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USANews版 - The Perils of Lizzie “Paleface” Warren
Elizabeth Warren Practiced Law In Massachusetts Without A License For Over A DecadeMedia’s Disinterest in Abuse of American Indian Women in Boston
昨晚曲折的死刑执行Elizabeth Warren Lies or is She a Victim of ‘Right-Wing Smear Machine’?
Chelsea Clinton: Scalia死了,我们可以控枪了竟然没有主流媒体报道Elizabeth Warren造假
Gorsuch is confirmed by the senator as Supreme Court JusticeElizabeth Warren的少数民族成分
Look who’s taking bucketfuls of Wall Street CashElizabeth Warren获胜发100个包子 (转载)
Elizabeth Warren, a native american...Elizabeth Warren终于忍不住了:床铺是 Loser!
话题: warren话题: so话题: about话题: elizabeth
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发帖数: 29846
May 4, 2012 by Michael Laprarie
It’s been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week for the beleaguered
Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren. So naturally it’s time
for me to beat up on her some more.
First off, Warren’s recently-released tax returns inadvertently revealed
how she really feels about taxes. Warren and incumbent Scott Brown both
released four years of tax returns in response to a request from the Boston
Globe. For most of the period, the earnings of Warren and her husband
outstripped the earnings of Brown and his wife by nearly 3 to 1. Yet, even
though the Warrens were earning in the neighborhood of $900k a year, they
declined to pay the special optional Massachusetts income rate of 5.85%,
choosing instead to pay the mandatory rate of 5.3%. So much for all of
Warren’s yammering about the “social contract” that obligates the wealthy
to “pay their fair share.” When asked about this apparent discrepancy
between her words and her deeds, Warren replied, “I paid my taxes, and I
did not make a charitable contribution to the state.” So there, rubes.
But please don’t think for a minute that Elizabeth Warren doesn’t care
about you. She’s out there, every day, “working for middle class families
.” That annual income just shy of a cool million? And those stocks and
mutual funds she and her husband own, worth somewhere between five and
fifteen million? Or that special interest-free loan from Harvard?
Irrelevant. Being “middle class” isn’t about a number. “It’s about a
place in your heart.” (Cue touching scene with Sally Field passing the
communion wine.)
But those darn establishment tools just won’t leave poor Lizzie alone.
When reporters for the Boston Herald dug into the paper trail connected to
Warren’s teaching career at Harvard, they discovered that the school used
Warren as a promotional token for “diversity,” claiming that Warren was “
Native American” and the first Native American hire for the prestigious
Harvard Law School. But it was all just a big misunderstanding, insisted
Warren. All she wanted was a free faculty luncheon, which she never got.
Anyway, she really was part Cherokee. Really. “Family lore” said so, and
we all know that family lore is never wrong. Well, that and her
grandfather’s “high cheekbones,” an obviously tell-tale sign of Native
American heritage that any enlightened believer in phrenology would
immediately recognize. Ignoramuses.
Finally, after her staff was forced to do some digging, Warren’s campaign
announced that she was, in fact, a documented 1/32 Cherokee. Paleface
Or, after this past week, Red Face. Very, very red faced.
Elizabeth Scalia, The Anchoress, has a theory about Warren and about the
Massachusetts Democrats:
For the second election in a row, Massachusetts Dems have been so
sloppily careless about who should fill “Ted Kennedy’s seat” — or they
have felt so mindlessly entitled to it — that they have decided to run an
overly-insulated inept, elitist, out-of-touch, rhetorically ungifted
political hack who cannot speak beyond cliches and slogans and has no
interest in courting the blue-collar side of the party.
Such nakedly royal disdain. No need to intellectually engage with anyone
outside of their class or enclave, and no need to even hang around with the
union guys or the low-wage workers.
Warren suffers from an affliction common to wealthy, successful elitists who
fancy themselves advocates for the poor and downtrodden. It’s a kind of
Stockholm Syndrome, whereby leisure class debutantes and country club
dandies invest so much emotional energy trying to empathize with the less
fortunate, that they start actually believing that they themselves are less
fortunate. So hob-nobbing with the hoi polloi is unnecessary, because these
highly educated, very compassionate people already know all there is to know.
Don’t believe me? Just ask Elizabeth Warren.
1 (共1页)
AA如果不照顾杂种Gorsuch is confirmed by the senator as Supreme Court Justice
滴水经济就是个邪恶的笑话Look who’s taking bucketfuls of Wall Street Cash
其实解决这些没脑左派简单Elizabeth Warren, a native american...
Elizabeth Warren Practiced Law In Massachusetts Without A License For Over A DecadeMedia’s Disinterest in Abuse of American Indian Women in Boston
昨晚曲折的死刑执行Elizabeth Warren Lies or is She a Victim of ‘Right-Wing Smear Machine’?
Chelsea Clinton: Scalia死了,我们可以控枪了竟然没有主流媒体报道Elizabeth Warren造假
话题: warren话题: so话题: about话题: elizabeth