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USANews版 - So should black eyes be 'redlisted' too?
Santa Clara County Police Chief $684,593 一年 (转载)哈哈,这个评论有意思
马桶也低头了?看这个,笑死人 Post-Debate Press-Van Confusion in Denver
Google 邮件算法认为Sanders的经济计划是骗局靠,奥八一不留神把失业率改的太多了,
Project Veritas捐款可以抵税还可能有公司matchIrony: Obama Invites Notorious Tax Cheat to White House to Talk Taxes
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Libyan President Tells Ann CurryGOP第五次辩论过程中谁获得Tweeter follower最多?
话题: racism话题: officers话题: yard话题: whitelist话题: redlisted
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
And why wouldn't Native Americans take offense to the redlist?
Things are getting really stupid:
StupidPolice chiefs have banned the word ‘blacklist’ over fears it is
They have also struck out its opposite – ‘whitelist’ – which is used
by IT workers for a list of acceptable email contacts.
Scotland Yard employees have been told to use ‘red’ and ‘green’
The move baffled officers, who said it would do little to help the force
emerge from its latest racism crisis.
Thirteen reports of racism, involving 27 officers and staff, are being
probed by the Met and the independent police watchdog.
One officer said: ‘Frankly we all sigh when things like this come
around. Lots of good work is done to make sure policing reaches into all
parts of society and helps the most vulnerable. This is not it.’
The ban emerged in an email to Yard IT staff from security services
chief Brian Douglas. He wrote: ‘IB (Information Board) are uncomfortable
with the use of the term whitelist (and I presume blacklist).
'I am sure we can appreciate the sensitivity around the use of such
terminology today so please ensure it is no longer used.'
The measure is part of a drive by police chiefs to stamp out racism
within the force. But officers within the organisation are said to have
described the latest orders as 'bizarre'.
I like the word stupid. Seems to fit.
1 (共1页)
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Paul Ryan是个爷们儿72% Put Freedom of Speech Ahead of Not Offending Other Cultures
自己打脸上瘾啊Libyan President Tells Ann Curry
Santa Clara County Police Chief $684,593 一年 (转载)哈哈,这个评论有意思
马桶也低头了?看这个,笑死人 Post-Debate Press-Van Confusion in Denver
Google 邮件算法认为Sanders的经济计划是骗局靠,奥八一不留神把失业率改的太多了,
Project Veritas捐款可以抵税还可能有公司matchIrony: Obama Invites Notorious Tax Cheat to White House to Talk Taxes
话题: racism话题: officers话题: yard话题: whitelist话题: redlisted