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USANews版 - House Approves GOP Deficit-Cutting Budget
共和党2010年立法议程Trump says tax bill with "massive" cuts coming next week
Real federal deficit dwarfs official tally共和党最该赢得勤劳、虔诚、顾家、有创业精神的亚裔选民
The centerpiece of Romney's econ plan is CUTnational deficit of USA
看来这两党的DEFICIT CUT计划都不靠谱呀。还是该支持cut cap and balance
Cutting government is useless所有的加税GOP都会支持的,你们放心
Re: 美国的 1%的富人该还税了!!! (转载)新Poll: 美国人民什么好处都想要
奥巴马新预算案是减老人福利,养懒人????corker反对tax bill
政府开支连续两年下降,韩战以来第一次 税改最后时刻CBO又出来搅了
话题: house话题: obama话题: gop话题: democrats话题: thursday
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Thursday, 29 Mar 2012 03:43 PM
Republicans have pushed a $3.5 trillion, election-year budget through a
divided House that showcases their plans for trimming federal deficits and
contrasts sharply with how President Barack Obama and Democrats would tackle
the nation's fiscal problems.
The GOP package would revamp Medicare, slice everything from food stamps to
transportation and reject Obama's call for higher taxes on the rich. It
envisions collapsing the six different income tax rates into just two, with
a top rate of 25 percent compared with today's 35 percent. It would also
eliminate unspecified tax breaks.
The House approved the measure Thursday by a near party-line 228-191 vote.
Obama and Democrats prefer raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans and on
oil companies, boosting funds for roads and schools and culling modest
savings from domestic programs.
1 (共1页)
税改最后时刻CBO又出来搅了Cutting government is useless
Obama “Caved”: Why Grover Norquist Thinks the GOP Will Keep WinningRe: 美国的 1%的富人该还税了!!! (转载)
Obama To Shift Focus From Dismal Jobs Outlook To Raising Taxes政府开支连续两年下降,韩战以来第一次
共和党2010年立法议程Trump says tax bill with "massive" cuts coming next week
Real federal deficit dwarfs official tally共和党最该赢得勤劳、虔诚、顾家、有创业精神的亚裔选民
The centerpiece of Romney's econ plan is CUTnational deficit of USA
看来这两党的DEFICIT CUT计划都不靠谱呀。还是该支持cut cap and balance
话题: house话题: obama话题: gop话题: democrats话题: thursday