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USANews版 - I'm no stand alone Mitt Romney fan...
Axelrod leaves an oil slick on CNN
Obama: "We got back every dime" CBO: "You're a liar Mr. President"
"If you are a liberal – as I am – you should be the most offended"
期待星期四Paul Ryan kicks Biden's a**
Debate fact check by USA Today
话题: romney话题: obama话题: mr话题: his话题: he
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
by Rick aka Mr. Brutally Honest
... but since my choice is between him and Obama, I'm willing to become one.
I was most pleased yesterday to see that Mr. Romney ain't no John McCain
when it comes to campaigning:
More impressive action from the rebels of the Mitt Romney camp as they
opened up a three-front skirmish against forces loyal to the Emperor Hussein
yesterday in Boston, Fremont, Calif., and Washington, D.C.
There was the candidate himself, giving a sharp speech about the crony-
capitalistic disaster of Solyndra outside the shuttered headquarters of the
green pipe dream itself. At the same time, President Obama was pinned down
in the capital, grinding his teeth through some typically solipsistic
remarks while his detested predecessor grabbed the spotlight at the
unveiling of his official presidential portrait — and wowed the crowd with
some folksy self-deprecation and love for his family.
But the most important engagement of the day was the public heckling of
presidential consigliere David Axelrod, including orchestrated chants of “
Solyndra, Solyndra.” Never elected to anything, the former Chicago Tribune
reporter and city-hall bureau-chief-turned-campaign-consultant made an
unforced error in emerging from the shadows, where the general public could
get a good look at him. As Charles Krauthammer observed last night:
You’ve got to ask yourself on today’s events: Who is David Axelrod
, and who elected him? Who decided he should stand outside the [statehouse]
and give a speech? He’s an adviser of the president. He has no stature. I
think that looked bad, [his being] drowned out. Why wouldn’t you… have the
vice president of the United States speaking… or a surrogate who’s
Good question. Is Obama so short of allies that he’s reduced to having
the Mr. Peachum of his administration front for him public?
The Romney camp has already shown itself to be an adept counter-puncher,
but now seems to be moving toward a more aggressive, offensive posture.
Yesterday was a series of Doolittle Raids, to test the enemy’s reactions.
The real action will come after Labor Day. The Citizens United decision
allows the GOP to match and even surpass Obama’s 2008 fund-raising prowess
(no wonder he reacted so bitterly to it), which means that the Romney
campaign will be able to deploy the big guns further down the line and pound
what’s left of Obama’s defenses into rubble.
If David Axelrod is all Obama’s got, his campaign is in bigger trouble
than any of us thought — or hoped.
Might it be so.
The country can not withstand another 4 years of Obamanomics nor can the
country's soul survive the man's soullessness.
Go Mr. Romney go... may your campaign be nothing like the McCain campaign of
1 (共1页)
Debate fact check by USA Today
WSJ: A President Without a Plan
What kind of moderator was Candy Crowley?
now i'm a bit conflicted about mitt romney
Romney 是没戏了
Bloomberg is going to be the next president of USA
Mitt Romney的竞选广告和撒切尔夫人时代竞选广告很相似的感觉...
Corportations are people too
Mitt Romney缺乏领袖风范
话题: romney话题: obama话题: mr话题: his话题: he