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USANews版 - 欧盟说没有必要对Monsanto的转基因玉米再做新的研究
WSJ: France Drops Monsanto Challenge如果哈桑不是伊斯兰恐怖分子,谁是?
反转基因运动风起云涌 4: 崔永元终于盼来了部委对转基因的回复New York,就是TMD人间地狱
你杀我的飞行员,我就把监狱里面的ISIS全部杀掉veggie libel law and the freedom of speech
多年未失准 美两个大选预测指川普胜出保守党赢得加拿大大选,166席
mini Berlusconi?打碎你的美国梦 is just bullshit
连遭仇恨枪击,印度移民家庭反思美国梦WSJ: France Raises Taxes in Tough Budget
小克和黑人混的下场 - [NYT] Cold Shoulders美国科技发达,但在转基因粮食政策上可能已经铸下大错
话题: study话题: monsanto话题: rats话题: eu话题: seralini
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
EU: No Need for New Study on Monsanto Corn .
The European Union Food Safety Authority said Wednesday that there is no
need to reevaluate the safety of genetically engineered corn made by
Monsanto Co. MON +0.09% because a study linking the crop to cancer in rats
published in September had serious defects in its design and methodology.
The EU's decision comes after the French government said last month it would
no longer pursue an immediate ban on EU imports of the corn made by the St.
Louis-based chemicals giant, known as NK603, after French food safety
regulator ANSES also decided the study was flawed.
ANSES said the number of rats included in the study was too small to make
any finding statistically significant.
The University of Caen study, led by Gilles-Eric Seralini, concluded that
rats fed for two years on NK603 corn, or exposed to the company's Roundup
brand of glyphosate weed killer designed to be used with the corn, developed
more tumors and other severe diseases than a control group fed regular corn
. The study also found that rats exposed to Roundup exhibited more disease
symptoms than the test group.
Monsanto officials responded to the study saying they didn't believe it
presented any information that justified a change on the approval of NK603
imports or broader views on the safety of the genetically modified products.
"Conclusions cannot be regarded as scientifically sound because of
inadequacies in the design, reporting and analysis of the study as outlined
in the paper," the EFSA said in a statement. "Consequently, it is not
possible to draw valid conclusions about the occurrence of tumors in the
rats tested, based on the information published by Seralini et al."
The EFSA made similar criticisms of the paper last month, but also requested
additional information from the study's authors related to experimental
design, reporting and analysis of findings to help inform its final
assessment. "No such material had reached the Authority before publication
of this statement," it said.
Mr. Seralini wasn't immediately available for comment Wednesday. After the
ANSES decision last month, he said he stood by the results of his two-year
Before reaching its final conclusions, the EFSA said it considered
independent assessments of the Seralini study by organizations in the EU
member states of Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy and the
1 (共1页)
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加州共和国要求嫖娼合法化小克和黑人混的下场 - [NYT] Cold Shoulders
WSJ: France Drops Monsanto Challenge如果哈桑不是伊斯兰恐怖分子,谁是?
反转基因运动风起云涌 4: 崔永元终于盼来了部委对转基因的回复New York,就是TMD人间地狱
你杀我的飞行员,我就把监狱里面的ISIS全部杀掉veggie libel law and the freedom of speech
多年未失准 美两个大选预测指川普胜出保守党赢得加拿大大选,166席
话题: study话题: monsanto话题: rats话题: eu话题: seralini