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USANews版 - CNN: Candy Crowley gave Obama more time during the debate because he talks more slowly or something
CNN Defends Reporting On Slain Ambassador's Diary这个candy crowley的职业是不是毁了?
Candy Crowley现在承认她主持辩论时撒谎了各位是看fox多还是cnn多
breaking news, Candy Crowley 道歉了,o8的Rose Garde演讲根本没有提恐怖袭击A reminder about the last plant-infested, CNN-run town hall debate
今天最差的是主持人CNN reports commission admits trump's audio device issue
右媒和美国共和党果然猛烈攻击主持人Candy偏袒了quora牛人关于cnn fake news的解读
今天晚上辩论总结 ( 55% 对 45%)CNN又有Benghazi爆料
On September 20, White House Denied Calling Benghazi a Terror Attack民猪党真是全人类的公敌
看了Bill O"Reilly对bama的采访了嘛?原来上吊自杀的Bourdain 那个CNN名人刚骂过老克!
话题: obama话题: candy话题: crowley话题: more话题: cnn
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发帖数: 29846
CNN: Candy Crowley gave Obama more time during the debate because he talks
more slowly or something
Posted By Jim Treacher On 11:06 AM 10/18/2012 @ 11:06 AM In DC Exclusives,DC
Yesterday, we learned that despite all of Obama’s whining about not getting
equal time during Tuesday’s debate, he actually talked for four minutes
longer. And I joked that he needed that extra time for all his muttering and
stuttering and “Uh, uh, uhhhhhh.”
Well, guess what?
TMZ broke this story, which tells you something about the state of the news
industry, I suppose:
CNN’s Managing Editor sent an email around the office today, praising
Candy Crowley and trying to blunt criticism that she was unfair to Mitt
The email — sent by Mark Whitaker and obtained by TMZ — is almost a
series of talking points to address Candy’s critics.
It’s what you’d expect: Crowley did a great job, her Benghazi “fact-check
” was fake but accurate, Romney’s just a big crybaby, etc.
And then the best part. Whitaker actually wrote down these words and sent
them to people who work for him:
“On why Obama got more time to speak, it should be noted that Candy and
her commission producers tried to keep it even but that Obama went on
longer largely because he speaks more slowly. We’re going to do a word
count to see whether, as in Denver, Romney actually got more words in even
if he talked for a shorter period of time.”
A word count. Seriously.
Once again, rules are rules unless they interfere with Obama’s ambitions. (
Right, Michelle?)
But hey, so what if Crowley constantly interrupted Romney, fact-checked him
with facts that weren’t actually facts, and gave Obama more time because he
’s such a precious angel with such big thoughts in his head that it takes
him a minute to get them all out? What does that have to do with anything?
Four more years!
发帖数: 61690
1 (共1页)
原来上吊自杀的Bourdain 那个CNN名人刚骂过老克!右媒和美国共和党果然猛烈攻击主持人Candy偏袒了
candy说巴马给她使眼色,她才觉得不得不说今天晚上辩论总结 ( 55% 对 45%)
Candy Crowly:典型的CNN亲黑派On September 20, White House Denied Calling Benghazi a Terror Attack
CNN Special Report:看了Bill O"Reilly对bama的采访了嘛?
CNN Defends Reporting On Slain Ambassador's Diary这个candy crowley的职业是不是毁了?
Candy Crowley现在承认她主持辩论时撒谎了各位是看fox多还是cnn多
breaking news, Candy Crowley 道歉了,o8的Rose Garde演讲根本没有提恐怖袭击A reminder about the last plant-infested, CNN-run town hall debate
今天最差的是主持人CNN reports commission admits trump's audio device issue
话题: obama话题: candy话题: crowley话题: more话题: cnn