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USANews版 - Fighting for Jobs...Asking for Money
Romney Rebounds....Takes Debate and Makes It a RaceWDT: Gouverneur mayor will file for bankruptcy
why we fight everydayOwens: Quick deal on federal budget possible....After the Election
ACORN office in Vegas raided in voter-fraud probeWDT: The Tingle is Gone....We Want Romney
FT:美前政府官员支持华为在美交易NY同学赶紧去买彩票阿 500million阿
破产的有关地球环境变化的预言Watertown Pulls Plug On Electric Car Chargers | WWNY TV 7
Is History Repeating Itself in New York?民主党是铁了心要跟枪权干一仗了
A theory to explain the insanity of the ATF's 'Fast and Furious' gun smuggling program看一下Boston警方怎么抓住炸弹案疑犯的
话题: fighting话题: doheny话题: asking话题: money话题: jobs
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
With the stretch drive ahead, the candidates in the only big time local
race are competing for attention and dollars.
Today I got an email from the Doheny campaign asking for a $110 donation
to help pay for mailings, signs and advertising.
One assumes the Owens campaign is shaking the tree too.
Meanwhile Mr. Doheny was first up with a commercial on television....A
"fighting for jobs" appeal.
I just want as much federal largesse slathered on Watertown as possible
so I can live my golden years in relative prosperity.. I have a job...And
Armegeddon is still far enough off it doesn't bother me.
I don't care about abortion, gay marriage or water levels on bodies of
water I no longer recreate on.
I also want a Congressman from the city I live in.....Guess that
settles that....and if I can wear my JETS jersey and throw some footballs to
adoring crowds...Well, that's icing on the cake.
1 (共1页)
研究证明降税能促进经济和增加就业Is History Repeating Itself in New York?
Josh Duggar: 每个孩子都应该有父亲和母亲A theory to explain the insanity of the ATF's 'Fast and Furious' gun smuggling program
'Victims Of Homofascism' Will Take To The Streets Against G (转载)奥巴马带来的改变:30%年轻成年人住在父母家
Romney Rebounds....Takes Debate and Makes It a RaceWDT: Gouverneur mayor will file for bankruptcy
why we fight everydayOwens: Quick deal on federal budget possible....After the Election
ACORN office in Vegas raided in voter-fraud probeWDT: The Tingle is Gone....We Want Romney
FT:美前政府官员支持华为在美交易NY同学赶紧去买彩票阿 500million阿
话题: fighting话题: doheny话题: asking话题: money话题: jobs