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USANews版 - Lindsey Stone And Jamie Schuh Lost Their Jobs Over Infamous Facebook Photo
Boardwalk Empire 《大西洋帝国》里跟恋童癖有关的情节WE THE PEOPLE,建制派不要忘了林肯的话
Mike Enoch's Anti-Semitic speech in Washington D.C. (转载)为啥老床选的人都这么够意思!!!
Scott Brown carried Ted Kennedy's home precinct in HyannisKhan-flict: Freedom Fighter Son, Sharia Supremacist Father
这就是力薄肉如何阉割这个国家,荒唐至极 (转载)Really, How Trump Should Have Responded to the Khans’ Words?
└ Re: Re: 大家说小巴有可能连任么Caine这个250唯一的作用
美国每年11月向退伍军人表达敬意建议美新版的题头改用林肯的"Government of the people, by the people, for the people"
Obama Sandy Aid Bill Filled With Holiday Goodies Unrelated to Storm Damage床铺在高球场给俱乐部成员准备的墓地
穆斯林要求公共墓地把一个死者的墓地迁走'F--k Jackie Chan' and 'Ching Chong' Spray Painted in Ceme (转载)
话题: stone话题: lindsey话题: life话题: schuh话题: facebook
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
The non-profit where Lindsey Stone and Jamie Schuh worked yesterday no
longer employs the two women behind the photo we first highlighted yesterday
. LIFE- Living Independently Forever, announced the following on Facebook:
We wish to announce that the two employees recently involved in the
Arlington Cemetery incident are no longer employees of LIFE. Again, we
deeply regret any disrespect to members of the military and their families.
The incident and publicity has been very upsetting to the learning disabled
population we serve. To protect our residents, any comments, however well-
intentioned, will be deleted. We appreciate your concern and understanding
as we focus on the care of our community.
The Boston Herald is reporting the following:
Lindsey Stone — the Plymouth woman taking an online beating for posting
a photo of herself flipping the bird at Arlington National Cemetery on
Facebook — has lost her job.
“Lindsey resigned and we accepted her resignation,” LIFE Inc. CEO
Diane Enochs told the Herald tonight.
LIFE Inc. of Hyannis — a Cape Cod nonprofit that helps adults with
special needs — announced tonight that Stone, along with the woman who
snapped the offending photo, are not working there.
They don’t mention whether Schuh resigned or was terminated. I suspect that
they were both given the opportunity to resign before the non-profit fired
Happy now internet?
1 (共1页)
'F--k Jackie Chan' and 'Ching Chong' Spray Painted in Ceme (转载)└ Re: Re: 大家说小巴有可能连任么
针对亚裔的hate crime来了:就是昨天就在纽约美国每年11月向退伍军人表达敬意
「邦聯」紀念物 南加大清除Obama Sandy Aid Bill Filled With Holiday Goodies Unrelated to Storm Damage
Boardwalk Empire 《大西洋帝国》里跟恋童癖有关的情节WE THE PEOPLE,建制派不要忘了林肯的话
Mike Enoch's Anti-Semitic speech in Washington D.C. (转载)为啥老床选的人都这么够意思!!!
Scott Brown carried Ted Kennedy's home precinct in HyannisKhan-flict: Freedom Fighter Son, Sharia Supremacist Father
这就是力薄肉如何阉割这个国家,荒唐至极 (转载)Really, How Trump Should Have Responded to the Khans’ Words?
话题: stone话题: lindsey话题: life话题: schuh话题: facebook