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USANews版 - Douchebag Of The Day – Debbie Wasserman Schultz
The Alternate Universe of DemocratsWasserman Schultz booed off stage in Philadelphia
Anderson Cooper Does His Job奥巴马发声明,把wasserman夸得一朵花似的
Childlike Democrats Offer ‘Prebuttal’ to Marco Rubio’s SOTU Rebuttal黑客当心了,FBI来抓你们了!
Sanders: DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz needs to go又一个猪队友:“让我们把希拉里扛进白宫!”(视频)
话题: schultz话题: wasserman话题: debbie话题: day话题: douchebag
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
August 12, 2012 by Doug Johnson
Appearing on “Fox News Sunday,” Democratic National Committee Chair Rep.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) claims not to know the political affiliation
of those behind the controversial Priorities USA Super PAC ad that implies
that Mitt Romney is somehow connected with the death of Joe Soptic’s (Joe
The Bummer) wife. When host John Roberts helpfully reminds Wasserman Schultz
that the Super PAC is headed by Bill Burton, a former Obama White House
Deputy Press Secretary, she still claims ignorance. Then, of course she
embraces the ad.
In addition to Burton, we already know who else is bankrolling this ad,
Hollywood elites like Bill Maher, Morgan Freeman, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven
Spielberg, and JJ Abrams. You can be sure that you’ll see all of them at
the Democratic National Convention working with Wasserman Schultz and other
party leaders.
发帖数: 1397
D-bag of the day? ha, this broad is easily the D-bag of the year - or D-bag
of the D-party, "literally".


【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: August 12, 2012 by Doug Johnson
: Appearing on “Fox News Sunday,” Democratic National Committee Chair Rep.
: Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) claims not to know the political affiliation
: of those behind the controversial Priorities USA Super PAC ad that implies
: that Mitt Romney is somehow connected with the death of Joe Soptic’s (Joe
: The Bummer) wife. When host John Roberts helpfully reminds Wasserman Schultz
: that the Super PAC is headed by Bill Burton, a former Obama White House
: Deputy Press Secretary, she still claims ignorance. Then, of course she
: embraces the ad.
: In addition to Burton, we already know who else is bankrolling this ad,

发帖数: 3803

no surprise, after the liberal gunslinging biatch nancy peloci got mug-shot,
another brain-dead liberal mad cow has to take the stage to continue the job
of misinforming the nation so to advance their shady agenda. All in all they
do this just to keep controlling our hard-earned money. Odumba is peak of
all clowns as compulsive liar and schmo who can't do math but like to direct
nation's budget.

【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: August 12, 2012 by Doug Johnson
: Appearing on “Fox News Sunday,” Democratic National Committee Chair Rep.
: Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) claims not to know the political affiliation
: of those behind the controversial Priorities USA Super PAC ad that implies
: that Mitt Romney is somehow connected with the death of Joe Soptic’s (Joe
: The Bummer) wife. When host John Roberts helpfully reminds Wasserman Schultz
: that the Super PAC is headed by Bill Burton, a former Obama White House
: Deputy Press Secretary, she still claims ignorance. Then, of course she
: embraces the ad.
: In addition to Burton, we already know who else is bankrolling this ad,

发帖数: 4321
Romney is connected to the wife's death, according to the steel worker.
He is entitled to his opinion.
By the way, why T-bags cry foul this time?
Don't they remember that they claimed that Obama was running the death panel
and unplugged the grandma?


【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: August 12, 2012 by Doug Johnson
: Appearing on “Fox News Sunday,” Democratic National Committee Chair Rep.
: Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) claims not to know the political affiliation
: of those behind the controversial Priorities USA Super PAC ad that implies
: that Mitt Romney is somehow connected with the death of Joe Soptic’s (Joe
: The Bummer) wife. When host John Roberts helpfully reminds Wasserman Schultz
: that the Super PAC is headed by Bill Burton, a former Obama White House
: Deputy Press Secretary, she still claims ignorance. Then, of course she
: embraces the ad.
: In addition to Burton, we already know who else is bankrolling this ad,

1 (共1页)
看过James O'Keefe的视频后 再回头看Seth Rich的死恭喜版上川粉,川普民调领先优势扩大
阿桑奇:Russian government not the source of WikiLeaks emailsSanders: DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz needs to go
The Alternate Universe of DemocratsWasserman Schultz booed off stage in Philadelphia
Anderson Cooper Does His Job奥巴马发声明,把wasserman夸得一朵花似的
Childlike Democrats Offer ‘Prebuttal’ to Marco Rubio’s SOTU Rebuttal黑客当心了,FBI来抓你们了!
话题: schultz话题: wasserman话题: debbie话题: day话题: douchebag