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USANews版 - Romney-Ryan!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!
Thoughts on Romney's 47% Statement最后的时刻快到了, 我来跟大家说说心里话吧
Santorum Attacks Romney一场想象不到的惨败,共和党的出路在何方?
debate观感:Romney最大的问题是不consistentEmail Panic From Democrats: ‘Disturbing Report’ of Overflow Crowds at Romney/Ryan Events
谁能给科普一下Romney的经济政策Democrap's true concern of Romney's plan
PAUL RYAN都没拿下他自己的州。罗姆尼没拿下麻州再说说减税,不是减税就是给你减。
Romney Is Right About the Palestinians一个亿万富翁的总统,交13%的税
Why Obama's Ads Help RomneyWashington Post: Romney now leads by 4% nationwide
做人要有诚信 (转载)期待星期四Paul Ryan kicks Biden's a**
话题: ryan话题: romney话题: yes话题: picking话题: obama
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
by Aaron Goldstein
As John Tabin has noted, multiple reports indicate that Mitt Romney will
pick Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan to be his running mate.
I must confess that I spent the afternoon putting together an article titled
, "Why Romney Won't Pick Ryan".
Never have I been happier to be wrong.
By picking Ryan, Romney has both elevated and embraced one of the leadings
lights of 21st century American conservatism. More than any other Republican
, Ryan has articulated a spirited defense of the free market, fiscal
responsibility, what limited government should like and how we pay for it.
By picking Ryan, Romney has shown he's not content to play it safe and
willing to take a risk to win the election to restore America's greatness.
By picking Ryan, Romney has put Wisconsin in play.
By picking Ryan, Romney has chosen a running mate that has gone toe to toe
with President Obama and got the better of him as was the case during the
2010 Health Care Summit in Washington, D.C. When Obama publicly insulted
Ryan to his face during a 2011 speech at George Washington University, Ryan
called an impromptu press conference and said, "Rather than building bridges
, he's poisoning wells." Ryan strikes fear in the heart of Obama.
By picking Ryan, Romney may force Obama to drop Joe Biden in favor of
Hillary Clinton or some other more formidable opponent because Ryan would
wipe the floor with Biden in a debate.
By picking Ryan, Romney has kept the future of American conservatism alive
for years to come and may have also picked a future President.
发帖数: 4321
The first private meeting between the 2 -
Romney: Fuck you, Ryan. Why do your want to reduce medicare into a voucher?
Ryan: Fuck you, Romney. Why did you sign on that Romneycare?

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.3

【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: by Aaron Goldstein
: As John Tabin has noted, multiple reports indicate that Mitt Romney will
: pick Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan to be his running mate.
: I must confess that I spent the afternoon putting together an article titled
: , "Why Romney Won't Pick Ryan".
: Never have I been happier to be wrong.
: By picking Ryan, Romney has both elevated and embraced one of the leadings
: lights of 21st century American conservatism. More than any other Republican
: , Ryan has articulated a spirited defense of the free market, fiscal
: responsibility, what limited government should like and how we pay for it.

发帖数: 5610
and then they said:
Let's fxxk those little guys, and give more money to ourselves and the

【在 P*********0 的大作中提到】
: The first private meeting between the 2 -
: Romney: Fuck you, Ryan. Why do your want to reduce medicare into a voucher?
: Ryan: Fuck you, Romney. Why did you sign on that Romneycare?
: titled
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.3

发帖数: 8992
Mitt and Ryan
发帖数: 3803

let's hope this duo will get sanity back home to america.
the comeback of American greatness relies on solely the conservatism
to put an end to the stupid extreme liberal mofos who care nothing about
the real problems this country faces but wage a class war at home and fight
an endless wars in afganhistan.
This country has had enough of liberal shits - inuf is inuf.
Send those lazy asses a message, no tax, no vote.
Apes, queers, greens, roaches, shit-chewers, and their rep ODonkey should
retreat behind the
stage and leave this country alone for good.
Looks like this will not happen voluntarily without a fight,
so let's show them some real lessons.

【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: by Aaron Goldstein
: As John Tabin has noted, multiple reports indicate that Mitt Romney will
: pick Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan to be his running mate.
: I must confess that I spent the afternoon putting together an article titled
: , "Why Romney Won't Pick Ryan".
: Never have I been happier to be wrong.
: By picking Ryan, Romney has both elevated and embraced one of the leadings
: lights of 21st century American conservatism. More than any other Republican
: , Ryan has articulated a spirited defense of the free market, fiscal
: responsibility, what limited government should like and how we pay for it.

发帖数: 921
1 (共1页)
期待星期四Paul Ryan kicks Biden's a**PAUL RYAN都没拿下他自己的州。罗姆尼没拿下麻州
我不支持RomneyRomney Is Right About the Palestinians
Romney and Ryan both look like GAYS. YARK, Disgusting pair.Why Obama's Ads Help Romney
Obama把克林顿拉的票糟蹋的差不多了做人要有诚信 (转载)
Thoughts on Romney's 47% Statement最后的时刻快到了, 我来跟大家说说心里话吧
Santorum Attacks Romney一场想象不到的惨败,共和党的出路在何方?
debate观感:Romney最大的问题是不consistentEmail Panic From Democrats: ‘Disturbing Report’ of Overflow Crowds at Romney/Ryan Events
谁能给科普一下Romney的经济政策Democrap's true concern of Romney's plan
话题: ryan话题: romney话题: yes话题: picking话题: obama