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USANews版 - Who needs three branches of government…
The Middle-Class AgendaDeMint向共和党议员喊话,不要给奥巴马医疗法案拨款,反对给非法入境者大赦未必会伤害共和党 [News Max][EN][圖] [2013-08-08]
Retaliation for gun permit disclosures continuesFred Barnes: The President's Shutdown
Trump 又多了一个缺点,威胁GOP,没资格当总统政府开支连续两年下降,韩战以来第一次
笑死人了。。 一个one china policy 搞的你们这帮傻逼上窜下跳的。。Approval Ratings Hit 5-Year High for GOP, New Low for Obama
巴马和国会再次为巴马care的问题上法庭Senate passes Keystone XL measure
Palin: Congress, it's time to stop lining your pocketstrump现象不是disease,是 the beta-test of a cure
Congress Takes Up a Partisan Battle, Again, Over Spending共和党开始反水,Trump被弹劾时间问题
美国37个州由单一政党控制州长和议会(共和党24,民主党13)Shutdown Schumer
话题: obama话题: congress话题: mr话题: senate
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Posted by Rick Rice
January 5, 2012
… when you’re The Won:
ObamaPushing the limits of his recess appointment powers, President
Obama on Wednesday bypassed the Senate to install three members of the
National Labor Relations Board and a director for the controversial new
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – moves Republicans said amounted to
unconstitutional power grabs.
Mr. Obama said the appointments, which he previewed during a campaign-
style speech in Ohio, were necessary because Senate Republicans have blocked
him at every turn. But in making the move, he rejected three precedents,
including two in which he played a part, that would have blocked the
“I refuse to take ‘no’ for an answer,” Mr. Obama said in Shaker
Heights, drawing applause from his audience. “When Congress refuses to act
and as a result hurts our economy and puts our people at risk, then I have
an obligation as president to do what I can without them.”
Mr. Obama tapped former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray to head
the consumer protection agency and named three others – two Democrats and
one Republican – to the labor board. Those nominations had all been stymied
by congressional Republicans, who said Mr. Obama was accruing too much
power to himself through those two agencies.
The president acted just a day after the Senate held a session, albeit a
pro forma one without any business transacted.
Senators from both parties – including Democrats in 2007 and 2008, when
Mr. Obama was in the Senate – have said it takes a recess of at least
three days before the president can use his appointment powers.
Mr. Obama’s move threatens to ignite an all-out legislative war with
Congress, and Republicans reacted with strikingly sharp language.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, said the
move “arrogantly circumvented the American people.”
“Breaking from this precedent lands this appointee in uncertain legal
territory, threatens the confirmation process and fundamentally endangers
the Congress‘ role in providing a check on the excesses of the executive
branch,” he said.
William Jacobson is suggesting this is much more than a mere power grab:
Obama’s campaign theme is to run against Congress. What better way to
run against Congress than to create a confrontation with Congress?
Republicans in Congress have no choice but to retaliate against this
power grab, and that is just what Obama wants. He wants a crisis he can
take advantage of, perhaps over the FICA holiday which runs out in February
(how smart were the Tea Party congressman for opposing a short term
Obama was elected by crisis, he seeks to create crisis at every turn,
and he never lets a good crisis go to waste.
I say give him the crisis, but do it carefully so that this time we are
the ones who get to take advantage. We have a President who is arrogant,
dismissive, and out of control, the nation knows it. It has to stop, and it
sets the issue up nicely for November 2012.
The question is do we still have a country that truly sees Obama as arrogant
, dismissive and out of control.
I have my doubts. I hope I’m wrong.
1 (共1页)
Shutdown Schumer巴马和国会再次为巴马care的问题上法庭
主党要逼和党go nuclearPalin: Congress, it's time to stop lining your pockets
主党脸皮确实厚Congress Takes Up a Partisan Battle, Again, Over Spending
The Middle-Class AgendaDeMint向共和党议员喊话,不要给奥巴马医疗法案拨款,反对给非法入境者大赦未必会伤害共和党 [News Max][EN][圖] [2013-08-08]
Retaliation for gun permit disclosures continuesFred Barnes: The President's Shutdown
Trump 又多了一个缺点,威胁GOP,没资格当总统政府开支连续两年下降,韩战以来第一次
笑死人了。。 一个one china policy 搞的你们这帮傻逼上窜下跳的。。Approval Ratings Hit 5-Year High for GOP, New Low for Obama
话题: obama话题: congress话题: mr话题: senate