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USANews版 - Obama isn't Carter
Mitt Romney's Time to Choose
2016支持谁: Hillary Clinton v.s. Mitt Romney
Michael Reagan: Welcome Back, Dad
GOP chief: Republicans 'screwed up' after Reagan
有用的左派白痴!Paul Kengor新书
Dueling Narratives: Reagan vs. Obama
O8 on vacation
Nobody Will Beat Obama In 2012
话题: carter话题: obama话题: romney话题: 1980话题: today
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1637
The American Debate: TO NOVEMBER AND AFTER
It was in the fall of 2010, during a break in the taping of a TV talk show,
when I first heard the GOP's operative theory about the election of 2012. A
conservative activist leaned toward me with a smile and excitedly intoned
two magic words:
"Jimmy Carter."
And there it was. The template for beating Barack Obama would be Ronald
Reagan's victory over the beleaguered Democratic incumbent of 1980. Indeed,
Mitt Romney's people keep insisting that, just like in 1980, a bad economy
will trigger a late surge toward the Republican challenger, and game over.
But with our presidential election just seven weeks away, the flaws in the
Romney game theory have become glaringly obvious:
1. By several significant measures, today's economy isn't as bad as it was
in 1980.
2. Barack Obama is not Jimmy Carter.
3. Mitt Romney - do I really need to say this? - is not Ronald Reagan.
Those of us who were adults in 1980 remember what the economy was like. The
jobless rate back then seems tame by today's standards (it was roughly 7
percent), but the real issue was the inflation rate. Today it is minimal; in
1980, it was nearly 16 percent. That was Carter's main economic albatross.
Whether you had a job or not, you got whacked big time whenever you went to
the supermarket. And everyone was still sore about the energy crisis of 1979
, when it became necessary to queue up in long lines just to pump gas.
发帖数: 10233
he is not carter, he is worse than carter.


【在 f*********g 的大作中提到】
: The American Debate: TO NOVEMBER AND AFTER
: It was in the fall of 2010, during a break in the taping of a TV talk show,
: when I first heard the GOP's operative theory about the election of 2012. A
: conservative activist leaned toward me with a smile and excitedly intoned
: two magic words:
: "Jimmy Carter."
: And there it was. The template for beating Barack Obama would be Ronald
: Reagan's victory over the beleaguered Democratic incumbent of 1980. Indeed,
: Mitt Romney's people keep insisting that, just like in 1980, a bad economy

发帖数: 789
he is way better than t-bags Romney and Ryan

【在 y****t 的大作中提到】
: he is not carter, he is worse than carter.
: ,
: A
: ,

发帖数: 10233
why you hate middle class so much and want them to pay more tax?

【在 m*****e 的大作中提到】
: he is way better than t-bags Romney and Ryan
发帖数: 29846
Oh, no, of course not, he is worse than Carter.
发帖数: 956
Here is the simple reason why middle class has to pay more tax.
There are only three people left in the US, the poor does not pay tax so you
can't count on them. The rich has been paying too much so their tax needs
to be cut, they also make huge sacrifice to invest their hard earn money to
create jobs that middle class is dependent on to feed their family. So it is
Middle class's fair share and moral requirement to pay more tax.

【在 y****t 的大作中提到】
: why you hate middle class so much and want them to pay more tax?
发帖数: 789
why your t-bags so idiot don't understand shit?

【在 y****t 的大作中提到】
: why you hate middle class so much and want them to pay more tax?
1 (共1页)
Nobody Will Beat Obama In 2012
Teaser: Facts for REPUBLICANS
Laugh of the Day: ‘President Obama: The Democrats’ Ronald Reagan’
Obama Snags Key Nanny-Stater Endorsement
Ronald Reagan makes feel there might still be hope for America
To My Dear Socialist Friends
GOP的支持者应该move on了
话题: carter话题: obama话题: romney话题: 1980话题: today