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USANews版 - Republican Randy Altschuler Pulling Ahead of Rep Tim Bishop in NY
THOMAS SOWELL: Will the GOP Blow IT西雅图的白左市长辞职了
How Conservatives Can Win in Blue-State America今天这个accuser Moore应该要单独回应一下
和党雇了个女律师来问话Moore 继续辟谣,MSM继续忽视
Graham 狠狠地punch back决定了,星期四投票。。。
Beating the Racism CardKavanaugh accuser has not yet accepted invitation to testi
MSM报道相当阴险背精人说的public opinion
话题: bishop话题: altschuler话题: new话题: he话题: york
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发帖数: 29846
In 2010, Republican Randy Altschuler lost by 692 votes to Democrat Tim
Bishop, the incumbent Congressman representing New York's first
congressional district that covers Suffolk County – the eastern end of Long
Island. Altschuler said then that Bishop was a part of the problem in
Washington and Bishop, the Democrat, proved him to be right.
In 2012, Bishop got caught soliciting campaign donations from a constituent
in what seems to be a classic pay-to-play scheme in which Bishop received $
10,000 in campaign contributions for helping the constituent obtain a
fireworks permit.
Even the “nonpartisan” Citizens for the Responsibility and Ethics in
Washington (CREW), an organization that has been harsher on Republican than
Democrats, has tagged Bishop as one of the “most corrupt” members of
Congress for his pay-to-play tactics. Newspapers are calling on Bishop to be
investigated, because he helped a constituent obtain permits to hold a
fireworks show while suggesting he donate $10,000 to Bishop for the favor.
Outside groups have run ads against Bishop accusing him of abusing his power
, and Altschuler has run a commercial accusing Bishop of trying to cover up
the scandal and being “everything that is wrong with Washington.”
“There are no good guys right now in Washington,” Altschuler, the
Republican, said at a debate this month. “You’ve got a problem with both
parties. They’ve created the mess we’ve got right now. And that’s why,
frankly, I want to replace one of the people who’s helped create that mess.”
These attacks are sticking, for polls show Altschuler with a slight lead
over Bishop going into the home stretch, even though Bishop has outspent him
by a three-to-one margin.
Since Bishop has been in Congress, he has voted for over a trillion dollars
in higher taxes, billions of dollars in wasteful spending, and to increase
the debt limit while 45,000 people on Long Island have experienced
Altschuler is running on his business experience at a time when the economy
is the top priority among nearly all voters.
Altschuler’s grandparents immigrated to New York from Poland after the
World War I. He graduated from New York City’s public schools and then went
on to Princeton University, working his way through college. He also
received an MBA from Harvard.
After receiving his degrees, Altschuler put them to use. He is currently the
Executive Chairman of Cloudblue, which he co-founded. The company has “has
sixteen facilities across the country and has created over 400 American
jobs” while being a “leading provider of recycling services for electronic
equipment, including computers, servers, printers and smart phones.”
Prior to CloudBlue, Altschuler co-founded and was CEO of OfficeTiger, “a
company dedicated to upgrading business support services and bolstering the
job market,” which, under Altschuler, “created over 4,000 jobs in the
United States and around the globe prior to its acquisition by RR Donnelley
in April of 2006.” The business started in a one-bedroom apartment.
Altschuler was also “selected by Institutional Investor as one of the top
influencers in the finance industry and was named a winner in the New York
Top Ten Awards by the Executive Council of New York” and is a member of the
Smithtown Chamber of Commerce and “an active participant with New Yorkers
for Growth.”
He is married to Cheryl Altschuler, a practicing pediatrician in Shirley and
Port Jefferson -- they reside in St. James with their young son Noah and
newborn daughter Sasha.
This rematch will be one of the more closely-watched races down the stretch
and on election day.
发帖数: 4324
呵呵,pay to play,无节制的贪婪和没有原则,正是俺讨厌大部分民主党大佬的原因。
1 (共1页)
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How Conservatives Can Win in Blue-State America今天这个accuser Moore应该要单独回应一下
和党雇了个女律师来问话Moore 继续辟谣,MSM继续忽视
话题: bishop话题: altschuler话题: new话题: he话题: york