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USANews版 - CNN's desperate plea to the Blacks and gays
大家有没有感觉媒体已经在转向Even CNN&MSNBC say that Romney walked away with this debate.
[总统辩论] 第一场辩论 收视指南奥巴马为何辩论惨败 作者:曹长青
[合集] CNN把煤矿的东西不提倒是放了个布什的大照片Candy Crowly:典型的CNN亲黑派
Fox News收视率横扫美国有线电视市场,竞争对手CNN和MSNBC都遇到收视率下跌NBC 15日终于承认,Sandy Hook没有用AR15 (转载)
Pew: Fox News Channel America’s No.1 Source for TV NewsBoston事件证明foxnews是The Most Trusted Name In News
CNN john king光荣的献了PY媒体唯一关心的是收视率
Democrap's true concern of Romney's plan刚才FNC panel一个嘉宾说得好
Shame on 80-20foxnews比cnn和msnbc收视率高很多
话题: cnn话题: blacks话题: msnbc话题: plea话题: audience
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 850
CNN now becomes the second headquarter of Obama re-election campaign.
CNN hates Fox becomes many conversative-leaning audience switch to Fox.
CNN hates MSNBC become very liberal democrats switch to MSNBC.
CNN becomes more and more liberal and promotes racial division everyday,
more than 50% of CNN programs have to talk about racial profiling, racial
discrimination, blacks.
MSNBC competes with CNN for blacks audience, MSNBC recently invites the
second biggest black political figure Al Sharpton as a primetime host. This
beats CNN badly.
CNN's plea to the blacks just fialed.
Well,CNN's last plea is to use Anderson Cooper for the gay lesbian audience.
1 (共1页)
foxnews比cnn和msnbc收视率高很多Pew: Fox News Channel America’s No.1 Source for TV News
CNN Ratings Return to Embarrassing Lows »CNN john king光荣的献了PY
2013电视新闻频道排名:CNN最差,Fox独占鳌头Democrap's true concern of Romney's plan
Fox在和CNN/MSNBC的竞争中大获全胜Shame on 80-20
大家有没有感觉媒体已经在转向Even CNN&MSNBC say that Romney walked away with this debate.
[总统辩论] 第一场辩论 收视指南奥巴马为何辩论惨败 作者:曹长青
[合集] CNN把煤矿的东西不提倒是放了个布什的大照片Candy Crowly:典型的CNN亲黑派
Fox News收视率横扫美国有线电视市场,竞争对手CNN和MSNBC都遇到收视率下跌NBC 15日终于承认,Sandy Hook没有用AR15 (转载)
话题: cnn话题: blacks话题: msnbc话题: plea话题: audience