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USANews版 - 11 Solyndras Filed or are filing bankruptcy
Second Energy Department-backed company goes bankrupt中国没有给obama面子
Obama's Green Energy Failures Continue To Abound佩林轰奥巴马治下的裙带资本主义盛行
GM could be heading for bankruptcy againChu takes responsibility for a loan deal to Solyndra
奥巴马能源部负责贷款的官员Jonathan Silver辞职了The Coming Post-Obama Renaissance
GOP Says Energy Dept. Tried to Delay Solyndra Layoffs Until After Midterm ElectionCain还是比较冤
奥巴马的裙带资本主义Most transparent WH rejects House subpoena on Solyndra
太阳能设备制造商Solyndra突然宣布破产Scandals, Penn State-Style Ethics and Journalist Hypocrisy
Solyndra: Largest VC loss ever? (转载)Crony capitalism and smallpox
话题: energy话题: department话题: solyndra话题: loan话题: had
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 850
US Department of Energy funded 11 solar companies with a total of 6.5
billion dollars.
But 5 of them already filed bankruptcy.
Another 6 are close to do the same.
They are:
Beacon, Evergreen Solar, SpectraWatt, AES, Solyndras
Nevada Geo-Thermal, Sun Power, First Solar, ......................
发帖数: 10233
obama suckers are having a good time of defending him

【在 t*b 的大作中提到】
: US Department of Energy funded 11 solar companies with a total of 6.5
: billion dollars.
: But 5 of them already filed bankruptcy.
: Another 6 are close to do the same.
: They are:
: Beacon, Evergreen Solar, SpectraWatt, AES, Solyndras
: Nevada Geo-Thermal, Sun Power, First Solar, ......................

发帖数: 4050

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器

【在 y****t 的大作中提到】
: obama suckers are having a good time of defending him
: lol...

发帖数: 10233
lol.. 我老人家回贴回早了,
发信人: SteelDragon (金箍如意), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 11 Solyndras Filed or are filing bankruptcy
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 14 00:07:28 2012, 美东)

【在 y****t 的大作中提到】
: obama suckers are having a good time of defending him
: lol...

发帖数: 29846
Loan approval
On January 9, 2009, the Department of Energy's credit committee decided
unanimously that although the project "appears to have merit, there are
several areas where the information presented did not thoroughly support a
finding that the project is ready to be approved at this time." The
committee "without prejudice" remanded the project "for further development
of information."[12]
After Obama took office, analysts in the Energy Department and in the Office
of Management and Budget questioned the loan, as one Energy official wrote
in an e-mail of "a major outstanding issue": cash flow predictions showed
that the Fab 2 subsidiary (the entity receiving the loan guarantee) it would
be low on cash in September 2011, possibly needing help from the parent
company until the cash flow recovered in subsequent months.[13]
One White House budget analyst nixed a planned Presidential announcement of
the loan guarantee on a March 19 trip to California, writing in a March 10,
2009 e-mail "This deal is NOT ready for prime time".[14][15]
On March 20, 2009, the Department of Energy made a "conditional commitment"
to a $535 million loan guarantee to support Solyndra's construction of a
commercial-scale manufacturing plant for its proprietary solar photovoltaic
panels.[16] The White House and Solyndra had estimated that the loan would
help to create 4,000 new jobs.[1] The White House scheduled a press event
for September 4 and federal reviewers gave final approval on September 2.[17
] After securing the loan guarantee, the Federal Financing Bank, a part of
the Department of the Treasury, loaned Solyndra the money on September 4,
2009.[18] Solyndra used the loaned funds to build a new manufacturing
facility, Fab 2, in Fremont, California. Construction began in September
2009 and was completed in June 2010.[19] In May 2010, the company was
promoted by President Obama in his visit as a model for government
investment in green technology.[20] It was also visited by Energy Secretary
Steven Chu.[21]
On August 31, 2011 Solyndra announced it was filing for Chapter 11
bankruptcy protection, laying off 1100 employees, and shutting down all
operations and manufacturing.[22]
On September 19, 2011, Media Matters reported that in a rush to cover the
bankruptcy of Solyndra, many news media outlets have misrepresented or
omitted key facts. Among these are the fact that the panel of career
officials that remanded the project during the Bush administration is the
exact same committee that then approved the loan guarantee transaction
several months later after due diligence, the fact that the email stating
that the loan was "not ready for prime time" was not a warning about
financial risk but was in fact an email concerned with the timing of the
announcement and not the merits of the loan guarantee, and the fact that
while the George Kaiser Family Foundation made investments, Solyndra had "
close ties to both political parties” including the conservative Walton
family, which was the second largest investor and is a major donor to
Republicans. [23]
Also in September 2011, the New York Times reported that government auditors
and industry analysts had faulted the Obama administration for failing to
properly evaluate the company's business proposals, as well as for failing
to take note of troubling signs which were already evident. In addition,
Frank Rusco, a program director at the Government Accountability Office, had
found that the preliminary loan approval had been granted before officials
had completed the legally mandated evaluations of the company.[24]
The New York Times quoted Shyam Mehta, a senior analyst at GTM Research, as
saying "There was just too much misplaced zeal at the Department of Energy
for this company." Among 143 companies that had expressed an interest in
getting a loan guarantee, Solyndra was the first one to get approval. The
company reportedly spent nearly $1.8 million on lobbying during the period
the loan guarantee was under review. Tim Harris, the CEO of Solopower, a
different solar panel company which had obtained a $197 million loan
guarantee, told the New York Times that his company had never considered
spending any money on lobbying, and that "It was made clear to us early in
the process that that was clearly verboten... We were told that it was not
only not helpful but it was not acceptable."[24]
The Washington Post reported that Solyndra had used some of the loan money
to purchase new equipment which it never used, and then sold that new
equipment, still in its plastic wrap, for pennies on the dollar. Former
Solyndra engineer Lindsey Eastburn told the Washington Post, "After we got
the loan guarantee, they were just spending money left and right... Because
we were doing well, nobody cared. Because of that infusion of money, it made
people sloppy."[25]
According to the Washington Post, the Obama administration had tried to rush
federal reviewers to approve the loan so Vice President Joe Biden could
announce it at a September 2009 groundbreaking for the company’s factory.[
26] In addition, according to the Post, the Obama administration continued
to allow Solyndra to receive taxpayer money even after it had defaulted on
its $535 million loan.[27]
On October 6, 2011, Jonathan Silver, the director of the Department of
Energy's loan office, stepped down to become a distinguished visiting fellow
at Third Way; Department of Energy officials stated that the decision was
unrelated to the controversy.[28][29]
On October 7, 2011, The Washington Post reported that newly revealed emails
showed that Energy Department officials had been warned that their plan to
help Solyndra by restructuring the loan might be illegal, and should be
cleared with the Justice Department first. However, Energy Department
officials moved ahead with the restructuring anyway, with a new deal that
would repay the company's creditors before taxpayers if the company were to
default.[30] The California Democratic Party was listed as one of these
creditors that would get repaid before the taxpayers.[31] The emails showed
concerns within the Obama administration about the legality of the Energy
Department's actions. In addition, an Energy Department stimulus adviser,
Steve Spinner, had pushed for the loan, despite having recused himself
because his wife's law firm had done work for the company.[30]
On October 14, 2011 two senior Treasury officials said that they had never
seen a loan restructuring like Solyndra.[32]
1 (共1页)
Crony capitalism and smallpoxGOP Says Energy Dept. Tried to Delay Solyndra Layoffs Until After Midterm Election
Potential buyers show little interest in Solyndra奥巴马的裙带资本主义
欧巴马只剩阶级仇恨可用(柯翰默)Solyndra: Largest VC loss ever? (转载)
Second Energy Department-backed company goes bankrupt中国没有给obama面子
Obama's Green Energy Failures Continue To Abound佩林轰奥巴马治下的裙带资本主义盛行
GM could be heading for bankruptcy againChu takes responsibility for a loan deal to Solyndra
奥巴马能源部负责贷款的官员Jonathan Silver辞职了The Coming Post-Obama Renaissance
话题: energy话题: department话题: solyndra话题: loan话题: had