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USANews版 - 海军陆战队的清白
Kelly 在2010年的一个speech笑死我了。。 (转载)
老壮的又一个好人好事Washington Times:Obama tried to sway Iraqis on Bush deal
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An army T-bag is begging to stay ....这个沙比sucker说撤出伊拉克不是我做的决定
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美国大兵毁尸灭证 (转载)关于不死和伊战
话题: wuterich话题: marines话题: haditha话题: his话题: plea
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – The U.S. Marine sergeant accused of leading a
massacre of 24 Iraqi civilians in Haditha pleaded guilty on Monday to
dereliction of duty, ending the final prosecution stemming from a 2005
incident that brought international condemnation of U.S. troops.
Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich, 31, entered his plea at Camp Pendleton Marine
Corps base north of San Diego as part of a deal with military prosecutors
in which more serious charges of involuntary manslaughter and aggravated
assault were dismissed.
As part of his guilty plea, Wuterich accepted responsibility for providing
negligent verbal instructions to the Marines under his command when he told
them to "shoot first and ask questions later," resulting in the death of
innocent civilians.
He faces a maximum sentence of three months of confinement, forfeiture of
two-thirds of his pay for three months and a reduction in rank when he is
sentenced on Tuesday, a Camp Pendleton spokesman said.
"By pleading guilty to this charge, Staff Sergeant Wuterich has accepted
responsibility for his actions," base spokesman Lieutentant Colonel Joseph
Kloppel said.
Any discharge process Wuterich may face will be separate from the plea and
sentencing, Kloppel added.
Wuterich, 31, was accused of being the ringleader in a series of November 19
, 2005, shooting and grenade attacks that left two dozen civilians dead in
Haditha, a city west of Baghdad that was a hotbed of insurgent activity.
The killings were portrayed by Iraqi witnesses as a massacre of unarmed
Local witnesses said angry Marines had killed unarmed men, women and
children after a popular comrade, Lance Corporal Miguel "TJ" Terrazas, was
killed by a roadside bomb.
Lawyers for the troops involved argued the deaths resulted from a fast-
moving situation in which the Marines believed they were under enemy fire.
Six of the eight Marines originally accused in the case had their charges
dismissed by military judges, and a seventh was cleared of criminal
Wuterich was originally charged with murder in the case.
"No one denies that the consequences of November 19, 2005 were tragic, least
of all Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich," his civilian defense attorney, Neal
Puckett, said in a statement released shortly after the plea hearing.
"But the fact of the matter is that he has now been totally exonerated of
the homicide charges brought against him by the government and the media.
For six years he has had his name dragged through the mud. Today, we hope,
is the beginning of his redemption," the statement said.
Wuterich pleaded not guilty when the court-martial began in early January.
The proceedings were suspended last Wednesday by the military judge in the
case, who ordered prosecutors and defense lawyers to seek a negotiated plea
The trial resumed on Friday for one day, and the plea agreement was
announced on Monday morning.
"Many pundits from all walks of life will comment on Wuterich's purported
guilt and most of these are people who have never been remotely associated
with the challenges of combat action," Colonel Willard Buhl, a U.S. Marine
Corps military fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, told Reuters.
"Marines know that they are the best trained and led military men and women
in the world," Buhl said. "But the cauldron of war is the most intense thing
humans can experience and this case falls on the extreme end of that
Buhl served in the same battalion and regiment as Wuterich, but never met
him and was deployed in that unit before the events at Haditha that are at
the center of the case.
Wuterich enlisted in the Marines after his 1998 high school graduation. He
was serving his second tour of duty in Iraq when the Haditha incident
(Editing by Dan Whitcomb, Steve Gorman, Paul Thomasch and Peter Cooney)
1 (共1页)
关于不死和伊战海军要在加州,AZ, AL建房子关非法移民
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Kelly 在2010年的一个speech笑死我了。。 (转载)
老壮的又一个好人好事Washington Times:Obama tried to sway Iraqis on Bush deal
华邮百思不得其解:为什么老兵一面倒地支持Trump?Iraqis Angered as Blackwater Charges Are Dropped (from NYtimes.com)
An army T-bag is begging to stay ....这个沙比sucker说撤出伊拉克不是我做的决定
话题: wuterich话题: marines话题: haditha话题: his话题: plea