

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
USANews版 - More Blasphemy! by wheatington
ARGUMENT Islam Is a Religion of Violence (转载)New Handbook for US Military
Islamism at UCLA Law SchoolAn open letter to Ben Affleck ZZ
Yes, Virginia, FGM is Islamic巴拉克-侯赛因-奥巴马的穆斯林童年
I won’t be a dictator! Hahaha!!!UK连bombing suspect的名字都不敢release
为什么穆斯林仇恨我们?Allah; hateful, sadistic & evil
TRUMP支持者指出伊斯兰法根据定义,已经被排除在移民之列Wilders not guilty on all counts - Update
不接受穆斯林移民的法律依据奥巴马:“sweetest sound is Muslim call to prayer”
荷兰反伊斯兰议员Geert Wilder在国会演讲中向首相喊话和平教的“和平”是撒谎
话题: islam话题: your话题: mohamed话题: muslims
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
For all you libtards who think criticising Islam should be banned. Shut up.
I don’t want to hear you.
See how restrictions of free speech works? It quickly whips around and bite
your tuchas.
Libtards, I was only joshing ya. I enjoy your comments. In a world of very
little good news, your inane musings bring a chuckle or two. Though, my
humour is tempered by your incredible and predictable hypocrisy. Why are
you never on the side of Christians? Or whites? Or men? Or the rich? Or
heterosexuals? Or the Second Amendment? Or America?
I had another rash of death threats. Muslims take exception to me quoting
the Koran or the hadiths. Apparently, kafirs are not allowed to do that. It
irritates Muslims that some kafirs know more about Islam than they do. I
guess. Anyway, you Anonymous Muslim barrows, your email has been passed
along to the appropriate authorities. You do realize that IP address look
ups are easily done, don’t you.
Your threats hearten me. I must be rubbing raw nerves. You can’t justify
the actions of your psychopathic prophet. You deny him. You tell me that the
hadiths called sahih (authentic) are fraudulent. You commit apostasy.
Nothing in your filthy Islam can disprove what I know about Mohamed. He was
a liar a looter a rapist a murderer and a pedophile. I learned all of this
from Islamic sources only.
Islam is the blight of mankind. Mohamed is the most evil person ever born.
Muslims are evil. Every one of them wages jihad or supports those who do.
If you are not a Nazi, don;t call yourself one. Simple.
It is Almost Midnight in the West. Libtards are welcome to try to disprove
anything I say about Mohamed. You can’t. But give it a try.
Here’s some love from the barbarians or is that savages?
1 (共1页)
Ann Barnhardt Fights Totalitarian Islam and Its Useful IdiotsTRUMP支持者指出伊斯兰法根据定义,已经被排除在移民之列
Don’t pretend Paris terror attack has nothing to do with Islam荷兰反伊斯兰议员Geert Wilder在国会演讲中向首相喊话
ARGUMENT Islam Is a Religion of Violence (转载)New Handbook for US Military
Islamism at UCLA Law SchoolAn open letter to Ben Affleck ZZ
Yes, Virginia, FGM is Islamic巴拉克-侯赛因-奥巴马的穆斯林童年
I won’t be a dictator! Hahaha!!!UK连bombing suspect的名字都不敢release
话题: islam话题: your话题: mohamed话题: muslims