and 2001, and in
every case it recovered within 12 months. This time it has not recovered,
and it shows no signs of recovering in 2012. The Outlook Survey issued by
the National Association for Business Economics predicts an unemployment
rate of 8.9% for 2012. That is not a normal recovery.
This time it's different because the Democratic Party no longer cares about
economic growth. It believes that the American people are just as well off
collecting $330 a week in unemployment benefits as they are working. Far
more important than economic growth is their obligation to the special
interests who oppose growth: labor unions who block the opening of a Boeing
plant in South Carolina, environmentalists who oppose the Keystone XL
pipeline, trial lawyers mounting class action suits on the basis of
disparate impact and the alien tort statute -- all of them aided and abetted
by the Obama Justice Department, National Labor Relations Board, EPA, and
other agencies.
It's a wonder, in fact, that the economy is growing at all, and doubtful
that it can continue to do so in 2012. Overseas, Europe is slipping into
recession, and growth in the emerging markets is slowing. At home, 77% of
small businesses report that they do not intend to hire new workers in 2012.
State governments continue to let workers go, and the U.S. Postal Service
is scheduled to lay off 120,000 workers and close 3,700 post offices
beginning in 2012. Meanwhile, Americans have once again maxed out their
credit cards in an effort to maintain their standard of living. Once credit
has been exhausted, there is nothing left to fund consumption.
As bad as things are, they'll probably get worse in 2012. And they are
likely to continue going badly for years to come after that, because it will
not be easy to reverse the damage of the current administration.
I'd love to be able to wish you a Happy New Year. Really. But as long as we
have Obama and his legacy of Big Government to deal with, it's going to be
one Unhappy New Year after another. Get used to it.
Jeffrey Folks is the author of many books and articles on American culture,
most recently Heartland of the Imagination (2011).
1 (共1页)
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Why More Than 8% Unemployment Could Lie Ahead加州准备立法让非法移民买obamacare (转载)
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Ann Coulter:祝贺英国!你把公民训成了野人,不分种族,不分性别,甚至不管身体残疾加州ok:要给非法移民obamacare
Kill Switch – A Threat to Democracy?Clinton leads Trump by 6 points(Reuters/Ipsos)
话题: growth话题: economic话题: benefits话题: economy