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USANews版 - Ft. Hood Whitewash
参议员指责联邦调查局和军方搞政治正确Boy Stops Murder Plot With Gun, Mother Raped, No Na
共和党议员: 应该允许士兵在基地里面带枪7 killed in shooting
No, Hasan and Bales Are Not Equivalent发生仅次于9-11的第二大恐怖袭击,疤蟆却要大家不要急于下结论
Radical cleric killed by drone was twice arrested with prostitutes in San Diego大部分左派突然对使用关塔纳摩拘押中心和无人飞机反恐表示支持了
"Betrayed is a good word"(ZZ from Huaren)Re: ABC JK 在 10/29 对华人新一轮的进攻 (转载)
穆斯林恐怖分子Nidal Hasan竟然是奥巴马政权移交小组中国家安全项目的一名成员!左逼无耻无敌
话题: fbi话题: hood话题: hasan话题: fort话题: report
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发帖数: 29846
Ft. Hood Whitewash
Last Updated: 11:34 PM, July 21, 2012
Posted: July 22, 2012
After a more-than-two-year review, a report released last week accuses the
FBI of having dropped the ball when it investigated the Fort Hood jihadist
before the 2009 massacre.
So — how many people will be fired?
Exactly . . . none.
That’s right: The agency might have been able to prevent the killing of 13
people by a home-grown Islamic fundamentalist, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan — but
failed to do so.
And yet, not a single FBI official will lose his or her job.
“We do not find, and do not believe, that anyone is solely responsible for
mistakes in handling the information,” concluded former FBI Director
William Webster, who conducted the probe.
“We do not believe it would be fair to hold these dedicated personnel . . .
responsible for the tragedy that occurred months later at Fort Hood.”
How convenient for the agency and its staff.
And what a blow to the victims’ families — and the rest of America.
Webster’s report determined that the agency’s probe of Hasan in the run-up
to his shooting spree was “belated, incomplete and rushed” — and
influenced by an unhealthy dose of political correctness.
Indeed, the FBI had caught on to the fact that Hasan was in regular e-mail
contact with (the now happily deceased) radical Islamic cleric Anwar al-
Awlaki nearly a year before the mass shooting.
That included messages in which Hasan expressed support for suicide bombers
— and one in which he said: “I would assume that [a] suicide bomber whose
aim is to kill enemy soldiers or their helpers, but also kills innocents in
the process is acceptable.”
Yet the FBI — like the Army — concluded that Hasan had contacted the
cleric merely “to research Islam.”
Agents in Washington, alerted to the e-mails by the FBI’s San Diego office,
expressed fears that questioning Hasan might jeopardize his military career.
And one in San Diego said he was told the matter was “politically sensitive
” and that the FBI’s Washington office “doesn’t go out and interview
every Muslim guy who visits extremist Web sites.”
Yet Americans are supposed to accept that nothing in all this FBI bungling
rises to a level that would require at least one person to be fired — not
even one.
It’s beyond outrageous.
Indeed, it’s not even clear that the report itself fully understands the
very problem that allowed the massacre to take place.
As Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) noted: “We are
concerned that the report fails to address the specific cause for the Fort
Hood attack, which is violent Islamist extremism.”
Even more political correctness, it seems.
The lawmakers also expressed skepticism “that FBI analysts are now well-
integrated into the FBI’s operations, as the report states.”
All of which means another Fort Hood-type massacre is probably no less
likely today than it was three years ago.
1 (共1页)
左逼无耻无敌Radical cleric killed by drone was twice arrested with prostitutes in San Diego
民主党众议员集体拜访有激进传统的美国清真寺示好"Betrayed is a good word"
那些打入美军内部的穆斯林烈士们穆斯林恐怖分子Nidal Hasan竟然是奥巴马政权移交小组中国家安全项目的一名成员!
参议员指责联邦调查局和军方搞政治正确Boy Stops Murder Plot With Gun, Mother Raped, No Na
共和党议员: 应该允许士兵在基地里面带枪7 killed in shooting
No, Hasan and Bales Are Not Equivalent发生仅次于9-11的第二大恐怖袭击,疤蟆却要大家不要急于下结论
话题: fbi话题: hood话题: hasan话题: fort话题: report