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USANews版 - Welfare Killed The Little Red Hen
克林顿总统是美国历届最富的十位之一因为在白宫工作,Sarah Sanders被餐馆赶出去了
Get Ready for the New New Deal桑德斯可不可以告赶她的餐厅老板歧视?
Welfare State Grows by Nearly 19% Under Obama – to Almost $1 Trillion a YearThe Insult of Leftist Lies
Who is the biggest loser in this campaign?给伤心失望的床粉鼓鼓劲
Air Strikes on Isis Not Working; What's Next?据说川普在美国历届总统里不算粗俗的
黑客公布的邮件显示Clinton fundation工作人员05年就开始联系John OliverWelfare Reform coming up: MAGA
Never hire a fox to guard the henhouse威斯康星允许雇员自由选择后,工会人数显著下降
话题: red话题: little话题: hen话题: he话题: welfare
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
March 28, 2012 by John Myers
The yoke that is the welfare state has thoroughly infected America. If
voters re-elect President Barack Obama, he will brainwash all Americans into
thinking they are entitled to government handouts. Most Americans don’t
understand that independent people are losing their way as the President
crusades to build his Nanny Nation — a country so transformed that even the
oral traditions that were taught for generations have been eradicated.
To be fair, it is not all Obama’s fault. In my lifetime, the United States
has been moving away from its ideals of hard work, self-sacrifice and
personal responsibility.
Bedtime Stories Our Children Never Hear
Some of you may remember “The Little Red Hen,” the bedtime story of an
industrious chicken that lived with an indolent cat, a lazy dog and a mouse
that behaved like a sloth.
I can still remember the story from half a century ago. My dad always had a
glimmer in his eye, sitting at the head of the dinner table and telling us
kids the fable of the cat that slept, the dog that napped and the mouse that
snoozed. They only survived, said my dad, because the Little Red Hen worked
so very hard.
One day, while busy in the garden, the Little Red Hen found some seeds of
wheat. The hen asked her friends the following:
“Who will plant this wheat?”
“Who will cut this wheat?”
“Who will grind this wheat into flour?”
“Who will make a cake from the fine flour?”
To each question, her friends replied: “Not I.”
Finally, the Little Red Hen asked, “Who will help me eat this cake?” The
cat, the dog and the mouse all shouted: “I will.”
“No, you won’t,” replied the Little Red Hen, “for I alone did all the
work, so I alone will eat the cake.”
When I was a child, The Little Red Hen was a big hit at our house. But when
I told the fable to my own children, they just didn’t seem to get it.
“Why wouldn’t the hen share, Daddy?” asked my little girl.
“Because she did all the work,” I replied.
“But my teacher tells us we are supposed to share,” she said.
“Sharing is good,” I told her, “but you can’t be lazy. You have to share
in the work too.”
A puzzled look spread over her face. I remember being a bit exasperated, and
I asked: “Don’t you read stories like ‘The Little Red Hen’ at school?”
“Not really,” she said. “Most of the stories we read are about helping
each other.”
I realized that the values held sacred by my parents, grandparents and great
-grandparents were not even contemplated by my children or most of their
Obama is accelerating America’s welfare revolution. He is finishing what
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt started when he introduced the New Deal
80 years ago. Three generations later, there are fewer Little Red Hens and
far too many cats, dogs and mice.
I fear that the welfare creed has become so ingrained in our culture that
America will probably never extricate itself from its growing socialist grip
. That may have been FDR’s intention from the start.
Roosevelt bragged: “… no damn politician can ever scrap my social security
But FDR only engineered the welfare state. Its grand developer was President
Lyndon B. Johnson. His “War On Poverty” and his plan for a Great Society
have built a welfare system second to none.
An American Thinker article addressed the issue:
As it stands now, Obama appears headed toward an economic legacy that
may very well surpass Jimmy Carter in its level of failure.
We have seen under this president an expanding number of citizens who
are partially or wholly dependent on the government for their very
livelihood, as the data show that the U.S. has become an ever-growing
welfare state under Obama.
Government dependence, which is defined as the percentage of persons
receiving one or more federal benefit payments, is at a staggering 47%, its
highest level in American history, while 21 million households are reliant
on food stamps. In fact, government spending on food stamps in 2010 ($68
billion) was double what it was in 2007, with the 2011 figure likely to be
even higher.
As the graph below shows, government welfare payments have soared over the
past 42 years, from a few billion dollars to $800 billion. If the trend
continues, payments will exceed $1 trillion dollars per year. Add in defense
and national security spending and immediately the Federal government is
spending almost $2 trillion each year. This cannot continue, yet it seems
almost impossible to stop until people believe that they need to be
industrious, that they should not depend on government to help them make
their way.
My dad told me other stories when I was growing up: hard-luck stories about
what he and his generation faced during the Great Depression. He graduated
from college with a degree in geology in 1930. Yet it took him 12 years to
do anything but menial jobs. He worked selling vacuum cleaners and he sold
life insurance door to door. He even worked in a slaughter house. The
government didn’t help him. Quite frankly, if the help had been offered, I
doubt he would have taken it. He didn’t have much time for government,
either in getting things from it or paying toward it.
The grandchildren of those who went through the Great Depression don’t
think this way. Liberals, from those in the education system to those in the
entertainment industry, have convinced most young people that government
should do more to make society better. They want to reward the cat, the dog
and the mouse while making the Little Red Hen pay for it.
The problem is the Little Red Hens are getting tired of carrying the load
for everyone else. Until we wake up to this fact, we will be faced with
continued social and economic crises, and the standard of living will fall
for all of us.
Yours in good times and bad,
–John Myers
Editor, Myers’ Energy & Gold Report
发帖数: 3803
Stupid Kennedy and many other damnocraps brought this
to destroy true democracy and run this country down.
This is sadly one costly lesson we've learned from the past.
Like many original thoughts on humanity, the idea of broad
welfare wasn't spawned to do harm. The problem is when
public noticed it's devastating effects, it's often too
late - to have found out that there is no such a thing
as a brake in place to avoid a national collapse.
Like many have said, there has to be ways to deal with
the root of the problem. Those who receive welfare should
be disqualified on casting ballots.
Ethically, those who have taken up 50% of crimes committed
in the country should not be allowed to cry for justice.
Everything racial or crying foul for racial discrimination
should be permanently banned.
First clean the house then get this nation on its feet.
Odumba had a unprecedented chance as a president to unify
the country and deal with the worsening aspects of political
life. Nobody can argue with him if he put in actions to
crack on crime rates of his people's hoods, let black parents
take responsibility for raising their kids so many black thugs
won't take the street and turn it into battleground.
Yet, this shit-head did nuthing.
We all know, (ok, those of us who are not that liberal) he can't
fix economy, can't create jobs, can't bring peace to Afghanistan.
And the only thing he can achieve, he chooses to play nice with it.
No, completely ignores it.
This shit just has got no shame.
1 (共1页)
威斯康星允许雇员自由选择后,工会人数显著下降Air Strikes on Isis Not Working; What's Next?
希拉里是这么处理机密邮件的黑客公布的邮件显示Clinton fundation工作人员05年就开始联系John Oliver
看来都是在演戏Never hire a fox to guard the henhouse
克林顿总统是美国历届最富的十位之一因为在白宫工作,Sarah Sanders被餐馆赶出去了
Get Ready for the New New Deal桑德斯可不可以告赶她的餐厅老板歧视?
Welfare State Grows by Nearly 19% Under Obama – to Almost $1 Trillion a YearThe Insult of Leftist Lies
Who is the biggest loser in this campaign?给伤心失望的床粉鼓鼓劲
话题: red话题: little话题: hen话题: he话题: welfare