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USANews版 - Yes, ObamacareTax IS the Biggest Tax in American History
Obama’s Grade as President: D Plus从历史角度看, 罗姆尼不可能赢了, national election大家不用讨论了
Supporting Wisconsin’s Lt. Governor, Rebecca Kleefisch这就是现在病态的美国
其实Trump可以很轻松的应对not conservative的指控Reagan: Nancy would vote for Hillary Clinton (转载)
Schlafly: Reagan, Trump both labeled not conservative enoughReagan: Nancy would vote for Hillary Clinton (转载)
Trump所面临的形式应该和以前的Goldwater很像吧看版上的liberal vs conservative行为偏差
话题: tax话题: biggest话题: american话题: yes
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
July 5, 2012 | Posted by Warner Todd Huston
Lefties everywhere have hastened to try and absolve the ObamacareTax
claiming that it really isn’t the largest tax in American history despite
that conservatives say it is. What is their proof? Well, as a percentage of
GDP ObamacareTax is smaller than other taxes we’ve instituted in the past.
This, statistic, though, is quite misleading.
LoudTalkerBlog has crunched the numbers, but the chief take away is in this
chart, and, yes, it is the largest in total cost ever:
Talker goes on to detail why the ObamacareTax is the biggest ever.
But, if you look at the raw dollars of the deal, again using Drum’s
numbers, the cost of Obamacare is $71.18 billion dollars. (0.49% x 2010 GDP
of $14.526B). That would make it the largest tax increase ever. The second
highest dollar amount in the list? Clinton’s 1993 tax increase of $33.34
billion, which is less than half of the Obama tax increase. Third would be
GHW Bush and fourth Reagan.
Worse, those lefties that are claiming it isn’t the biggest tax ever are
leaving out all sorts of aspects to ObamacareTax in order to make its impact
In other words, they lie.
No surprise.
发帖数: 4321
Haha. Conservatives. Throat got jammed down through again.

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.3

【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: July 5, 2012 | Posted by Warner Todd Huston
: Lefties everywhere have hastened to try and absolve the ObamacareTax
: claiming that it really isn’t the largest tax in American history despite
: that conservatives say it is. What is their proof? Well, as a percentage of
: GDP ObamacareTax is smaller than other taxes we’ve instituted in the past.
: This, statistic, though, is quite misleading.
: LoudTalkerBlog has crunched the numbers, but the chief take away is in this
: chart, and, yes, it is the largest in total cost ever:
: Talker goes on to detail why the ObamacareTax is the biggest ever.
: But, if you look at the raw dollars of the deal, again using Drum’s

发帖数: 4321
1 (共1页)
笑看左呆经济理论:消费才能带动经济?!Schlafly: Reagan, Trump both labeled not conservative enough
conservative: liberal = 2:1Trump所面临的形式应该和以前的Goldwater很像吧
授人以渔 vs 授人以鱼:Conservatives 一 Liberals 价值观的对垒惊闻Uber的无人驾驶卡车又杀人了
Obama’s Grade as President: D Plus从历史角度看, 罗姆尼不可能赢了, national election大家不用讨论了
Supporting Wisconsin’s Lt. Governor, Rebecca Kleefisch这就是现在病态的美国
其实Trump可以很轻松的应对not conservative的指控Reagan: Nancy would vote for Hillary Clinton (转载)
话题: tax话题: biggest话题: american话题: yes