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USANews版 - 乖乖!Romney开始威胁选民了
Unemployment rate cooked by White House
投了。early vote最后一天
Romney's real problem
Poll: Media Out of Touch on Voter ID Laws, 83% Approve
九千多个人去romney fb骂了他
话题: romney话题: economy话题: he话题: obama话题: gop
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3942
Romney: Elect Me Or House GOP Will Wreck The Economy
By Benjy Sarlin | TPM – 20 hrs ago
In what his campaign billed as his "closing argument," Mitt Romney warned
Americans that a second term for President Obama would have apocalyptic
consequences for the economy in part because his own party would force a
debt ceiling disaster.
"Unless we change course, we may well be looking at another recession,"
Romney told a crowd in West Allis, Wisconsin.
Romney said that Obama "promised to be a post-partisan president, but he
became the most partisan" and that his bitter relations with the House GOP
could threaten the economy. As his chief example, he pointed to a crisis
created entirely by his own party's choice -- Republican lawmakers' ongoing
threat to reject a debt ceiling increase. Economists warn that a failure to
pass such a measure would have immediate and catastrophic consequences for
the recovery.
"You know that if the President is re-elected, he will still be unable to
work with the people in Congress," Romney said. "He has ignored them,
attacked them, blamed them. The debt ceiling will come up again, and
shutdown and default will be threatened, chilling the economy."
Despite the apocalyptic warnings on the economy, most of the Republican
nominee's speech focused on a more modest argument that as president he
would work with both sides to build a stronger economy. He said that, like
Obama, "I promise change, but I have a record of achieving it."
"I won't spend my effort trying to pass partisan legislation that's
unrelated to economic growth," Romney said. "From day one, I will go to work
to help Americans get back to work."
Romney's warnings of a second recession came the same day as an unexpectedly
strong jobs report which, combined with other recent indicators, has many
economists hopeful that the recovery may be gaining strength. Many current
projections show the economy picking up steam in the near term regardless of
who wins the presidency, leading to speculation on a looming battle over
who deserves the credit.
With four days left, Romney may need an exceptionally strong close to
overcome the president in the electoral college. The overwhelming majority
of polls show Obama with a modest but stable lead in critical swing states,
most notably Ohio, and other potentially decisive states like Virginia and
Colorado remain tossups at best.
发帖数: 1875

【在 z****0 的大作中提到】
: Romney: Elect Me Or House GOP Will Wreck The Economy
: By Benjy Sarlin | TPM – 20 hrs ago
: In what his campaign billed as his "closing argument," Mitt Romney warned
: Americans that a second term for President Obama would have apocalyptic
: consequences for the economy in part because his own party would force a
: debt ceiling disaster.
: "Unless we change course, we may well be looking at another recession,"
: Romney told a crowd in West Allis, Wisconsin.
: Romney said that Obama "promised to be a post-partisan president, but he

发帖数: 3942
跟前一阵一个Resort的老板类似,告诉员工:You are all fired if Obama is re-

【在 l**1 的大作中提到】
: 资本家都是吸血鬼!
发帖数: 1875
That's why we want to fire Romney right now! on Tuesday!

【在 z****0 的大作中提到】
: 跟前一阵一个Resort的老板类似,告诉员工:You are all fired if Obama is re-
: elected.

发帖数: 3942
Some comments after this news.
my 3 yr old niece, told my mom 38 yrs ago, if she didnt buy her the candy at
the check out she would mother told her go ahead and I will
spank your #$%$....she didnt get the candy!! She didnt scream either!!
If what Mitt says is true, maybe the solution is to elect a Congress that is
willing to work. Otherwise, we are just treating the symptoms and not the
...when lies don't work any more, try threats
Ahhh! The truth be told. The GOP will attempt to ruin the economy for
revenge. Traitors!
This article tells me exactly how desperate Romney and Ryan are right now.
Romney has finally stooped to thinly failed threats which I am sure the Gop
and bought obstructionist legislators in Congress plan to carry out. What I
believe is Romney will lose, and the radical Republican legislators will go
on with their planned crap. But it will backfire, their leverage is gone,
the sequestor is in their faces and the Norquist pledge ends.The Moderate
Republicans will grow a spine again because they will fear not getting re-
elected by their constituants more than Rove and radicals threats to kill
them in the primaries. The Repulican party will be heading for a big
transformation or a violent split.
He must be desperate, Romney just made America an offer they can't refuse,
some "protection" from GOP thugs "'cause, you know, sometimes bad things can
happen when you don't got protection".
发帖数: 7340

【在 z****0 的大作中提到】
: Romney: Elect Me Or House GOP Will Wreck The Economy
: By Benjy Sarlin | TPM – 20 hrs ago
: In what his campaign billed as his "closing argument," Mitt Romney warned
: Americans that a second term for President Obama would have apocalyptic
: consequences for the economy in part because his own party would force a
: debt ceiling disaster.
: "Unless we change course, we may well be looking at another recession,"
: Romney told a crowd in West Allis, Wisconsin.
: Romney said that Obama "promised to be a post-partisan president, but he

发帖数: 1875
without AA, you yellow chinaman has zero chance to go to college.

【在 Q****r 的大作中提到】
: 与其说服华人支持8020实现你的政治理想,让民主党重视你,还不如看看华人真的需求
: 什么,帮助华人获利来支持你,当你背后有人的时候,两个政党都会重视你。显然你本
: 末倒置,居然支持AA,还想说服大家,你当这里的人是傻子么?别把大家当作你往上爬
: 的梯子

发帖数: 2539
A lot of yellow chinamen went to college and graduate school and excelled
long before the black civil right movement.

【在 l**1 的大作中提到】
: without AA, you yellow chinaman has zero chance to go to college.
发帖数: 1875
they have to very high tuition fees, colleges are not free for yellowman.

【在 g********w 的大作中提到】
: A lot of yellow chinamen went to college and graduate school and excelled
: long before the black civil right movement.

发帖数: 2539
when the fuck did we get free college education for everyone? College is not
a right, its a privilege. Earn it, libtards!

【在 l**1 的大作中提到】
: they have to very high tuition fees, colleges are not free for yellowman.
1 (共1页)
九千多个人去romney fb骂了他
只要 Karl Rove这种人还是共和党的strategiest
GOP 大佬和议员们闹场的最大危害
now i'm a bit conflicted about mitt romney
Bloomberg is going to be the next president of USA
话题: romney话题: economy话题: he话题: obama话题: gop